Topic title. It's a program crash, not Steam booting my for some reason. No overlays of any kind, and In-Game Community if off.
I've tried Verifying, reinstalling. All ports are forwarded, all components are allowed through firewall, and turning off all firewalls does not help. If i create a new soldier, I can play ( I jsut did today for a few minutes until alt-tabbing and crashing my game, with a different error), but if i exit the game and restart, it crashes again. I've also deleted the Activision folder in Userdata. I use the Steam version. I dun be stumped.
Here's the crash report I get:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BEX
Application Name: CoDWaWmp.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4aea1f42
Fault Module Name: CoDWaWmp.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4aea1f42
Exception Offset: 00360598
Exception Code: c0000409
Exception Data: 00000000
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 98a7
Additional Information 2: 98a72224dea2166ed25b8165aa85a553
Additional Information 3: 45b7
Additional Information 4: 45b7ba83f519931814526f039b986697
I've also manually updated Punkbuster
Any suggestions?
it has detected that you ate too bad at this game and wont let you play it LOL. i think ypur data in cloud is kaput!!!
It appears you aren't the only one this has been happening to lately.
No real solution as of yet but may take a look there.
Well it seems that I can play if I start Sp, then use the menu to switch to MP. I've been able to start it up and play three times. An odd solution is better than none, I guess.
I have been having this problem for months. There always seems to be a different way to make the game run every time it happens. It started out that I could just restart the computer and then it would work. Then it moved to deleted profiles and starting new ones. Then it went to going to task manager and ending processes that were in the background that didn't need to be running. Now I just have to keep trying to open the program until it finally stays running. Average times I have to start the program is probably 10-15. Hopefully it is what the forum tet linked says and it is an Activision server issue and will be solved.
Sorry I can't give a real solution. The only one I can give is be persistent.
It appears to be fixed now.
Actually, THIS partticular problem ended up eing that for some reason, my W@W was connecting to one of the 3 other PCs on my network. As soon as I denied CoDWAWmp.ex access to that specific IP, the problem stopped. Weird.