Polite & Friendly's



Nam-RangerFri Nov 04, 2011 11:57 pm

I have been with P&F now going on 3 years now. I have been on server #2 now for the last 39 minutes. I have never in those 3 years saw a P&F server be that out of control. Over half the players are runing and gunning. Those that are following the rules (VERY FEW) when they to tell a player to crouch running is not allowed they get cused (BIG TIME). I know you men and women have other lifes besides the computer. We that don't, come here to enjoy what life we do have. When punks and kids with no-displine come in they MUST BE DELT WITH QUICKEY. If not you will ALWAYS have a server out of control.
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AbramSat Nov 05, 2011 12:18 am

Yes, it's amazing how quickly a good server can get turned upside-down by a few misbehaving players. Surely, there was an Admin on Teamspeak that could hand out kicks after any necessary warnings were handed out? If you need help keeping a server under control, ask for it on TS.

I cannot speak for other Admins, but I try my damnedest to quickly get rid of rule-breaking players, and will not hesitate to come in and give a hand. Though sometimes, those immature players come in, get kicked, and are replaced quicker than we can keep up. Doesn't happen often, but it happens. I recall lone day when server 4 had at least 4  BK members on it, and we kicked runners for a solid hour. Must've had 50 kicks in that time. It was quite insane.

PS - there's really no need for bold and color. I'm pretty sure everyone can read just fine. Though i empathize with your passion.
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Nam-RangerSat Nov 05, 2011 12:43 am

I'm not on TS my stroke in 97. Makes my voice sound like a mouth full of marbles......... Laughing  Hey I tried crying all it did was get my shirt wet........................
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AbramSat Nov 05, 2011 2:37 am

Well, you can always pop in an type in some messages. They make a "ding" sound in TS, adn thsoe of us that have the overlay working will see it on our screens, if in-game.
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BolerroSat Nov 05, 2011 11:20 pm

Not sure what has been going on, but I can say that I quite often now see BK members in game but not issuing warnings. Don't know if BadKon isn't working or the BK that are in game just don't want to have it up and stop there game play to issue warnings. But things definitely aren't the way they used to be. BK servers got there reputation because BK members would issue warnings and follow up with kicks as necessary. Just not seeing that happen like it used to be. I posted about this a couple weeks back but amazingly, the "management" must not have liked the post and removed/moved it. Go figure... try to help and voice concerns but it gets pulled as SOP.
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BigHossSun Nov 06, 2011 12:31 am

One thing to remember also is a lot of the BK members are into Battlefield right now, so that may delay the time before someone get on the case. I know I'm only a recruit but I always keep badkon up on my lap top so if I am playing BF3 and someone needs a warning and I hear it in TS I can just do it. I know not all our members are fortunate enough to have dual monitors, use the overlay or have a laptop they can use, but it does help. I have been away for a few days as my Daughter got a bug and has been ill so I have been helping Mama out and just not have had time to play. I am feeling a bit better today and have to get some yard work done tomorrow and fix up my Computer Room a bit, but I will be back into handing out warnings soon.

As CHUD said hop on Team Speak and let us know when things are getting out of hand, and please remember a lot of us are busy in BF3, but never to busy to help out Friends!
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tetTue Nov 08, 2011 4:36 am

jerry0503214 wrote:

I'm not on TS my stroke in 97. Makes my voice sound like a mouth full of marbles......... Laughing  Hey I tried crying all it did was get my shirt wet........................

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spammer, somebody ban it.
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