HC Crouch 3 - still banned.
AbramFri Jun 03, 2011 7:47 pm
For soem unknown reason, I got banned from HC Crouch 3 last week. That night, i created a ticket for it, but I have yet to get a response. ShallI create another? My current one seems to be in limbo or something..
PS - good to be here. I'm doubt I'll ever be suepr-active in Clan activities (other than playing), but I'm still liking it.
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UchiMataFri Jun 03, 2011 9:03 pm
Hi Abram - I suggest raising another ticket. I think that GOA.Luke and a couple of others can unban you.
However, Luke is quite busy so you might have to speak to him directly on TS.
Now that you are a member, I'm sure that you understand that the servers are policed well for the most part. And we try to keep it fair for all players.
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AbramFri Jun 03, 2011 10:28 pm
Okay, i will do that.
Yes, I have no clue why I was banned in the first place. I wasn't mouthing off, cheating, TK-ing, etc.. I got two kills, then got booted... All i can think of is that it was just a rage-ban. The primary reason for me wanting to join is that the servers are well policed and the admins are reasonable.
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KarowSat Jun 04, 2011 3:23 am
It could of been by mistake too. sometimers the wrong player gets the click.
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AbramSun Jun 05, 2011 9:41 pm
It's been 6 days now, and no progress.
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WirdoWed Jun 08, 2011 10:46 am
well abram some times in the system we are using to kick. it can suddently refresh when we are kicking a playing or banning or warning. and you can be clicked by mistake. if this is the case then we are ofc sory about it. but you have to be patienced to get answer over the site. luke and the admins have alot of work on their hand and they get alot of forum responsebility to check out each day.
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AbramWed Jun 08, 2011 9:16 pm
Well it's been more than 2 weeks now, and I'm still not allowed on HC 3.
I guess it was for a couple of TKs. I saw a mass of red dots on the corner of my radar, with my team all around me. I deployed the RC-XD, and got about half way across the map and saw two players with no tags, heading in my direction, and blew 'em up. Then i got booted. All i can think of is that they recently spawned there and that by the time my RC got there, the spawning had switch sides. I had them on my screen for a couple seconds, too. Since no tags came up, i hit my Fire button.
I NEVER intentionally TK.
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ManInBlackWed Jul 06, 2011 8:50 am
ok...this post makes me sad.
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HeHawKilLerWed Jul 06, 2011 8:41 pm
You wold not be banned for simlpe TK'in. You would however be banned for cheating/hacking, disrespect twords BK member/server, or racial/sexual slurs. That is it...if you have been banned from a server...it is one of those reasons i meantioned.
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ManInBlackThu Jul 07, 2011 3:54 am
that's the problem. I havent done any of those things. I think most of you have played enough with me in the last 6 months to know i play straight. I've been a regular on 4 of the 5 P&F servers and have onl;y been kicked for accidental tk overload. bad day tk;s, b52 tk's etc. i dont cuss, argue with anyone, much less clan members, cheat, hack, fudge the rules or anything.
i dont get it.
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ManInBlackThu Jul 07, 2011 3:55 am
I'm still holding out for the mis-click, or refresh error.
Or maybe the person who banned me could clue me in.
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AbramSun Jul 10, 2011 12:00 pm
Well after some correspondence with Mr T, verifying my Steam files fixed it. Weird. I didn't change anything around that time...
but no matter - it's solved.
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HeHawKilLerSun Jul 10, 2011 9:39 pm
Glad to hear it's all fixed Abram, funny how steam is stupid like that.
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CappyMon Jul 11, 2011 3:49 am
Abram, and BK ,
dont mean to hijack a thread ,and i hope im not stepping on toes here.
Would it be possible to tell what "verifying steam files" means please?
i have one of my members in a similar position as yours , and would like to try and resolve it.
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HeHawKilLerMon Jul 11, 2011 4:22 am
Open steam and right click on black ops multiplayer, then select properties. Once the little box opens, click local files and then you'll see verify game files.
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