Polite & Friendly's


Excuse me?

WobermenFri Apr 06, 2012 10:41 am

So I was playing in your battlefield 3 server, specifically Polite and Friendly 2, at approximately 2:30 am Pacific Coast time on Friday morning, 4/6/12. This specific information is relevant so you can figure out who was Admin on the server at the time, because the story involves them.

SO I'd just had a great 3 or 4 games on the server, even though I'm a player that loves to curse, I hadn't typed a single curse word or said anything disrespectful to any one despite numerous typical par for the course helicopter shenanigans that you encounter in battlefield. When all of the sudden at the beginning of one match 2 of my squadmates and a couple of other team members just start team killing. I mean this isn't one guy, we're talking an epic cluster nut of malarky, so much that within a minute the enemy team has all the flags, despite a couple team killers of their own, and their chopper is base raping our default spawn.

So we start BEGGING for an admin to please KICK the team killers. The Admin, with a poise and uselessness the UN would be proud of, asks ONE of the MORE THAN HALF A DOZEN team killers, to "Please stop intentionally team killing."

I write "Please stop? Just kick them already, they've been doing it repeatedly its not just one guy." and numerous other players jump in with similar comments, none containing swearing or anything derogatory of the server or admin despite their obvious incompetence and lack of grasp of the situation, that they are allowing numerous bad fellows to destroy any good time any one could be having on the Polite and friendly server making the whole group look bad to anyone who otherwise knew nothing about them.

the team killing continues, and numerous players are asking, at the behest of the auto warnings about swearing, the tide rising, "Why aren't you kicking them?" and so on. I respond to one of the other players "In communist russia, swearing gets you kicked, but team killing is ok"

I get kick/perma-banned.

Now I realize many of you who are members will read this story and think "Pfft, F that guy anyway, shouldn't have said something even remotely capable of being taken the wrong way on OUR server, especially ABOUT our server, and whoever that admin is should get a high 5."

Many will think "Eh, doesn't matter, just some dumb gamer on the internet who is certainly in no way like me. They probably don't have a job, have never had sex, have an IQ less than 10, and suck at the game anyway."

Many won't even make it this far and may even post "Too long, did not read"

But for anyone who is a member who has made it this far, especially if you run anything around here and are over 12, I want you to know that someone who was having a decent time on your server, who respected all of the rules, who was a team player and was thinking "Hey, for some prudes this group runs a smooth ship of a server", went through all of the extra effort to come to your site, register an account, and tell this story like an absolute sir in keeping with your apparent attempts at polite and friendly, because of how rediculous the actions of that one admin are. My battlefield name is Wobermen as well, just in case you feel like un-banning me.
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bigconnFri Apr 06, 2012 11:45 am

Woberman - I'm sorry you had a problem on the server - as I'm sure you can realize sometimes things can get out of hand and unfortunately mistakes can be made - please go to the Contact Us link on the Webpage and "open a ticket" requesting the lifting of the ban, include the information you have put in this post.  A Senior Officer will review the chat and actions of all involved.  Have you tried to get back into the server at all?  This may have been a short term kick not a ban.

I also ask you to be patient  after submitting the ticket, all of us are volunteers and with the traffic on our servers there are quite a few tickets open.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
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