Polite & Friendly's


Recent Mid-Atlantic storm.

JesseLaceySun Jul 01, 2012 3:50 pm

There was a recent storm that took a large toll on along the mid Atlantic from Indiana, to New Jersey, and down to Virgina. I consider it a tragedy because of the number of lives that have been affected, in addition to 13 people who were killed by the storm, almost 3 million people are without power in the middle of a heat wave. I just wanted to wish the best wishes to any -BK- members, and friends of the -BK- community who may have been affected by this storm as I am sure we have members in these areas. Hopefully they are able to get the power restored fairly quickly so that people can get to cleaning up the debris from the storm.

Here's a few pictures of the kind of destruction that was caused.

This one is actually kind of funny with the "For Sale, Recently Lowered!" sign on the front.

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LeeuwenbekjeSun Jul 01, 2012 6:24 pm

Wow! These are crazy pictures!
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LukeSun Jul 01, 2012 8:19 pm

Has anyone got a hold of Cake? I know he is in that area. Any other BK we should check up on?

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JesseLaceyMon Jul 02, 2012 1:49 am

Yeah from what the article said 3 million are still without power so it may be hard to reach people, I just hope everyone is doing well.

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GUMPMon Jul 02, 2012 4:15 am

Storm went just north of us. Had some good winds and it dropped the temp from 103 down to 77. Was nice for a bit then it jumped back up. Hope everyone is okay.
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BOOMER1-BK-Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:12 am

Dang thats crazy. It sucks that people have to deal with that and loose there homes..
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BlueTravelerMon Jul 02, 2012 2:22 pm

The storm blew right through here.  I live up on the mountain so we are fairly shielded from the winds, so we escaped any real damage.  We got almost 2 inches of rain in an hour and a half.  This was the most lightning I have ever seen in a storm in the 34 years I have lived here.  The most damage we endured has been no cable or internet since Friday night.  We were one of the lucky ones that didn't lose power.  I won't complain about losing internet and TV, since those won't power my AC.  About 30 - 60 miles south and east of my house had it much worse.  That is the area that JesseLacey's pictures are from.  PastorDan lives down that way and may not have any power, which could be why we have not seen a Podcast yet today.

Many people are not expected to have power restored until Thursday or later.  Temps are forecasted to be in the 90s all week.  We are also expecting daily storms to pop up which could be severe at times (nothing like Friday night) which is only going to hinder the work crews trying to restore power.
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CakeMon Jul 02, 2012 2:52 pm

Hey Guys - I just went outside to survey any damage our property from the storm that raced thru here yesterday evening. Our garden is toast (or maybe a better term might be"scrambled eggs). My 10 foot pond boat is now in the pond upside
                  down and the fuel & motor is lying about 2 feet from the edge of hthe pond. I counted appro. 100 trees in the watershed feeding the pond either totally up-rooted, had the tops of them twisted off, broken off a couple of feet above
                  ground, or stripped of their branched and leaves. I have'nt looked at the other end of our property, which is heavily wooded, as it is too dangerous now to venture into it until we get some wind to topple and damaged and weak
                  ones. I do think we had a small tornado in that storm . All in all we were very luckey. Hope everyone that was in the path of the storm is safe also !
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bigconnMon Jul 02, 2012 5:16 pm

Cake - I had no idea the storm was that bad on your side of town.  Anything I can do?
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CakeTue Jul 03, 2012 12:42 am

Thanks bigconn - no, we're fine. Just going to be a big clean-up. Managed to stand most of the corn stalks and tomatoe plants back up and added more dirt around the roots, but only time will tell if we're successful in saving them.
                           Alot of our neighbors had similar damage also and we're just trying to help each other. I did go over to our empty building in Monroe that we're trying to sell, hoping that it was leveled ; but alas it just had some roof
                           shingles blown away along with some metal trim. Thanks ever so much for your concern ! Just very glad no one was hurt here.
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bigconnTue Jul 03, 2012 10:27 am

well just be safe and very careful around those trees that haven't turned loose of their branches yet!
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