Polite & Friendly's


Banned on BF3 server

VioTue Jan 24, 2012 7:51 pm

Hi Guys-

My gaming name is _xx-Vio-xx.

Early Sunday morning, ~12:05am PST, I was banned on your BF3 P&F2 Conquest Server.  I submitted a ticket regarding the ban on Sunday and have not heard anything regarding the ban.  I know this is not the place to post, but I'm unfamiliar with your forum/gaming rules and thought I would post here for some insight.  If posting here was wrong, I apologize.

I played on your server alot.  I believe I'm in the top 25 for your server rankings.  I try and be respectful to all players.  If I tk someone, if time permits, I apologize to the player I tk'd.

Bottom line:  This is your server and I am a guest.  I will respect your decision.

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Warpcore713Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:56 pm

Hi Vio & thanks for visiting our servers/forum, while I cant anwer your questions Im sure your ticket is being dealt with & someone will respond to this thread with some advise. for now tho all our rules can be found using the rules/FAQ link at the top of the page or here...
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cookieThu Jan 26, 2012 5:55 am


open quote Early Sunday morning, ~12:05am PST, I was banned on your BF3 P&F2 Conquest Server.  I submitted a ticket regarding the ban on Sunday and have not heard anything regarding the ban.

I'm on the same boat as you.  I believe my friend and I both got banned in the same game as you.  

I sent in a ticket, like you, and found today that I was able to play once again on the server, so I thought the ban was lifted, but I was banned once again.  While I was updating my ticket I found this post, so I though I might as well post on here for he hell of it.  I guess we both are playing the waiting game.
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VioSun Jan 29, 2012 6:05 am

I was able to rejoin the P&F2 conquest server on Friday night.  I again was able to join on Saturday night.  I played 5 min Saturday night and got banned again---for: "Admin Decision".

Really guys----why am I getting banned.  I have been patiently waiting for an explanation and have had no responses regarding the ban.

Maybe one of your members who was on can do me the courtesy of explaining the ban:

Right now, all I ask for someone to step up  and explain what is going on.  Thanks.
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UchiMataSun Jan 29, 2012 11:15 am

Please check the rules on our website, however the game may have kicked you for too many TeamKills - Friendly Fire is turned on.

You should also keep an eye on the in-game chat messages.

However, here is a summary of some of the reasons why you may have been banned:
* profanity against the server, members or guests. This includes abbreviations.
* harassment of others including racial, sexual or other abuse. This includes calling someone a 'noob' or accusing someone of cheating.
* glitching in any form. An example is MAV riding.
* could also be accidental - however that should have been rectified immediately.
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VioSun Jan 29, 2012 5:36 pm

It was none of the reason you listed.  

I rarely us the chat, and I know the rules regarding profanity and player abuse.

I was in the game less than 5 minutes, when I last got banned.  I did not have any tk's in that time.

Kinda hard to "glitch" driving around in a tank.  I spend >90% of my time as an engineer, no need to glitch like recons try to do.

I have 6 years experience admining servers(COD4 and BC2).  I understand the difficulties and challenges to running a clean and competitive server.  I can not stress enough, I have NO CLUE why I have been banned twice on your server.  All I ask is for someone to give me an explanation so it can be addressed.  I have not broken any of the rules you listed and I do not cheat.  So why the ban?  Again, I wait patiently for a reply.

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UchiMataSun Jan 29, 2012 8:07 pm

In that case, please bear with us - I know that this can take some time.

The senior admins who will review the ban, and get back to you soon.

We also have a second Conquest server and a Rush server available.
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VioThu Feb 02, 2012 8:23 pm

Thanks for posting UchiMata.  

I'm still waiting on a response for the "ticket" I put in regarding the ban.  I STILL have no idea why I was banned.

Right now, I'm just hoping for an explaination.
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