Polite & Friendly's


Pin Point of BK Rules

Drag0nBornWed Mar 28, 2012 5:27 pm

I have a question about how far the BK rules extend outside the game Exclamation  Exclamation  Exclamation  Exclamation  Exclamation  Exclamation  Exclamation  Exclamation

I have noticed post made on the forum by members that inside Teamspeak and playing the game would not be permissible because it dwells into politics and religion. So the question I have is were does BK stand on this issue and if it does extend to the forums who would be responcible for policeing it and chosing which topics have crossed that red line Question

P.S. forgive any misspellings Exclamation  Exclamation
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BoneheadThu Mar 29, 2012 12:13 am

Great question, I've been wondering that myself lately.
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OldYellrThu Mar 29, 2012 4:39 am

If you see a questionable post please bring it to the attention of your CL or CO and they will either address it directly of run it up the leadership if necessary.

The responsibility falls on every BK members as our forum is too large and active for any one person to police.

The political stance is that it should be avoided whenever possible however as we are all adults the discretion falls on the individual posting the comments.

It is not the intention of the clan to lay down the heavy hand of draconism; what would be the provided?

With freedom comes responsibility; if you choose to skirt to line of what may be considered crossing the line, be prepared to either edit your post of have it moved.

BK wants to foster leadership and encourage additional participation, not to treat or volunteer membership like children that don't know right from wrong.

Just remember that you can't please everyone 100% of the time and infractions will occur likely unintentionally on a rare occasion. Let's just rectify and forgive.

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LukeThu Mar 29, 2012 4:41 am

*BK* is very dedicated to creating a fun friendly atmosphere for everyone. I feel I need to explain why these rules are in place.

1st Race – Discussing race especially in a place where you don’t know everyone can easily be miss understood. People can take it as a racial attack when you meant nothing of the kind. The best thing in this kind of environment is to not engage in such conversation.  

2nd Religion – Religion is something many of us hold dearly I don’t think its any secret my personal religious views. Well many hold similar views many don’t. If you are interested in have a religious conversation with a member or guests and they are also it should be done in a privet room. So thoughts that come here to play games can do so.

3rd Politics – Politics are a very touchy issues due mainly to the fact that *BK* is an international team. With members from many different corners of the world I ask you be sensitive to the fact that UK, Canadian, Australian, Chinese (yes we do have a member from China), and Netherlands. They come here to play and may not enjoy having a conversation about US politics.  Please take these conversations to a privet room.

4th Sexual preference- This issue is very similar to the Race issue. Discussing sexual preference especially in a place where you don’t know everyone can easily be miss understood. People can take it as a attack on someone’s sexual preference when you meant nothing of the kind. The best thing in this kind of environment is to not engage in such conversation.  

5th Swearing – This is just never allowed. Please be very careful with your use of swearing. I understand this may take some time to get use to but I ask you to make an effort at it. Being able to control your swearing will help greatly in life.

6th Talking of Hacking/Cheating/Glitching – This goes to the second rule that *BK* has posted in the rules section. Even talking about doing it can end in JAG action. When new and poetical recruits come on TS and hear this talk will cause them to assume *BK* endorses this behavior. This dose not mean you can’t talk about someone you think may be cheating in the server. This is in references to talking about how to do Hacking/Cheating/Glitching and similar conversations.

I know most members follow these rules but I wanted to make this clear to all.  Please contact me if you have any questions.

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