Polite & Friendly's


BF3 game style?

BarnabyTue Jan 03, 2012 2:44 pm

Hello Gents

I'm just thinking out loud here but I'd be interested in your oppinions.
I first came to your servers for Black Ops being a server PF GREEN had found, we liked the slower more tactical approach you showed.

That said I feel BF3 is not played in the same way, it seems to be going more down the console route of run gun mayhem.  There are times when mainly BK are on the game experience is very good but when the 64 majority is in favour of the public it becomes total chaos.
All sorts of cheats/ hacks etc are being exploited ie taking a ride on top of the mav remote vehicle to reach places normally outside of the game.  I decided to leave as this was not my style of game play.

I wonder if you intend to set up a server which can be only played in a more realistic manner, maybe some 2-step joining the server would work in trying to ensure the gamers knows the BK server is different. ie 1st step states THIS SERVER IS TO BE PLAYED IN AN REALISTIC MANNER NO CHEATS HACKS ETC. 2nd step YOU JOIN THE GAME.  Then with this 2-step process any rule breaker could be kicked straight away, initally for 0 secs followed by a ban if necessary.

I do play on a UK server that insists on squad formation and limits the number of snipers, etc so that you get a more realistic mix of troopers per squad.  Saddly it only really works when a majority of their own players are on otherwise it's an admin nightmare.  They have limited the server to 16 which helps so I wonder if you might make up a selective more realistic server for like minded players, now that would be worth becomming a supporting BK member for.
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LukeTue Jan 03, 2012 3:19 pm

We have experimented with a few different game styles including crouch only. The maps are just to large to limit running. Honestly it comes down to how you play. I normally play defense holding what we have taken. You would be amazed at how that changes the game play. When you make the decision to switch from running to the next target to holding what you have the game slows down and you get many more kills.

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BarnabyTue Jan 03, 2012 4:14 pm

Thanks Luke
I think I have posted previously on here very much what you have said above which describes my game style exactly.
I wasn't so much as wanting players to go crouch, which I agree the maps are just too big for that, but more an acceptance of being part of a team striving to take and hold rather than leap into a tank and rush of across the map, nail the flag then rush off onto the next one.
Here's my extract from the other post>>>
I much prefer to have a controlled exit from spawn, use a fast recon jeep to spot enemy and move upto engage.  Using top cover to spot and destroy targets too.  I would also like to see more squads taking and then defending bases instead of the mass exidus from the captured base to move onto the next one.  Some should be left behind to hold or at least make a defensive line with all the captured bases behind it.

Maybe we will bump into one another while trying to hold what we have taken.
When I'm in defence mode I lay out mines [I have the extra ammo perk], use a g3 and swap between ATand AA depending on the nme attack modes.
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WolfFangWed Jan 04, 2012 1:01 am

I can understand that sentiment. I have been on when there seems to be a large number of players that just dont care to play team style or take objectives. There have been times I just switch to one of the other servers but I also found if I join a squad with clan members it is a little better. Just hang in there, the ones that do the exploits and such usually dont get to stick around for very long. The game is still a little new and once it gets around that we enforce the rules, those people will stop coming around just like it was in BO.
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