Where would we draw the line with this? While playing, if a team does well enough at pushing their opponents, getting to the enemy spawn is inevitable; consciously pulling back is hard to do, at times. Woudl we allow killing as soon as the enemy crosses a magical line? Snipers can sometimes shoot into spawn areas, but being so far away, it can be hard to tell. I think most players don't do it intentionally - it's jsut a natural progression of doing well.
It's come up in a few matches I've played. I'm all for just someone mentioning it as a courtesy, and let the players make up their own minds. IF enough player pull back a bit, then the other team will be able to make it out.
I certainly have no problem choosing a further spawn point. Keeping the enemy in such a small area can get boring, pretty quickly.
Spawn protection inside the Deployment spawn area sure would be nice, though.
There is a plug-in that punishes players for being in or shooting into the spawn, but that means someone and everyone has to have it installed and configured in the same way. Now that we have badkon this is a moot point (unless the plug-in runs on the same server).
Only advice is to hold at least two points in conquest so that you have options
I agree with Badoosh. Complaining about it isnt something that is going to make it stop. Changing the rules isnt something that is going to make it stop. It will just be one more thing that has to be watched and enforced. It happens in every game that has spawning. I know I have done it unintentionally, so if we make it a rule then I would be warned unfairly. I understand the fact that it is REALLY frustrating, but getting mad over a game?? well then maybe it is time to take a big deep breath, step away from the computer, and smash it with a hammer!
THAT, would definatly stop the spawn killing!!!
just my 2 cents.
I think Spawn camping is a important part of the game. First off Rush is the only game that should be really worried about Spawn camping since conquest moves its spawns around, if you happen to spawn then get killed, its not like someone was waiting for you to show up.
Now on Rush, yes its alot easier to do but if a team is over powering its attacker then that means the attacking team needs to step up its game. I mean if you think about it, the attacking side is invading the defending side, in turn camping their spawn.
This is a subject that comes up alot. Should it be allowed, yes. Yes it is frustrating to get killed as soon as you come in, but that can even happen if you spawn in on a teammate.
As reform said, its a game and we're here to have fun. Building skill and team work is the most important part of the game but having fun is even important.
Yea, when im in the Jet im coming to your runway and taking your planes out. I think that is a valid tactic. However i played one game when one guy just landed his chopper in or base at the end of the runway and just waited till someone spawned in the jet and blew it up. Is that fair? No not really, however someone should have IQ enough to realize he is doing this and take him down(which i did with a tank...sucker).
If you are pinned to your base that is just your fault. You got out played. You arent doing the objectives.
Certain things in a Battlefield game are a given. When in Conquest, as tank or anything, ALWAYS go take C. You need more than half to bleed the other team of tickets. If you lose your grip on half the objectives, prepare to start hustling to keep the current ones you have, or you may very well be the one who cant get out of your base.
Ok, well said. But now for the flip side. First and foremost I like you guys but, by god, if I want to rant then I will (polite and friendly of course). Out played, many times yes. I don't have a problem with that. Conquest has Flags but if you are "out classed" and pushed to your base spawn and someone keeps tanks and apvs just outside of the spawn while shooting into it while the other half of that team is spamming it with RPGs then THAT is weak. Bazzar is the worst for this. There are four kits for a reason. Not everyone should have to play eng every time because its the only way to defend against tanks. I don't blame people for doing it. Everyone has and anyone saying other wise, well, you get the picture. I come her to enjoy and have fun. Venting is a part of it. But if I'm not allowed to vent or disagree and and being told "hey then find somewhere else to play..." well that just pinches the lily a bit there. BK rule: Be in TS if in our game servers. Again, I am not mad at any one person, but try being on the receiving end 4 maps in a row supporting your clan's server and then tell me how calm, cool and collected you are. But if that is what we are reducing ourselves too, then I will sadly follow your advise and do as you wish.
I think that you guys need to make sure taht your suggestions and solutions appeared in the BF3 survey that ended on Sunday!? I am sure that there are many ways to improve the enjoyment for BF3 players of polite and friendly. It will only be through the constructive input of many loyal members that the clan bosses will be able to make the necessary adjustments that will bring BF3 closer to the enjoyment bracket of its members.
To that end dont forget that this is why BK has a hierarchy. What is the point of having this available if you dont use it. Bring your points forward to the table and get them listened to.
I dont mind having the odd winging moan fest myself from time to time. I got really fed up being spawn kill the other day. I got fed up the day before because I played 3 games with no kills! It didnt spoil my enjoyment I just had to ensure that I didnt press the push to talk button!
Personally I do not really know what changes can be made to the play style of BF3 that will make it more enjoyable for me as an individual member. However I do believe that I enjoy the crouch method above all else in BO so am prepared and willing to see it given a try in BF3. I will be watching to see what the outcomes are from the survey. Let's hope that they dont take too long to arrive.
The most important thing is to enjoy your gaming and not get all misted up otherwise there is no point being there.
Spawn camping is difficult to regulate. I believe passively allowing it is the best method. By passive, I mean that we should not post a rule/notice that it is allowed on game servers. If spawn camping is allowed, then making negative comments in game/channel about those who attempt to do so should not be made. Since we do not make negative comments about people at any time in game/open channel, this should not be an issue. Example of a negative comment: "Only noobs camp spawns." Advising teammates that someone is camping a location/spawn would be encouraged, of course. That's how I see it.
Well what is concidred as spawncamping is an issue we will have clear out.
If it meens puting tanks or apvs outside the opponents MAIN spawnare or using rpg“s and motar strikes to wipe players out then i think we could use our common sense
and try not to make that something we enforce CLAN members to do.
I cant see that is is a fun part of the game. My 2 cents on that its just an easy and weak way to get points.
And i really cant see how that can be fun for anyone playing the game.
But it really comes down to 1 thing and that is we all have to use our common sense and think what is the most imporant thing is it to have fun and make a fun thing for
all of us or is it to get some sort of ego boost.
My feelings are that if we can have a open fight out on the map is more fun then pinpointing the opponents spawn area.
i agree with what u say sweed for it does take much of a player to pinn one in a spawn and keep them therejust for the act of getting kills myself i am about the fun of it not the points if i see them being pinned in the spawn i pull back let them get a flag or 2 then get backinto it for its what alot of people seem to forget is the sportsman ship of playing and haveing fun doing it not just to always be the top player the game has so many bugs that anger people why make it worse it just hurts the clan over all wither they are part of the clan or just players in the game that like that type of game play/style that wishes for them to play with us. lead by example make it fun for all not JUST YOU .
Another issue I have come across is when people spawn and move out of base and claim they were spawnkilled...this is not spawnkilling!
If you are outside of your base this is no mans land.
If you are inside your base but on say the runway for jets your NOT in your spawn because you had to move to get there.
If you spawn in a jet, helo or jeep and get killed this is spawnkilling.
Other than those examples its not something to get overexcited or painfully upset about! Its just a game there is going to be spawncamping/killing, team killing and cheating...its a game!
I hate being killed as soon I as spawn so I would rather spawn in the base.
The only thing I would suggest is that we should squad up with clanmates and work together on the objectives - which is not something I've seen recently.