Polite & Friendly's


"Second Chance" regrets from the creators

Victor54Sat Apr 21, 2012 7:38 pm

On the topic of Second Chance, which by the way works only if you are wounded and not thourghly shot to pieces.  Most of my encounters with "Second Chance" have been after a multi-shot hit that would put anyone on planet Earth down for the count.  The creators of "Black Ops" stated the following on the News section of the Steam bulletinboard:

"David Vonderhaar, game design director at Treyarch has admitted that he regrets some of Black Ops features. In particular, he doesn't like the Second Chance Perk that let's downed players pull out a pistol and take a few pot shots before respawning. A more advanced version of the perk even let friendlies revive each other. It looked cool but broke the game for competitive play.

Last night, Sticktwiddlers spotted this tweet from Vonderhaar: "See that gun to my head in my pic? That's how I feel about 2nd Chance. We meant well."

Even the designers realized that they messed up a good game by putting in "Second Chance."

Haveing "Second Chance" in a HARDCORE game is like have training wheels on a Harley Davidson!  It just doesn't belong!
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AbramSat Apr 21, 2012 10:49 pm

Personally, I agree, and think that it was no place in Hardcore mode.

But, we as you surely know, we do allow ALL weapons and perks in Black Ops. I'm sure this will never change. Though these days i rarely get caught by it, just the first time i get taken down by it, then i just automatically fire a second burst, especially when i recognise the skin that player is using for that match.

And it's good to still see you in our severs, Victor. I see you often and i know you're a regular. Input is always appreciated.
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lampSun Apr 22, 2012 2:06 am

At first I didn't like second chance, and agree it can be annoying but I now use it. Sorry lol I would support a ban on it however.
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Mac71MTSun Apr 22, 2012 3:14 am

Hummmmm,  the way people feel about second chance is the way i feel about "campers". I know camping is part of the game and I accept it, I just wish people would accept second chance, because i will not take it off...lol

And the creator's should have figured it out from their previous games, can't remember which one had last stand...

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ST0RMSURGESun Apr 22, 2012 4:08 am

i will always use 2nd chance if its available, why not? anything to gain an edge in game, a couple extra kills in 2nd chance could mean the difference between a win or loss...and besides, the other perks to pick from in that category aren't all that great.
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KarowSun Apr 22, 2012 4:47 pm

News was leake don the next COD ver second chance is dead and will not be in the next game. Just roomer thought
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tetSun Apr 22, 2012 4:49 pm


i will always use 2nd chance if its available, why not? anything to gain an edge in game, a couple extra kills in 2nd chance could mean the difference between a win or loss...and besides, the other perks to pick from in that category aren't all that great.

I use accuracy and reflexes to gain an edge. Very Happy
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ST0RMSURGEMon Apr 23, 2012 4:36 am

lol tet, too true. i can only wish i had both of those attributes, to go along with my devilish charm and rugged good looks (LOL). but we cant have it all  Wink
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DELETEDTue Apr 24, 2012 2:25 pm

Doesn't belong in any of the COD games. Revive yes.......but not whipping out a pistol and continue fighting.
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GravediggaWed Apr 25, 2012 4:46 am

I always saw SC as more "realistic", meaning when somebody gets shot they dont always die so the natural reaction would be for that person to shoot back. Its also an extra sort of challange in a way to be faster finishing the kill before the SC guy gets you. However if BK members feel so strongly about SC I will stop using it and build up skills that way instead.
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TakerDeep2008Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:18 am

We allow all weapons and all perks on all games except rifle nades in WaW. If any one does not like you using it then they should of shot correctly the first time. No BK should be telling anyone what to use or not to use unless the game mode on that server is set up for a specific purpose (like when we have the WaW fun nights).

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Warpcore713Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:30 pm

im not fussed, it part of the game. like most things people cripe about I think is more to do with the apponent having an edge over others and second chance is just another function to allow this. I used to moan about poeople using second chance but loved it when I used it and it was a great help when starting out and getting XP, now if I take someone down that was using SC i feel better because they had 2 chances to take me out and failed  Twisted Evil
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KarowWed Apr 25, 2012 2:49 pm


Unless the Riffle Nade rule has changed recently it is allowed except in the first 30 seconds of each map. I know the WaW guys are holding special events which do not allow riffle nades at all.
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