Polite & Friendly's


Infrared thermometer $9.99

MooseheadThu Jun 30, 2011 6:29 pm

If anyone is looking for a cheap infrared thermometer, Lowes is clearing out the . General Heat Seeker for only $9.99.

I plan on using it to monitor my video card and memory and check for low insulation around the house.

Also you can use it to pick up hot girls.
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TwitchThu Jun 30, 2011 9:23 pm

I was looking at picking one up at my local Lowes, refreshed the page and it's now $19.98 Sad still a deal but just not as sweet.
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MooseheadFri Jul 01, 2011 4:05 pm

They are marked down in the store if they have them. Same thing, I looked online and some stores had the $9.99 and others had $19.99.
I went to the store and they were marked $9.99 there when the web site had them higher.
If it's not to far stop in and take a look. They also had a moisture detector for the same price.
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