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Modern Warfare 3 Getting Blasted By Users

LukeTue Nov 08, 2011 8:39 pm

The Xbox 360 version of Modern Warfare 3 currently has a review score average of 90 out of a 100. But if you take a look to the right, 479 user reviews have been written, many of which are extremely negative. And while these are, of course, user reviews, more than a few of them are articulately written hands-on reports on the game.

Read more here: http://www.gamepro.com/article/news/224743/modern-warfare-3-getting-blasted-by-users/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+GameProNews+%28GamePro.com+Daily+News%29
What dose all of our members think?

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SheepdawgTue Nov 08, 2011 10:15 pm

Is this honestly surprising?  Look at the Steam forums, or heck even the Battlefield forums.

Bottom line is anyone that honestly thought this game would be 'better' or 'different' was just lying to themselves to justify wasting 60 bucks Twisted Evil

I feel kinda dirty, but after all the BF rage and the CoDers in there talking smack, im glad to see their high and mighty title fall short as well.
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TheTruthTue Nov 08, 2011 11:49 pm

Sadly a lot of games first person or other when starting on a new game engine with have a great deal of hype pre-release. The new frost engine looks amazing yes. I do think the game wasn't actually ready to be released though. Its hard to get a good game right out of the box. A lot of games go through month of patches ect till a good game can be made of it.  I would have to guess we have a few months before Bf3 actually lives up to its hype. I would have to think that mw3 will be the same.
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TrygarWed Nov 09, 2011 4:00 am

Unfotunately, Activision isn't allowed to use the same excuse for needing patches as EA/DICE.

Activision has been using the same engine for years now. The only thing new about their "new" game is a few skins and the changes they have made to the kill streak system and customization.

I believe what all the fuss with MW3 is about is that people have finally gotten tired of buying the same game over and over.
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wrenchinWed Nov 09, 2011 9:19 am

personally so far i like it. i bought battlefield 3 and i like this way better so far.. the controls on bf3 i hate with a passion. i really like the ones on mw3. i have come back and looking ot see if there are any servers up for it
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SuniGunzWed Nov 09, 2011 11:43 am

its funny Im not even the least bit excited about the new first person shooter to come out and Ive bought every thing anyone has made since blackhawk down. Wolfenstien was free and fun
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bil4shortWed Nov 09, 2011 4:55 pm

People being surprised that the maps have been recycled didn't watch the trailers very carefully.  I saw that from the first vid I saw of the game.  I imagine that this will shake Activision out of its doldrums.

I do agree with Truth that there are always some tweaks to be made on a game after release.  These are massive projects requiring thousands of hours of time to create and every eventuality could not possibly be addressed.

With that said, MW3 is using the same engine, same maps (or parts thereof), and packaging it with a new story some tweaks to the online stuff and then releasing it with some shiny new previews.  I feel that MW3 is a money grabber.  If I had to guess, Activision went with a guaranteed money maker to fund the "next new thing."  What that will be is anyone's guess.

Bummed with MW3?  I am enjoying BF3 immensely and recommend it to anyone.

Ladyhawk have you had a go yet?
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Les73gtxWed Nov 09, 2011 6:59 pm

I agree With bil4short!

I also noticed a lot of reused map parts in the new game trailers and the fact of the server thing really bothered me enough not to buy MW3

I am completely satisfied with my BF3 purchase and look forward to all the months or years ahead for some great game time. EA/Dice has made efforts with making previous releases of the BF series better and better as time goes by and I suspect that BF3 will be no different.

So all you out there that hope to get BF3 From Santa ... your timing might be just right.
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HappyWed Nov 09, 2011 8:19 pm

I must agree with Wrenchin, I also like MW3 over BF3. For me I think the biggest thing is the size! Not the size of maps but character size, it just seams to be more fun to play.
I will also add that it is more like MW2.5 but if you liked MW2 you will really enjoy MW3. If you are looking for something new, or ground breaking then stay away and save your money.
I only wish they had RANKED dedicated servers because the maps are so crouch friendly it would be awesome to play OUR style.
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wrenchinWed Nov 09, 2011 9:46 pm

yeah that is really the only thing i dont like about it. the graphics are really good i think . the storyline on the campaign are amazing and it was great to follow the story on from where it left off in mw3. i was shocked that you are not playing the "soap" it is strange to actually follow him around through missions lol kinda like watching yourself from a 3rd person view. the way the servers are set up i dont like. i think there should be more choices if you are going to make it an automatic game builder. everytime i see another bk member that is on my friends list it either says they are not in a game that i can join or thier server is full. well that is because you are automatically put in a server and they fill up pretty fast. you would have to be one lucky SOB to get into a game with one of your friends.i love the ppl here in bk and have been waiting till this game came out to decide what i was to do. in the past i have donated alot of money to both the clan and also ppl in it who had been in need. i really hope because of this it doesnt cause me to have to find another clan in order to move up to the group style playing. i still run with my clan tag as PFC.Wrenchin*BK* (i hope i have not gotten a demotion lol) really miss playing with clan. talk with you all soon.
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BraxisWed Nov 09, 2011 11:44 pm

well, before you all ask, I am very very very firmly in the BF3 camp of this debate, and as I have said before, I will wait for CoD to make something really and truly NEW before I waste any more of my money on them.  bored completely out of my mind with that gameplay and engine.

That said, I have a question.  Wrenchin, what do you mean you dont like the controls in BF?  With the possible exception of the lean keys, (which I haven't found a situation yet where I really missed them), I cant think of a control that is any different (granted the presets are a bit different, but they are easily changed).  If you mean FEEL of the game, as in how the character handles hits and movement and such, I would argue that the feel that BF3 has achieved (especially with high volume on a surround system/headphones) is superb, borderline sublime. Extremely realistic and engrossing.


Anyways, I really do hope you enjoy MW3, and if you ever change your mind, I will welcome the opportunity to beat up on you in BF3  Twisted Evil

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Sabotage-NORFri Nov 11, 2011 9:08 pm

I have been playin MW3 a little bit now. I find it its like MW2. The campain part is good (as in MW2).
The MP part is good. But  i wish i could play this crouched.
So my toughts about MW3, is that its a good game. But i think BF3 is better.

BF3 because, teamwork,realistic, and big maps.(Sniper).

If u liked MW2, then u will like MW3.

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wrenchinFri Nov 11, 2011 10:46 pm

i will be working on my bw3 to see if i like the online.. i have not been able to try that as of yet. i will have to get the ts info and the server info to be able to try this part out. like i stated before my love for this clan and the ppl in it would be the driving force for me to actually play bf3 i will try to change the keys and such to fit my play style. hope to see you all soon.
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