Here's my gaming stuff. My 37" screen.
Gump I think you need a bigger monitor. :wink:
But for real you need a better gfx card so you can full display your game.
Here is my setup, when my office is clean.
The set up after the movers came:
The new BK HQ:
The New PC:
Any video card capable of running W@W will be able to properly display widescreen resolutions.
Gump I can't believe you need glasses to see that screen. Maybe sunglasses!!
ReginaRifles wrote:
Gump I can't believe you need glasses to see that screen. Maybe sunglasses!!
Dang it Reg...that's what I was going to say!!!
OK here my set up Antec Mid Tower, ASUS AM 3 mother board, 8 Gig DDR 3, AMD 6 core Black box CPU and a EVGA GTX 570 SC video card
My little hub before i move will take another after new room is finished
this is an old pic now its just a 42 inch tv waiting to get some more money to set up my eyefinity
Very nice Mini. Love the chair.
That ANTEC box is popular.........I have one as well.