Polite & Friendly's


So who all has access to Alpha?

BoneheadSat Jul 30, 2011 8:43 am

First impressions.... It looks great, but it's more like BFBC2 or MW than BF2. There are a lot of little things I'm not going to mention because it's still only in Alpha and I don't think we are seeing anything close to what we will get in the full version.

The Good:
-The graphics look Great! Almost like Crysis.
-The weapons seem to be nicely balanced, although I have heard a lot of grumbling from the snipers, no 1 shot kills.
-Player movement feels better than BFBC2, not as sluggish I guess.
-The knife works, unlike BFBC2.  
-It runs really smooth for me, I haven't had any lag at all. I was actually shocked at how smooth it was after playing BFBC2.

The Bad:
-No battlefield commander. This was one of the things that made BF2 different than all the other FPS.
-Squad leader can't give orders. No commo rose. This makes playing as a squad much harder.
-Only 4 man squads, not the 6 man squads from back in BC2.
-You can spawn on anyone in your squad, not just the squad leader. That is when the spawning works. The not working right part I think is just because it is still in Alpha and not fully functioning  
-3D spotting. Once a player has been spotted by the other team it doesn't matter where they go they still have a marker over their head. So even if you find cover the other team knows where you  are, through buildings, behind rocks, etc.
-Players and vehicles regenerate health, making medics and engineers less valuable. To me this takes away from the team work aspect that made BF2 so great.
-The attacking side seems to be at a huge disadvantage. I have only seen the last section of the map a hand full of times, and have only seen the attacking team win about 3 times. I think this is mostly because there just isn't enough squad play.
-To me they really killed the best parts of BF2, the squad play, and made it just like COD/MW/BFBC2. It's a way faster game style where everyone seems to be more worried about their KDR than keeping the squad alive and getting the mission accomplished.

Overall I think it will be a fun game, but I am more than a little disappointed in the way they killed what, to me, were the best parts of BF2. BF2 was, and still is, the only FPS I have ever played that really rewarded squad play. You don't see medics risking their life to revive players now, if you can find one to revive you at all. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing the game at all and I'm sure I will buy it, but to me they should have named it BFBC3 not BF3.

Oh and on a side note..... Sorry I haven't been around in a while, real life stuff has seemed to put a big hold on my gaming. I don't think I have played more than a few min of any game in the last few months until I got the Alpha invite. Hopefully this will be changing really soon and I can jump back in with both feet.
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DemonSeedSat Jul 30, 2011 3:27 pm

WolfFang wrote:

Also if you bought MOH, you have to have it installed, you should get one. I had not reinstalled mine since wiping and reinstalling my HD. Soon as I did I got the email. You also want to make sure it isregistered.

I did not have MOH installed. I got off work checked my email and there it was.
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DemonSeedSat Jul 30, 2011 3:31 pm

HeHawKilLer wrote:

Actually wolf all you have to do is just redeem the product key code...you don't have to install it.  That's all I did and the very next day i had an email...but, this is the way it goes...if you have MOH then you have access to BF3 Alphaa trial..as long as you registered the game.  There is no special thing to do, your email is picked ramdomly under the registered MOH players.

I have MOH as well. But from what im understanding is that MOH only gives you access to the BETA. I think this ALPHA trial they are just randomly looking at EA accounts and sending invites. I could be wrong though.
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mr-tSat Jul 30, 2011 3:46 pm

well I didn't get moh and I have a code
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DemonSeedSat Jul 30, 2011 4:06 pm

I only played for about 30 min yesterday. Just to get my feet wet. It runs flawless on my system. The graphics are nice. I am no BF expert and have never really played alot of BF. Even though I have BF2 and BFBC2. I suck at BFBC2. I found this alot easier for me to get kills. I actually ranked up in the 30 min I played. Im sure once the ALPHA trial is over they will send us an email asking us to rate the experience, give system specs, etc. I feel very privliedged to get to participate in this. I have never been invited to an Alpha trial before. Very cool!
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PastorDanSat Jul 30, 2011 5:47 pm

OK, don't hate me, but I bored of this game really fast...
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BoneheadSat Jul 30, 2011 6:46 pm

PstorDan wrote:

OK, don't hate me, but I bored of this game really fast...

Not hard to see why with only one map and one game type, but I think it will be much better with more content. At least I hope it will.
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DyerMakerSat Jul 30, 2011 8:36 pm

[quote="DemonSeed";p="74107"]........................... Im sure once the ALPHA trial is over they will send us an email asking us to rate the experience, give system specs, etc.![/quote]

On your Battlelog  log-in screen they have posted a button "Alpha Trial Survey".
Also there is the Battleog forums you might want to check out.
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DyerMakerSat Jul 30, 2011 8:39 pm

OK...why does the quote button never work for me??  :(
It's also not because I edit the quotes either,I have used it before without editing them and still no worky for me..
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KulamonsterSun Jul 31, 2011 2:08 am

Just got my Alpha invite this morning!  I use Kulamonster as my BF3 in-game name too!
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TwitchMon Aug 01, 2011 9:54 pm

Sooo, it's against the NDA but yea I got one too. It's pretty nice, looks to be a great game.
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WolfFangTue Aug 02, 2011 3:28 am

Guys keep in mind this was strictly for them to test the servers and make sure it could handle the load. Its on their page. This is but a slight bit of the game and even they state it is but a partial ability of the game, so dont judge it just yet based on the alpha.
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