Polite & Friendly's


Jeff Foxworthy in Canada....

TwoFourWed Jan 18, 2012 12:27 am

These are Good....

Forget Rednecks... Here is what Jeff Foxworthy has to say about Canadians, during a recent appearance at Caesars in Windsor :

If someone in a Home Depot store Offers you assistance and they don't work there, You may live in Canada .
If you've worn shorts and a parka at the same time, You may live in Canada .
If you've had a lengthy telephone conversation With someone who dialed a wrong number,You... may live in Canada .
If 'Vacation' means going anywhere South of Detroit for the weekend, You may live in Canada .
If you measure distance in hours, You may live in Canada .
If you know several people Who have hit a deer more than once, You may live in Canada .
If you have switched from 'heat' to 'A/C' In the same day and back again, You may live in Canada .
If you can drive 90 km/hr through 2 feet of snow During a raging blizzard without flinching, You may live in Canada .
If you install security lights on your house and garage, But leave both unlocked, You may live in Canada .
If you carry jumper cables in your car And your wife knows how to use them, You may live in Canada .
If you design your kid's Halloween costume To fit over a snowsuit, You may live in Canada .
If the speed limit on the highway is 80 km -- You're going 95 and everybody is passing you, You may live in Canada .
If driving is better in the winter Because the potholes are filled with snow, You may live in Canada .
If you know all 4 seasons: Almost winter, winter, still winter, and road construction, You may live in Canada .
If you have more miles On your snow blower than your car, You may live in Canada
If you find -2 degrees 'a little chilly', You may live in Canada .
If you actually understand these jokes, and forward them to all your friends, you definitely are Canadian and proud to be..
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cypher369Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:56 am

hahahahaha love it, nice 1 two-four
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TakerDeep2008Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:31 am

Oh man those are good...gonna send them to my family
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ags463Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:32 am

Scary how many actually fit me...

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TwoFourWed Jan 18, 2012 3:33 am

It is funny how many of these hit home...we're crazy Canucks alright...Eh!!!
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RifleDanWed Jan 18, 2012 4:11 am

... Ok...
I think i live in Canada... For sure...lol.
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psycodadThu Jan 19, 2012 3:58 am

ya AGS.....i was thinking the same think...as i was reading them in the back of my head I could here "check yup ...been there done that"
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