Funny you say that. i just put it away yesterday.
Well from the Lair of MrJoelieC... I bult 2 rooms that took up the back half of my basement...stairtway is in the middle of house so I took the back half that has a walk out as my Office/Sanctuary and famly room/theatre room:
So that's the layout... Currenly I took a hiatus on building my own boxes and am using an HP XW 6200 Workstation I got off of Ebay cheap.. Dual Dual Core XEON 3.2 ghz Processors with just a crappy NVIDIA 8500 GT.. Works... Server closset has 2 terrabytes of storage for the multimedia PC that is in the AV shelf in the family room.. I have some movies on storage but generally what happens is the media center PC records shows and I do not always get in time ot watch them so the PC compresses them to a smaller format and stores them on the server so I can watch them later... The compression is very watchable even on the projector..
Sundays usually find me gaming while football is on the projector in the other room... Here is a link of some pics:
Oh and the servers host my e-mail and website.. I got sick of my ISP constantly changing hands so I own my own domain...