Polite & Friendly's


please allow to come back after ban

k9arkoSun Dec 04, 2011 1:30 am

Player Name: k9arko_<br> Server:COD world at War <br> Time (in EST please): Tuesday 11-29-11, approximately 10pm.<br> <br> I have been playing under k9arko and k9arko_ for a very long time. Many of the BK members that play COD world at War know me. I was banned on Tuesday and I am not sure why. I also want to fix the situation. I was in a conversation with a non BK member who said she had a bad day. I satated that I had a bad day too, I was investigating the rape of a child. I am a cop as many on there know. As soon as I said that I got warnings to watch my language. I never used a cuss word, I was just saying that was my typical day. I got upset after continued warnings, and said I piss off and left. I was mad, to be honest on the way I was treated. I have been on the server for over a year and never had 1 situation where I was kicked or banned. I felt like the punishment did not fit the crime so to speak. I would hope you could ask around about me, I am sure you will get positive feedback about me. I have always respected the server rules, and 1 situation does not deserve a ban for life. Please understand too, that I meant no disrespect, I was actually trying to make the other player who said they had a bad day feel better, by telling her how bad mine was. Thank you for your time.
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BigHossSun Dec 04, 2011 2:35 am

Good Evening k9arko. You may also want to open a ticket using the Contact Us button on the top of the main page. The admins will get to it soon (May take a few days with them being busy due to family and the holiday's coming up) but some one will get to you shortly.
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JohnnySun Dec 04, 2011 2:35 am

Hey K9arko, What u have to do is summit a ticket. On the top of page it will say contact us, then click sever then state reason and it will be looked at as soon as possible. Thank u
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k9arkoSun Dec 04, 2011 4:55 am

I did a ticket at the contact us area, I posted here because no one answered after a few days.
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fearSun Dec 04, 2011 5:48 am

Even though Im no longer in BK I would like to say K9 is a great person and really should be unbanned. He plays by the rules and always has.
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LukeSun Dec 04, 2011 6:35 am

K9 the admin staff is back logged your ticket is being looked at.

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k9arkoSun Dec 04, 2011 9:25 pm

Do you think they will get to it today? I really only play one or two days a week, sunday is my big day. I tried to join but I am still banned.  thanks guys
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k9arkoTue Dec 06, 2011 8:23 pm

any word? Today is Dec 06, just wondering. Thanks guys
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REFORMTue Dec 06, 2011 10:43 pm

Hey K9arko, I have seen you on W@W and you are a great player! but.........we have rules against disrespecting the server and other players. I get that you were trying to make the other person feel better and maybe the person who issued the warning took offense to what you were saying. who knows??? We try to be as polite and friendly as we possibly can. but when you tell the server to do what you told it to do, then that crosses into disrespecting the server and that cant be tollerated. So maybe that is why you got the ban? I wasnt there but that is just my guess. Keep at it with the ticket and I hope that the ban is lifted!! Like I said you are a great player and I hope to see you on the battlefield!
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k9arkoWed Dec 07, 2011 6:08 am

I understand, but we are all human and make mistakes. If you ask around about me, fear, wombat, daf,  and others, they see me all the time. They know I am not a bad guy. To make a mistake is human, to ask for forgiveness is human, to not grant it isn't. I am not telling you what to do, all I am saying is, One mistake, yea I got mad and said something I shouldn't, should not be a life time ban IMO. If this was a pattern, and I had warnings before, then I would understand, and never of posted here.  All I am saying is let my reputation speak for its self. Ask the wow admins, there are about 5 I see on a regular basis. I would imagine they would say I am a great player and treat others fair.  I leave it in their hands. thanks
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AbramWed Dec 07, 2011 6:40 am

The funny thing about typing out something that may get one a spanking, is that one has that time to think about what they're saying... But ya, don't recall ever giving you any disciplinary actions.
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RifleDanFri Dec 09, 2011 4:15 pm

I was in that day.

The way and comments you made before you left that day was kickable... in my opinion.
We warned you and others to stop this conversation, i even remember that i personnaly told you that it was'nt the type of conversation we could accept in our server...
About the ban, i'm not an admin and i never asked for it, and dont even remember any debate about it on TS.

I have to say that you are a good, respectfull and helping player on our W@W server so i plaid in your favor in that case... for what it can do...

But, K9arko, please remember that, even if you wanted to help someone who had a bad day, or you had a bad one, the type of conversation you had that day was kind of... to explicite to be on our server.
If you dont see it on the familly channel, dont expect it on our server.
It is the way we've always run our servers and always will.

Hope to see you in game.

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k9arkoFri Dec 09, 2011 9:40 pm

I understand the conversation was not what the server allows, and I shouldn't of had it. I learned from that and I won't do it again. I hope the ban is lifted because I enjoy the server, I havent played since because your server is the only one I like. Thanks and sorry
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DELETEDSat Dec 10, 2011 6:41 am

You need to let him back so I can kick his butt when  I get back from holidays!!!!
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SuniGunzSat Dec 10, 2011 1:15 pm

Language    Wink
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