Polite & Friendly's


Salute *BK*

Grayhawk[DD]Sat Jan 19, 2008 5:14 am

Finally..... I made it back in. It sure is great to see you guys again. Be back when I have a moment to yap.
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DestroyerSat Jan 19, 2008 7:47 am

Salute Grayhawk!
Hows everything going over at DD?
Did you get COD4 yet?
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Grayhawk[DD]Sun Jan 20, 2008 4:30 am

Hey Destroyer. Good to hear from you and thanks for asking. Things are going as planned, which means they are going better than expected. We now have our servers in Corpu Christi Texas and they are undergoing an overhaul. We are currently running our forums on our back-up site at www.dancomdelta.us . We ran a donations request over and above our annual dues to pay for shipping and repairs/upgrades, and we had a what for us was a phenominal response with better than half of the Squad contributing. We also have a good many that have pre-paid their 2008 dues, and that is another unexpected confirmation of just how serious these guys are about keeping [ÐÐ] going strong. We have lost a few to retirement, but we have also gained a few back from retirement, and we have our first full recruit from what we are now calling the Resurrection (the new direction and new leadership). Despite the losses, I get a very real feeling that we have a much stronger conviction now than ever before. I think we all heeded our wake up call.

The key folks, was that the ball was squarely placed in the Squad's hands. They were all reminded to think about what we had and what we could have again, by laying out our course of action. They were then told that if they wanted this to happen, that they had to make it  happen. It is their Squad. The leadership just promotes what they want and provides the guidance over the humps. They all now have a say through proxies in every major change of direction, and they are all expected to contribute financially and in their participation. We do not have required quotas for gaming etc, but we have not needed them.

All in all we are coming back strong. We, like *BK* have too much history, too much pride, and too much of an understanding of the value of what this Squad means to let it die an unceremonious death. We are looking hard at COD4 but we are also looking beyond. Our strength remains in BHDTS, and no matter where we migrate to, we will always run a NovaLogic games server in conjunction with whatever else we play. Our moves will be by general consensus and only when they are all ready to move on so we are not in a real hurry, but still getting ready to do so.

You should see more and more of us as we grow in strength. We have been concentrating on our own house since September '07. I won't apologize for that, but I will say that we have sorrowfully missed our interaction with our Allies in the forums and the games. Watch for us and big things in the near future. WE ARE BACK!!!!
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GrimSun Jan 20, 2008 1:19 pm

Im very gald to hear that [DD] are doing well and it just proves with a little bit of dedication that all can be recoverd and stengh will follow
i hope in the near future we again can say we are in the same boat but that all depends on how mutch our current players wish to do do save BK

more to follow soon

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Grayhawk[DD]Tue Jan 22, 2008 6:00 am

IF having our mangy carcasses around to clean the floors for ya will help, we'll dig out our mops and buckets. Anything we can do for our Brothers in Arms is too little to say thank you for all you guys have shared with us. Here if we can help in any way folks!!!
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Tripwire=VHB=Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:11 am

I believe that goes for us as well brothers. Smile
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SanteeFri Jan 25, 2008 5:18 pm

I finally got in! Who put those clays at the back door? GRAY?.. lol

Hiya BK, and Salute!
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LukeSat Jan 26, 2008 7:06 pm

Salute DD!!

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Ikeason[DD]Mon Jan 28, 2008 4:26 pm

Salute *BK*!

As GrayHawk said above, if I could do anything to help you all in any way, please shout and dont be a stranger! Thats what we are here for right?
I am one of those that GrayHawk spoke of above. I came out of retirement abit short of a year now couldn't watch the squad as a hole crumble and die. I got active in what I could do for the squad, I made a few donations to get the server stuff done, paid a couple years due's, got on the forum and woke it up and dusted off my Potatoe Gun in the server. I think we have made it over the peak of that mountain and are now on the coast side of it.
So as I said above, please let me know what I can do to help.


PS- does anyone have any car trouble's? Im a Volkswagen Technician and could probably help you diagnose it over the net.
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GrimMon Jan 28, 2008 7:06 pm

thanks ike and greyhawk
i think for now we just need to keep the cod4 server active and the forums
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Morgue[DD]Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:39 pm

Salute *BK*

Thought I'd stop by and check out yer new digs..........pretty cool, like what you've done with the place. Thought you were just going to paint and wallpaper though, didn't know ya'll were going to do a whole full-blown remodel   Laughing ..........but the place looks sharp. So, when are ya'll playing in your CoD4 server?? I have your server in my faves (I think  Rolling Eyes ) but have yet to catch anyone in it. Well, I'm at work and have a customer coming in so I'll check back a bit later. Cya in a server someplace  Very Happy

Later bros
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GrimWed Jan 30, 2008 12:36 am

hey morgue welcome to our new home  glad you like it

we currently play cod4 as a team on friday nights join us and bring your colleagues

server ip is

or try finding it in the browser listing under Bad Karma/ccc-clan

fragg ya later buddy

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locknloadDDWed Jan 30, 2008 12:58 am

salute BK hows everybody  doing
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DukeDDThu Jan 31, 2008 1:49 pm

Ha Finally made it in, Third try was the charm..Salute and long time no talk BK.
Hope all is doing well. The House looks great...

Hey Take can ya sneak me into Luke's Beer Cooler again? LoL
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Morgue[DD]Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:55 pm

Salute Grim

Friday nights seem to be theeee gaming night for sure  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing  We play in our house, been invited for a shindig (date TBD) over at *CS ---speaking of which, I see Duke[DD] has started a thread inviting anyone from this awesome house to join us if they so desire, hope it goes without saying that all are welcome---- and ya'll are shootin it up at your place in CoD4. I'll try and put in an appearance and let ya'll have your way with me   Laughing  Laughing  Laughing . Grayhawk[DD], Deathblow[DD-c] and I were over the other night running a few maps and had a great time. Never played HQ before, it was quite interesting. I got owned but that's ok, I'm still new to the game so that will change in time.....consider yourself warned  Twisted Evil  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing I'm just rattling to hear my bones click............I'll try and stop by one Friday real soon and maybe I can bring a friend or two, make it a real party  Very Happy
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