Polite & Friendly's


A suggestion

BarnabyTue Jan 24, 2012 1:43 pm

As a UK visitor initially to your BO server where I very much liked the more contolled tactical approach played on there.
I've mentioned this before but I ask again is there any chance you could set up your BF3 servers to be less rush rush.
I haven't played on your servers in the last few weeks so maybe they have changed but the mass exit by teams from the spawn with often only 1 person in multi seated vehicles makes the game play very singular and not a team effort.  For me the game is much more enjoyable when sqds are formed and players work as a team.

To paraphrase one of your Presidents "" think not what you can get from the game but what you can add to it""  that way we all would benifit from better game-play.


Not sure why this appears as a new post when I thought I was adding it to Lukes's DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION FOR BK post. can an admin shove it in there please.
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JohnnyTue Jan 24, 2012 2:59 pm

I understand what u are saying about BF3, But remember COD and BF3 are 2 way different game plays. For us as a clan to inforce team play and sqaud joining would be a mess for us admin. The best way that I see is to show by example. When people join and see all BK sqauded up and working as a team, I believe that will make people think more of the game as a objective then a run and gun. Now remember we are always going to have run and gunners, maybe thats their game play or just maybe they were never showed how to work as a team. Very Happy
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BullTue Jan 24, 2012 4:17 pm

Well said, Johnny! Battlefield requires more of a "run & gun" approach as the open maps, the objectives, and the vehicle play ensure players are constantly engaged. If one had to crouch when being fired at by tanks, and other vehicles, players would sustain higher casualty rates. The best players actually know that individual gameplay only looks good for unique weapon stats, but the more one takes that feat, the higher the losses they will incur. The only thing we can say is grab a few buddies, form a squad, and utilize each others skills and perks to work as a team to accomplish the objective. If you're like me, you may not be the greatest shooter, or best marksman, but you too can be a great asset. I grab some ammo, or don my medic uniform and support the squad in any way possible! Working together also means you can grab a few extra points spotting, or avenging your teammates death.
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RifleDanTue Jan 24, 2012 6:48 pm

Or, join BK members squad when there's one.
We like to play as a team so, join us next time you're in the server.
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PFGreenLabelTue Jan 24, 2012 8:57 pm

Guys this topic has been done to death and I for one am of the belief that any form of tactical or slower play will only be achieved when a group of like minded individuals lock the door and only allow those with a key in!

Even when I have been on our servers in a all BK squad with my own beloved BK soldiers at my side I have still fallen flat on my face as I have tried to get into a jeep that has been driven off by one of my squad mates alone on more than one occasion!

I have been in a squad and not heard a peep of intel from any of my co-orts for round after round! This is regardless of the fact that I have been giving good intel regularly throughout the battle.

So as you can probably deduce my fire and passion for a good old slow F&M lives on but is awaiting the right moment to spawn! If I ever am around at the same time as anyone else who might like to undertake such a mission  then I will certainly sign up.

Until such time I feel that Luke and others hve made it clear that it is not going to happen no matter what we say.

Happy rushing!
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TrygarTue Jan 24, 2012 11:15 pm

As far as team play being enforced, I do not see any real way to do it. It would be wonderful, of course, but a huge hassle for the admins trying to enforce it. If any of you guys see me in one of the servers, get in a squad with me. There is nothing more fun than running with a group of guys working together to take objectives and take out the other team.

I have seen servers that required players to join squads. On these servers, there was an auto warn to players that were not in a squad. I do not know if people were actually kicked for it. I assume they were but can't be positive, I try to spend most of my time in a squad. There was an addon for ProCon in BC2 for the auto admin on squads and was probably updated to work for BF3. I know you guys run your own admin program, but it may be something you want the programmer to look into (can't remember who was doing it) and see if there is a way to add it to your program without too much hassle for him and your admins.
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BarnabyWed Jan 25, 2012 6:18 pm

Thanks gents.
I do join sqds when I come on here preferably those with BK in them but a few trying to play in a more tactical way seems lost on the majority.
I know the game has many vehicles and are expansive but I think it would be more interesting if there was a more measured approach.
Maybe I should stick to conquest and leave the RUSH servers alone. There's probably a clue in the title lol.

I think it is a lost cause.

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