Polite & Friendly's


Favorite features in Battlefield 3.

SheepdawgMon Oct 03, 2011 6:05 pm

I have to say first of all...the game is amazing.  I absolutely love it.  I dont care about Battlelog, or the Origin debacle.  Ive had 0 issues with the game installing and running.  THe only thing that was sad was Caspian Border was always too full and really laggy.

However...my all time most favorite part of this game(so far) is the ability to......


I love being able to set up my assauly rifle on its bipod, press (V) to switch to single shot, take out some enemy snipers, switch back to auto and plant a charge.  UGHH!!! I LOVE THIS GAME!

Normally im really not a fan of the AK.  Its powerful but always has hella recoil.  This one shot setting makes it super deadly.  

So go ahead everyone, what makes this game epic for you?

PS - The tactical light and the scope glare do need a little dine tuning in my opinion, but i love those features.
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LukeMon Oct 03, 2011 6:40 pm

I love that they let you put a button on your website which will launch people into your game servers! We will have them on our website.
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StrandMon Oct 03, 2011 7:03 pm

I really like the firing modes as well, for the same reason you mentioned. The scope glare is pretty cool to, its a more realistic approach to make sniping in the game more balanced.
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BraxisMon Oct 03, 2011 8:53 pm

Oh jeez... what to choose...

I like everything said so far.   (Though leave the tactics lights just the way they are, they really are that blinding IRL, and if used properly they are devastating in game!)  And the sniper scope flare is a great balancing tool, if you have to tweak it, make it so it only shows up when they are looking directly at you (now it projects in a sort of cone, just narrow the cone)

I like the class balance, its MUCH better than bc2.  And I like the variety of attachments for guns, it makes for a Ton of variation and versatility in playing.

I think the mobile spawn points need some work. There is currently no way to destroy them, and they last the whole game, so if one can get placed in a good spot, your team can either dominate or get destroyed.. also, you get no points for your team using yours...

Closing thought:  always remember to use your spot button!! (Press "Q"when aiming at enemies, displays their location to everyone) ok, I lied, this feature is the best thing in the game, and I garuntee that it will always be the difference between a winning and losing team.

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StrandMon Oct 03, 2011 9:26 pm

Actually, now you said it Braxis, I really hate those mobile spawn points, two squads put them around the attacking teams spawn and they destroyed us, they hid them in bushes and we couldnt find them for the life of us. there should be something that gives them away, either a loud beep or a bright flashing light.
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mr-tMon Oct 03, 2011 9:32 pm

they can be destroyed by shooting them but i think they should be limited to where they can be placed eg in open area not in bushes or under boxes etc
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DamonMon Oct 03, 2011 10:58 pm

Another feature of the game I love is the destruction players are capable of making in the game.
Players can drop a huge tree with a well placed grenade or explosive and use it for visual cover, or take out a large section of a wall, which enemies might be using for cover.
The destruction is just awesome.  I will admit, I want them to fix how throwing a medkit down against a concrete barrier or other object actually can destroy it.  That's a little overkill.  I'm sure it will be fixed at some point.  Smile
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D34TH_D34LERTue Oct 04, 2011 12:29 am

the firing mode is awesome...i dunno why all  the cod games never had this.the first cod did but none after.the destruction is very good as well. only thing i didn't like was i couldn't cook my nades. even if u hold the button he just throws them.
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StrandTue Oct 04, 2011 12:36 am

I actually got permanently banned from CoD4 for installing a config which allowed me to switch firing modes during multiplayer Sad
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SheepdawgTue Oct 04, 2011 7:10 pm

I agree with the spot "Q".  Im ALWAYS spotting.  Sometime i like to just set up the AK or M16(?) on a bipod, maybe reddot sight or iron sights, swith to single, spot and kill, or switch to auto and supress.  Or maybe i just get the M249 and set up shop with extended mags, and just let em fly.

All i can say is FINALLY....a preordered game that is ABSOLUTELY worth it.  I stopped playing Dead Island 2 unfortunately, and yea.

Also, im pretty sure i saw a robot plant a bomb at one of the sites earlier...LOL, epic!
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