Polite & Friendly's


WOW!!!!! BF3 Server Admins????

ca0ticWed Jul 04, 2012 3:59 pm

Ok, seriously guys something has to change on the bf3 servers. the admins ban people for NO reason at all. i was banned a few days ago because i had killed 11 people while in a good long run in a machinegunner position of a tank. i killed the admin 1 time and boom i was banned for killing him. i started a ticket and i guess i got that ban lifted because i was able to get in this morning. i played a few rounds on the server and during those rounds i noticed a blatant hacker, but DID NOT say a single word about it. well, finally on the round that got banned on i was in the uncap area and from across the map (only way he could have shot me, because it was sharqi peninsula) i was single shot/headshotted with a L85A2 with NO attachments. all i said was "Nice Hack" and 2 seconds later i was banned for "racism, disrespect, etc..." I couldnt believe it. i have NEVER been disrespectful, racist, etc... on any of your servers. NEVER! I am always a legit quite, and team playing player. i have 4 other friends who were just recently banned for basically NO reason other than they shot the admin. the banned note was: you shouldnt kill the admin! if you want to have your servers maintained by people like this then thats your right, but really guys that is not cool at all. you have always ran IMO a GREAT server and i have always liked the polite and friendly rules that you have. it keeps stupidity out of the server and lets people have fun. Unfortunately I was banned 2 times for reasons that are completely beyond me. There were numerous times on the server that some smart mouthed kid was disrespecting me and other players, but in no way was he even punished/warned. I have a feeling that the server admin that is on right now (9:45 am CST) has a very huge god complex and gets some sort of self esteem boost by feeling like he has some great power because he can ban people from a server (a good server though). I find it a crappy loss that i will not be able to play on your server if the ban is NOT lifted, but IF things do not change with the admins then i guess it is just bound to happen again and again and again no matter how many times a ban is lifted. slowly but surely this server will and is getting a bad rep. People do not want to go to a server where they are going to get a ban on their record for something incredibly stupid or just shooting an admin. i hope that you guys do something about this situation because i would love to be back on the server (as well as many others im sure) playing in a respectful environment. Thanks for your time.
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AbramWed Jul 04, 2012 4:22 pm

Paragraph structure help a lot...

None of our admins kick or ban someone simply for being killed legitimately.

The BEST way to inform members of funny business is to come into our Teamspeak 3 server at Sometimes typing something out can help, but with the constant stream of chatter, much can get missed.
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ca0ticWed Jul 04, 2012 11:57 pm

I could care less about my paragraph structure. You don't think your admins are doing that huh? Well how about this, give me an email address I can send the 4 different screenshots to because I can't post them on here for some reason. 3 of them show the ban message saying something relative to you shouldn't kill an admin another is in the chat screen saying that's the second time you've killed an admin, you're gone. So....I understand that you are trying to back up the decisions you've made and people you've chosen for server admins but you are absolutely wrong. I hate to break it to you.
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LukeThu Jul 05, 2012 12:24 am

You got kicked not banned. You where kicked for language. We have a no swearing rule.
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