Polite & Friendly's


Just banned for Saying "Hell" once.

4rcaneSat Apr 21, 2012 9:58 pm

Ok 3 games on top of team, then I get perma banned by an admin who happens to be on the other team, after I said "Hell" only once, then I said Hell is a bad word, are you kidding? and then I was banned.

If the Admin was on my team it would of still been odd, but this admin was on OTHER team. This kind of tactic cheapens a server. ALSO the same admin DID not ban a player on his team who called me a FAG in caps, 3 times during the same match on Operation Firestorm. Thats right, he called me a fag 3 times without a single warning, I said hell once and got banned.

Moral of the story, if you want to cuss make sure you are on the admin's team.

Want to get banned, be a top player on the other team and say nothing when being called a fag, then get banned for saying Hell.

I was also considering dontating to this server, because my brother likes to play on here. The abusive admin who banned me needs to be removed, I don't see how that kind of conduct is allowable, I've let all my friends know to avoid the server (because they are good players as well). I hope this gets cleared up.

PS. This all happend on the 24 player server.
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RabidSquirrl-BK-Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:49 pm

Advice: Don't come in asking to be unbanned and then be condescending towards the admins of the server.  It ruins any chance you may have ever had.
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AbramSat Apr 21, 2012 10:57 pm

I was not there, so I cannot comment on the specifics.However, I'm going to wager tis was a simple 15-minute kick, which show as a ban in Battlelog, unfortunately. If you still can't get on, you'll have to submit a Ticket using the Contact Us link at the top of the page.

Our admins are pretty level-headed folks and no one is given the privileges on a whim. They do actions to anyone that deserves it, no matter the team or score. Unfortunately, we're only human (technically) and sometimes do not catch things said in the flood of text is is that chat-box. If anyone was spotted calling you that, they'd be gone pretty quick.

In the meantime,  you're more than welcome to join us on server #2.
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tetSun Apr 22, 2012 12:08 am

I'm the admin that kicked you but I was not in game.  I can confirm you were warned three times for language  before the kick took place.  It was a 15 minute temp ban, nothing more.

This is the second time you have come to our forums after being kicked for foul language.  Perhaps in the future you might refrain from blaming us.
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4rcaneSun Apr 22, 2012 12:18 am

I did not see any warning for that, plus I've never encountered the word I said being considered foul lang. I guess you've never read any historical books or anything for that matter. the Word is a location, and or myth.
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mr-tSun Apr 22, 2012 12:59 am

Hey 4rcane

We are an international group we have members from all over the world, what one person may see as been a perfectly fine word to use another may see it as bad language. i know this because i have been caught out a few times when saying a particular word a somebody from another country finding offensive.

also some words have multiple meaning there for can down to the context they are used. for example "this wall is rather bloody" is fine due to it context but saying the last word in another sentence can change that whole meaning and be offensive to some people,

so we basically have work on the principle if someone fines it offensive the culprit is issued a warning.

there is a saying that applies to this situation which is
you can please some of the people all the time, all of the people some of the time but never all the people all the time.
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4rcaneSun Apr 22, 2012 2:40 am

Thank you Mr-T, I have no problem with that at all, thank you for explaining.
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