Polite & Friendly's


How did you get your names?

MikusMon Apr 13, 2009 9:54 pm

Mikus is a derrivitave of Mikusmage. That was my first e-mail account. every online game i have ever played had a combo of that, Mikus, or Loki. I like mages, but dang low hitpoints and in-ability to drink heavily has made removing the mage portion much easier. (However lightning bolt is still a fine way to die.)
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ReconTue Apr 14, 2009 12:56 am

I was a 19d20 Recon Sgt in the Army from 91 to 98. I had to get out of the service due to my injurys and so thats how I came up with my name.
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SneaKeRTue Apr 14, 2009 1:25 am

I've had my name since the mech waroir days when I was a scout for my old clan, Mw4 was an awesome game!! they named me SoA_SneaKeR cause with no radar running I coould find all the targets for my missile boats and then lay waste to the other teams mech's and beacon them and still get away unsacthed, my old MW4 and MW5 clan rocked we were in the top 5 of all the leagues we were in, but times have changed since those days I do miss that game but Microsoft dropped all support for the game, ah the fun we had!!!
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LoOnyCalSat Apr 18, 2009 2:13 pm

When i was in school i went all crazy on my best friend cause i caught him kissing my long time girl friend of 3 years. I put him in the hospital and spent 14 days in jail over that ordeal. While i was in jail it was leaked that i went LoOny on my friend and i have been called LoOnyCal ever since!!!   Twisted Evil
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reddragnSat Apr 18, 2009 6:27 pm

I have a red dragon tattooed on my arm
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ReconSat Apr 18, 2009 10:11 pm

I was a 19d20 Recon Sgt in the Army for 8 yrs. After I received injuries in the line of duty I was medically discharged. I loved it and still miss it. So hence my name Recon.
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DiggerBazSun Apr 19, 2009 2:19 am

Very cool guys. I gotta say I have been gaming since 1991 but only on-line since last year with MOHA where I got to know Baument, CDesperado and Gumpster so I'm a newb with online stuff. OK here's my name: Digger (I used to be in 2 Commando Company 80 - 83) and the term "digger" is derived from the Aussie soldiers who were digging trenches at WW1 and Baz isshort for my christian name Basil. There you have it not as creative as some of you guys but "The Fox" was already taken (from the toon King Leonardo)
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MrJoelieCTue Apr 21, 2009 6:08 pm

My Real name is Joel and MrJoelieC (Prounoced Mister-Joel-EEEE-Seeee) Is my Screen Name/Nickname. Here is how I got it:

I was in High school at my first job as a stockboy in a grocery store... I was at that awkward age in that I was not quite a Man and not quite a Boy...LOL Women were noticing me but yet in a way they were afraid to admit it cause I was not really in the "IN" crowd...

Debbie one of the cashiers had no hang-ups about the "IN" crowd... She liked everybody and everybody liked her...She was not the pretiest but she sure could turn heads though with her sweetness and she was just one of those genuine people that nobody could find fault with...

I was in the back working the truck load on the run cutting the boxes open for the other stock boys. Loading the "U-boats" by isle number as it came off the pallet. I was working with one of the store managers (Tim) and one of the "IN" crowd (Todd) that everyone wanted to be like...

When In walks Debbie who at the time had this georgous long black curly hair and was wearing the cashiers uniform that was almost a size to small making her look as if she was making this once ugly uniform a peice of clothing that would have had her on last weeks cover of FHM.... She saw me, saw Tim the Manager, and looked at Todd of the "IN." A smile came accross her face and she thrust her chest out and raised her arms and shouted "Joelie Cee! You sexy thang give me a hug."

I of course looked confused... I mean who in the world thought I was "Sexy?" So I Turned towards her with the biggest dorkiest smile on the planet raised my arms and shouted "My Lover!" As everyone looked on.. Even Todd dropped his mouth "In Shock." I looked at Debie and proceeded to recieve not only a hug but a somewhat sloppy kiss from Debbie.. I almost fainted...

Tim the Store Manager who had quite the reputation as the "Smart Ass" looked at her and said: "That's Mister Joelie Cee to you and me! And don't you forget it"

10 years later at my 10 year high school reunion I realized I was not the unknown geek I thought I was... I realized this as I had a line formed around my table filled with people who could not wait to give MrJoelieC a hug. My Wife was not as impressed as I was.. 20 years later everyone still calls me MrJoelieC....... 20 year High School Reunion and the e-mails are already coming in "You gonna be there MrJoelieC?"
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A3TripodTue Apr 21, 2009 6:52 pm

Like some, I've had a long online gaming career.  Ever since the days of Quake, my game name has been CrazyB*****d.  By default that is the name I use as my friends will readily recognize who it is that's fragging them.  My backup names have always related to my cars and my amateur racing career.  I've been racing in Solo I, Solo II, and HPDE events for about 14 years where I've always driven some variant of a VW/Audi.  My current racer is an Audi A3, and my driving technique frequent results in my lifting the rear inside wheel during hard cornering, thus the tripod effect. Voila - A3Tripod.  Previous to my Audi, I drove a VW Wolfsburg Edition..and my game name was 3Wheelinwolf.
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DorkikerSun Apr 26, 2009 4:11 pm

In honor of Canadian special forces....
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TrueChuckieTue Apr 28, 2009 12:36 am

I chose it when I started in BHD because Chuckie was taken. I guess it fits because I am the True Chuckie at least in my mind.
Yes my real name would be Chuck also.
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SmackyTue Apr 28, 2009 12:49 am

Mine is from the comic strip, "Get Fuzzy".  There is a character known as Bucky Katt that has a toy stuffed animal, Smacky.  In one strip Bucky was getting upset about something and shouted "You're making Smacky mad!!!"  I get frustrated sometimes in online multiplayer games so I figured it suited me.
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LordJerm-BK-Sat May 02, 2009 5:57 pm

I got mine from my uncle D who has called me JERM since i was a kid   The lord part was because W@W wouldn't let me just use jerm but i think i will keep lord on there now since i seem to have a fan club of lords now  some of you guys know what i'm talking about
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StumpsFri May 15, 2009 5:54 pm

I started playing COD when it first came out, after a long stint as a founder and admin of a MOH clan and server.  I was never very good at either game, but after being blown to shreds numerous times by gymbags in COD and seeing my model lying there with nothing left but stumps for legs and arms (and occasionally headless), I took the name Stumps.  

I still use it because it's a fitting and accurate reflection of my ability lol
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jelloFri May 15, 2009 9:19 pm

my name goes back to roleplaying game days before online games (besides text games on BBS's). The game master described this poison spitting blob as Jello. We all had a good laugh and it was suggested that fire would be the only thing to kill it.  I failed three roles in a row 1 to kill it 1 to prevent my character from hurting himself and then 1 to prevent being digested by the jello. Hence from that point on he threatened to release the killerjello on me if I ever did something dumb in one of his games. He unfortunately passed away in 2001 and I have kept the name as an homage ever since. there have been variations but the spirit is still there.
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