Polite & Friendly's


banned from server 2

CarlSaganWed Mar 07, 2012 8:12 pm

hey all. i got banned today, stated reason was : Game disconnected: you have been banned from this server. Stated reason: Drug Ref in name. my ingame name is CarlSagan420. after i got banned, i came to these forums and read the rules. i see in rule 1 Other topics of discussion to avoid are race, religion, politics, hacking and illegal drugs for obvious reasons; is the last part. i can understand you guys not wanting those talked on your server. you pay for it, you run it the way you want. i've played on your server too many times to count, and i've never had a single problem, not once. i keep to myself and play the objective . added to it, i never said anything while i was playing, minus a "320 nub"  but that was because i was  tk'd and he didn't bother saying sorry or nadda. but other then that one comment, i didn't say anything, nor reference any drugs or whatever. yes i have 420 in my name, but am i really  going to be banned because i have a number in my name? your server, your rules, your calls. i just think it's over the top to be banned for having 420 in my name. (added note, i've never had someone have a problem with my name. quite the opposite, i have people giving me thumbs up and whatnot for honouring such a great man.)

thanks, carl sagan
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SpiderWed Mar 07, 2012 10:29 pm

CarlSagan/ AKA: CarlSagan420:

To begin with we do not allow the reference of drugs verbally or written in our organization which includes the gaming servers we provide and our website. I am sure that on the day of this "banning" you were advised "in-game" to change your name based on the "420" which is a well known reference to cannabis as a "statement" for its use.


You can argue the issue if you like and claim that it is something else like your street address or your date of birth, but we find it hard to believe that there are so many individuals that just happen to incorporate "420" in their player name and all have that same address. I also noticed that when registering on our site you used "CarlSagan" without the "420" attached, so let's "cut-to-the-chase" shall we?

If you wish to play on our servers you must first be willing to remove that reference which can easily be done through your Origin Profile not causing you to lose any of your stats. If you need assistance to learn how, please join us on our Polite & Friendly TS3 server as our guest and we will assist you.

Should you comply with our requirement, simply submit a ticket on our Home Page stating you have done so and a Senior Admin will reinstate your status.

I hope you find this helpful and informative, and we would be happy for you to join us in the future.
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