Polite & Friendly's


REALEASE: Marine Tribute To My Sister.

PatchWed May 06, 2009 5:05 am

Oo rah!

Good luck with the Marine Corp, it will be a life-changing experience, treat it as such...keep the mouth shut, eyes forward and mind sharp while in boot camp.  Afterwards, take a LOT of pictures, have a lot of pictures made, do videos and more videos.

As far as the video goes, it was great, after the lengthy opening.  If you had to keep the opening in it's entirety I would chop it in half and stick the last part on the end.

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DasPootWed May 06, 2009 4:54 pm

I'll have to say a great video!!

My hats off to you Sir for your future trip to our country's Armed Services.  Both my Grandfathers server in WWII and very proud of them.  I have had two of my best friends (Marines) serve a tour in Iraq shorty after 911 and also very proud to have them protect my well being as a civilian .  One thing i wish i would have done when I was 18 was join the Marines.  One of the only things I regret in my past.  

Thanks all of you on this forum whom may have served for protecting our freedom.  I also speak for the people of America that don't respect and take for granted what we have.  I salute you all!

God Bless
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