Polite & Friendly's


Crappy Situation

Deathscythe1156Thu Feb 02, 2012 7:25 am

Playing on Sharqi Peninsula tonight and some named RiF-Executioner is being very annoying.....shooting at the chopper when I get in it until it's on fire then waiting for it to blow up.

I figure screw it, I won't use it this round and just do my normal infantry stuff.  The next round I jump in chopper at map start and I kill the other chopper in the map start chopper fight.  I circle back to base to repair, hop out, start fixing, and the guy who was gunning hops in the pilots seat and takes off.

I managed to get in as gunner...he flies around for awhile until he takes too much damage, then he lands and tells me to fix it.  I don't get out to fix it, and then I get kicked/banned.  When I try and join it says I was banned for swearing/racism.

Seriously?  Your admins kick/ban people after stealing their chopper and having them refuse to fix it?  I made no disparaging comments, I simply wouldn't get out and fix the chopper.

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BigDawgThu Feb 02, 2012 3:57 pm

First off Death did you try and rejoin after awhile? it might have been a temp kick so try to join before you take the next step.That step is submit a ticket and the admins will check into it.http://www.politeandfriendly.com/modules.php?name=Ticket&op=new. Please be patiant they are very busy.

Now the RIF guy, was he on your team? If so you should bring it to our attention in game or on our team speak.

The guy stealing your chopper I can feel your pain, I had a chopper on a map and I was doing great which is something for me since I am not a great pilot by any stretch off the inmagination lol. I had a decent gunner, When I took damage I went  to a safe spot and repaired.I did that 2 times and on the 3 rd some so-and so either spawned on my gunner or waited for me to hop out. I repaierd my sleek machine only to see it fly off with out me miles from the action. I stood there and watch the  thief make  one pass and nose dived into  the ground. Sweet revenge
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AbramThu Feb 02, 2012 4:03 pm

No, we are not in the practice of kicking, banning, or otherwise punishing for not repairing. It's not a rule in any manner, and our admisn are mature enough to not punish it. (other than a "Hey man, why didn't you fix it?)

If it was a kick, you should be able to get back on at the next match.

Keep in mind that we DO punish for swearing (also abbreviated swearing), TKing for vehicles, racism - adn this is only after warnings. We do, however, immediately ban for disrepect to other players, BK members, or the server. We keep a  chat log, so if you are indeed, banned, then the only way to get it lifted is to Submit a Ticket using the Contact Us link at the top of the website. Please include your in-game name, time and date of event, serer, game, and your situation. An officer will review it.

I'm goign to guess tath you maybe have (understandably) lost your cool and gave tat scmuck a few choice words. We do our best to keep play fair and level-headed. Some unfortunate events like intentioanl Team-KIlling are sadly unavoidable
. If this happens, let us know, as we ahve members in our serverfs 99% of the time. We also have a Teamspeak 3 server you're welcome to come into if this sort of thing happens.

In the meantime, we have 2 other BF3 servers you're welcome to play on.
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ags463Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:11 pm

Actually, you did swear and threaten to TK the jerk...

You received some language warnings and then were Kicked for the language.

(We count abbreviations as swearing too.)

You were NOT kicked for refusing to get out and fix the chopper - that's your option.
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Demon667-BK-Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:19 pm

SUBJECT inappropriate word for started this thread on the forums.
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