Polite & Friendly's



StrandMon May 04, 2009 4:00 am

I think I ruined the game by mentioning that the people were based on actual people, it seems some people were to focused on trying to determine who the actually people are than judging its self. Anyways here are the answers

Person #1 = Adolf Hitler
Person #2 = Albert Einstein
Person #3 = Princess Diana

Here is a game that my friend showed me when he went to a political trip to Canada's parliament, it is essentially  about judging people.

Here it is.

John Doe, aged 22 has recently died in a car accident. On his license it states that he is an organ donor. He was a healthy man who did not smoke, did not drink, exercise regularly and ate right. His blood type is universal and will be accepted by anyone's body.

You are a doctor who is in charge of a heart donor recipient list, there is three people at the top of the list who stand out, you must choose one.

Person #1

- the fourth of six children, of which only 2 survived
- roman catholic. An alter boy as a child
- a struggling painter, painted post cards for a living in his youth
- when his mother died (he was 18 ), he gave his "orphan's benefits" to his struggling younger sister, leaving him with nothing
- was driven to succeed and later became the most charismatic leader that his country had ever seen

Person #2

- a slow learner
- shy
- dropped out of high school and failed English
- had an illegitimate daughter (who's mother he later married)
- divorced his wife to marry his cousin

Person #3

- academically below-average student
- a child of divorced parents
- bulimic
- suicidal
- after having her first child, suffered from post-natal depression
allegedly cheated on her husband, eventually leading to their divorce


* This is based on a fictitious event
* Each person is based on a actual person
* When replying just state who you would give the heart to and why
* After 5 days I will make a post and reveal who the three people are, which then some of you may be shocked and surprised
* If you known who the three people or played this game, please refrain from posting who the people are

Thanks for your participation
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StrandMon May 04, 2009 4:05 am

Ill start of by saying I initially choose person #3 because of the following reasons
- person #1 seems like they have it made being a leader of their country and being a huge success
- person #2 seems like a shady, sleazy type character
- I chose person #3 because it seems that she has a rough life and needs a second chance where she can reflect on her past and become a better person

Those are my initial thoughts, please reply, there is no right answer and don't let my answer persuade you.
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LordJerm-BK-Mon May 04, 2009 4:17 am

I choose #2 because that would make a great jerry springer episode and besides at this rate he my get to be a donor himself soon while hes still fresh
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WulfMon May 04, 2009 4:24 am

I vote for #2 because the other two are something that you would expect.
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titanMon May 04, 2009 4:24 am

id say number 3 and the others was sound liek they dotn need it =\ 2 one sounds like he has issues marrying his cuz? what????!???
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SmackyMon May 04, 2009 4:34 am

Well, 2 and 3 sound familiar, but can't place them yet.  However, I know who person 1 is.  If at this point in number 1's life, if he has done what he did historically, then he does not get the transplant.

That said, I'll go with 2.

NOTE: It doesn't say they were first cousins and even so, first cousin marriages used to happen a lot more than most people would admint.
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StrandMon May 04, 2009 4:43 am

yea #1 is pretty obvious if you have any historic background, #2 might be pretty obvious if you have a historic background as well, #3 would be hard to pin point for most people
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TankMommaMon May 04, 2009 4:53 am

I'll be interested to see what everyone chooses.  I know who one possibly two of the people are so I'm not going to vote.
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StrandMon May 04, 2009 5:38 am

yea maybe ill post the results in two days because this board si very active  and it will get lost if I wait a week
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LADYHAWKMon May 04, 2009 8:49 am

Im surprised there are only 3 people on that list in need of a donor......
Honestly I would go for number 3 as number 1 has already succeeded in life, number 2 has issues (as they think that having a relationship with their cousin is ok) and so by default and just by the info given which is not very informative I must say 3......
Personally I would wait as im sure that list for a heart is much longer than just 3.....  Shocked
Thinkin about it.....I think I know who 1 and 2 are anyway......
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DMonicMon May 04, 2009 12:58 pm

id say 3. seeing maybe they would feel like they have gotten a second chance at life
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StrandMon May 04, 2009 1:06 pm

lol mcgintoy
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Fish_USNMon May 04, 2009 2:04 pm

Numbers 2 and 3 are very close.   Number 1 is eliminated because he as already made is mark in life as a leader of a country.  I eliminated number 2 because he broke up his family leaving his daughter and wife to marry  his cuz.  That leaves number 3 as my choice.  Number 3 coming from a broken family deserves a second chance since she was given a raw dieal in life through no consequence of your own doing (by virtue of coming from a broken family).
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StrandMon May 04, 2009 9:09 pm

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StrandTue May 05, 2009 3:41 am

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