using joystick (logitech 3d pro) for flying
WolfFangFri Nov 04, 2011 12:41 am
Here is my setup for those that have the same joystick and want to use it to fly helos and jets. I will list the function and then button/axis to input. The actual name that shows up in the key bindings will be different because the game thinks it is a gamepad not a joystick.
The first is throttle- push up on throttle button for increase and then in next center it then push down to decrease. It will come up as trigger 1 and 2.
yaw right and left- use rotation right and left respectively. It will display as rot z+ and z-.
pitch up and down- assign it to axis 1y, I use back as up and forward as down but you can do it the other way.
roll right and left- assign to axis1x, same at above if your on the right box push right. You only have to assign one it assigns the other automatically.
afterburner- I use the button 3, it will list as pad left.
toggle chase view- I assigned the pov up which will display pov 1N. this doesnt work in hardcore btw.
fire- I assign to the trigger button which displays as pad up.
reload- I assign to button 6 which displays as button 1.
switch weapons- I assign to button 5 but will display as button 4.
fire countermeasures- I assign button 4 which displays as pad right.
enter/exit- I assign to the side joystick button but will display as pad down.
switch seats (helo only)- I assign to pov left which will display as pov1w.
All the other entries in the joystick column should be cleared. If you dont know how to do this you select that box press and hold esc till the entry clears. It doesnt matter what the other columns have in them as long as you are just using the joystick. I dont use the free look but you could I guess assign it to the mouse while your flying though that could get complicated. If anyone else uses it for land or vehicles, you just have to make sure none of the buttons overlap in a given tab with exception of the common tab; if you use a key on the common tab you cant reuse it on the other tabs. Hope this helps those that want to use joysticks. If you have any problems understanding or making it work, just let me know and I'll help you through it on ts.
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tetFri Nov 04, 2011 1:29 am
Possibly this can work with other joysticks as well. i have a Saitek ST290 pro which I used with Bad Company 2, can't remember how I had it set up though.
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G0dbyFri Nov 04, 2011 1:49 am
to get my stick i had to remove HID drivers. this was conflicting with it.
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LowFlyerFri Nov 04, 2011 12:37 pm
I got a very old Gravis flight stick from like the Windows 95 days with a big ol' serial cable connection on it connected with a patch through serial to USB adaptor. I have had it forever. (Over 10 yrs for sure) Anyways it still works great for flight sims and such. I guess I will have to plug er in and configure it again. I had it goin for Bad Company, but flying was ridiculous in that game.
See ya on the battlefield.
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WolfFangFri Nov 04, 2011 4:35 pm
Although it recognitions them as gamepads I think it will still work with other joysticks. This is a lot better than BC2 was also; I have not found a button yet that it will not allow me to assign. BC2 I had to use the Logitech profiler software and make the game think I was still using the keyboard in order for it to work.
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AbramWed Nov 16, 2011 8:35 pm
You can also manually set binds by editing "PROF_SAVE_profile" with Notepad/Wordpad. You can find it in \My Documents\Battlefield 3\Settings\
I use my Cordless Rumbelpad 2 to fly, but upon binding keys, it would not let me bind my right-sticks' X axis in the helo, but i could for the Jet section. It also forced the pause menu to Button 10, which i was unable to change in teh menu. Editing the PROF_SAVE_profile file allowed me to fix these. Of course, back up your original if you are to start mucking with config files.
The gamepad works pretty well.. but i still may yet get a joystick. It's been on my list of gadgets for some time...
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UchiMataWed Nov 16, 2011 9:02 pm
I have a logitech wingman 3d force - haven't yet got it do anything useful.
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WolfFangThu Nov 17, 2011 12:43 am
UchiMata make sure the logitech profile software is shut off. If it is running in the background my post wont work. Set the bindings by in the game and leave the profiler off.
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UchiMataThu Nov 17, 2011 6:47 am
WolfFang - thanks for the advice; I'll try that and manually editing the config.
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PFGreenLabelThu Nov 17, 2011 9:22 pm
I'm using the saitek cyborg X flightstick. It plugs and plays (mainly) but I am having trouble with free look from in the cockpit!? Anyone got any suggestions please?
it comes with a program for profiling but in BF3 thre seems to be (no surprises) little bugs that make setting it up a pain the neck!
Any advice appreciated x
Salute Green BK
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WolfFangFri Nov 18, 2011 3:02 am
The main issue with joysticks I found is clearing unused bottons, I dont use free look as of yet but as mentioned above you can assign a button twice. So make sure you dont do that. The axis are a little funny too. With driving vehicles I had to use seperate buttons for accelerate and reverse; assigning forward and back on joystick just didnt work. If you mess with it a little you will get it to work.
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HawkeyeSun Dec 11, 2011 8:05 pm
Hmmmm.....I am looking to get this Logitech Joystick 3D Pro, just to help me, do you all like using the joystick to fly?
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PFGreenLabelMon Dec 12, 2011 12:38 am
Hawkeye wrote:
Hmmmm.....I am looking to get this Logitech Joystick 3D Pro, just to help me, do you all like using the joystick to fly?
Hello Hawkeye I have the saitek cyborg 5 flight stick and have waited a while before using it in BF3. To be honest mate I dont find it that good. It took a lot of time to get it working properly (and there are still buttons that wont associate with BF3) for not alot of reward. I thought it would out strip the keyboard mouse option but do you know what ? I dont think it does by much!
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WolfFangMon Dec 12, 2011 1:12 am
The logitech 3d pro is great, had saitek before and honestly dont like them. I have yet to find a button on the logitech that I cant assign. I am going to try and get the freelook working for flying; if I do I will let you know how I got it to work.
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HawkeyeMon Dec 12, 2011 11:38 pm
Yeah...Santa is bringing me one for Christmas....Logitech 3D Extreme Pro....
His wife told me so........
Hope it works well....
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