Polite & Friendly's


To upgrade or start anew...that is the question

AliceterSat Jul 30, 2011 10:36 am

I recently got the new Alice: madness reruns.  Unfortunately i cant seem to play it since when i start the game i get the video message out of range. I know the game is running since the sound part is fine and I can still alt tab between things. My worry is if this is of thing to come in the upcoming games I've ordered.

I have the Studio XPS Desktop 435MT. The only upgrade I've done is the new 12 gig ram and a new main c: 1TB drive.   I'm thinking of either getting a new graphics card or making my own custom computer.  Attached is my DxDiag info. I had to zip it in order to attach it. Top one is in .txt and the second is in .xml

Thanks in advance for any help or info Exclamation
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PewPewDudeSat Jul 30, 2011 11:45 am

Unable to DL files supplied as im at work, So i googld your PC. If it's the one with the intel i7 940 and an ATI 4k series GPU, then i would say keep what you got and upgrade your GPU. preferably an NVIDIA as they play well with Intel chip sets. although aging, the 940 is still a superb CPU.

Hope this helps.
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AbramSat Jul 30, 2011 12:28 pm

I agree. A new GPU will suffice.

As for specifics, do some research and get the best bang for your buck. In my experience, ATI has always played nice with Intel hardware. It's what I've run on my last three builds.  Overall, I've foudn taht ATI (well, AMD now) hardware is better, but Nvidia driers are better, overall... Just get as much VRAM as you can muster. 2gb, at the least.
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AliceterSat Jul 30, 2011 5:47 pm

Thanks for the feed back. Think ill go with the NVIDIA  as i have a Ati now and hate how it updates. I know this is silly but i prefer the NVIDIA auto detect to give me the best updates for my card rather then a general one.
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