Polite & Friendly's


Recently banned on P&F#1 BF3

cleanupTue Dec 27, 2011 8:57 pm

Hey folks,

Recently got kicked and seemingly banned from the P&F #1 server on BF3. I had been warned a couple times about foul language (though none of it directed toward another player) and ended up using the term "FML" which I was kicked for. I read under your Rules/FAQ page that normally it's only a kick that's given after 2 warnings of foul language not directed toward another player, but instead, I was banned. I'm not sure for how long; the server browser makes it sound like it was permanent.

Any way to check how long the ban is indeed in place for, or, if it's permanent, if there's any way it could be reversed? I wasn't attacking anyone, just accidentally made some poor choices of words while I was using the chatbox.

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BigDawgTue Dec 27, 2011 11:54 pm

Did you submit a ticket on this matter?You can find the link on the home page.  langauge warnings are directed at the player who is being warned and yes it after 2 they get removed.In the heat of the battle you might miss the  1st .So as long as it was only a Langauge  issue you just got kicked and after  awhile you should be able to rejoin. Try  rejoining first before you submit a ticket, if you do submit one please be patiant as the admins are very busy.
Thank you for playing
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UchiMataWed Dec 28, 2011 12:42 am

The rules are that you will be removed for persistent foul language - so after two warnings the next offence will warrant a kick.

A ban will be imposed if you direct abuse against another player, the server (admin) or argue/disrupt the game, also TKing for vehicles is not Polite or Friendly.

Furthermore, racist, political, sexist or religious comments will result in a ban without exception.

Abbreviations are also not tolerated as it is clear what meaning is implied by their use.

Submit a ticket and a senior admin will review the server logs and get back to you shortly.
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