Polite & Friendly's


Got banned out of the blue for NOTHING

Capt_nixonFri Jul 20, 2012 9:39 pm

You know, I just got banned from your server today for no reason I can figure, I was just playing along, I killed a few guys, then wam, banned....is that what you call " polite", you must have some real doozie for admins....thanks for NOT living up to your name.   Good luck banning people who kill your admins.....-Mike
Twisted Evil
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bigconnFri Jul 20, 2012 9:52 pm

first sometimes a kick will show as a ban - have you tried to reconnect to the server?
too many team kills can also do a kick, BF3's doing not ours.
using foul language would warrant a kick after warnings.
foul language toward another player, Admin or Server will result in a kick and a ban.

These are the rules for our BF3 Servers you can review them by clicking on the rules tab at the top of the webpage.
Rule 1 - No Bunny Hopping!
This rule is to help promote server realism. Bunny hopping to avoid fire represents one thing you can do in a video game that you would not do under normal circumstances in wartime. You would not REPEATEDLY jump when under fire or around a blind corner.

Rule 2 - Team kills
As you already know friendly fire is enabled on our server. You don`t have to apologize for the team kill but we would like you to. Intentional team killing and name calling because you where team killed WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!

Rule 3 - Swearing, Racism, and Disrespectful comments
We have a ZERO tolerance policy for racism on our game server and our Teamspeak server. You will be kicked after two warning for swearing when the swearing is not directed toward a member, server, or team. Swearing and disrespectful comments towards any player (guest, -BK-, [DD]) will result in a kick/ban with the length differing depending on the severity. Racism is a permanent ban.

Rule 4 - Glitching, Cheating, Cracking
Never cheat, glitch, crack or engage in cheat, glitch, crack related chat. Accusations of cheating should always be accompanied by evidence, documents if possible.
this includes mav riding

if you did none of these and still cannot connect, please open a ticket include, player name, server you were playing on and the time of day you were on (time zone helps).  you can open a ticket by clicking on the contact us button on the top of the webpage.
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UchiMataSat Jul 21, 2012 8:28 am

You were most likely kicked for swearing - keep an eye on the chat log for warnings. Insulting the judgement of our admins does you no favours.
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