Polite & Friendly's


multi wont start...

RifleDanWed May 25, 2011 1:12 pm

Hey guys,
i have a problem with WaW... it started about 4-5 days ago.
When i start the game every thing is fine but, when i clic on "multiplayer" the game just shut-down.
No message, no blue screen, no freeze.... just shut-down.

I was in game a couple days ago and i quit a match for a couple minutes... When i tried to get back in i had a message saying that my key-code was already in use.
Never could play multi since.
Is that why my multiplayer dont work anymore ??

Ideas ???
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reddragnWed May 25, 2011 4:55 pm

Do you have it installed on any other computer? Did someone install it from your DVD? You can have it installed on more than one pc but only one can be online at the same time.
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RifleDanWed May 25, 2011 6:23 pm

nope, only one pc and it's a physical copy... (not a steam file), installed by myself on this pc 1-2 month ago.
And i uninstalled the game on my previous pc so, even the new owner can't play the game anyway.
Well, i gave it to my mother-in-law and she's not a pc gamer style.
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UchiMataWed May 25, 2011 7:49 pm

Try disabling the TS directX overlay... Could be a false-positive to punkbuster.
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RifleDanThu May 26, 2011 1:24 am

The overlay had ,actually, no effect.
But thanks for the info Uchi.

Looks like i had to reboot my pc.
Funny thing... I had to reboot 4 times in a row to get the game to work.
Dont know what happened.

It must be an "end of the world" effect.
I think i should ask to Mr. Camping.
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CakeThu May 26, 2011 2:13 am

RifleDan- - -I am also having trouble with WAW multi.. It starts ok but after 2 or 3 minutes it freezes up and does not respond. I have to reboot to get rid of it. Even the task manager won't remove it.  ?????
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RifleDanThu May 26, 2011 2:35 am

@ Cake : since when ?
               Any particular changes in your set-up or, even, game settings ??
               Any message when you restart the game, after the freeze ???
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CakeThu May 26, 2011 5:08 am

No changes have been made . Message reads "a problem with WAW has caused Windows to shut WAW down. Windows will shut it down and notify you if a reason is found".  It does not shut down and no reason is forthcoming.
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RifleDanThu May 26, 2011 5:33 am

I'm surely not a pc crack but,
Maybe check for punkbuster update,
Have you tried to run it as an admin ?
Or try to play with lower settings ??
Have you uninstalled the game lately ?? ( or you have the game installed from a while ago and the problem just poped-up ??)

Also, i dont have a solution for this one but, the problem may be windows and not WaW.
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UchiMataThu May 26, 2011 7:56 am

Could be a windows update affecting it - I will try running the game tonight when I get back home and see if it affecting me.
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RockThu May 26, 2011 9:17 am

I had that happen back in BHD days... It turned out to be an issue with Punkbuster service.  There is a tool on the Punkbuster site for updating / checking the install files.

Also - make sure you have run CCleaner (get if if you need it) and also defragged your drive.  Then run a "drive test" using chkdsk or scandisk to make sure it is not a disk error.

Good luck.

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UchiMataThu May 26, 2011 8:16 pm

Okay guys, I have got the same problem. Here is my analysis (running Vista64):

1. Started W@W MP, received a firewall warning (suspect that Windows had a recent security fix); joined BK server and loaded to the 'Choose Team' screen. Crashed almost immediately.
2. Okay'd the firewall warning.
3. Disabled third LCD display.
3. Started W@W MP, joined BK server again, loaded to 'Choose Team' screen and crashed.
4. Checked punkbuster - everything up to date.
5. Started W@W MP, switched to Solo/Co-Op mode - I didn't have my disc to hand so just quit out of the game.
6. Started W@W MP, joined BK server, choose team and could play - no sign of crashing, however I didn't stay in for a whole game.
7. Started TS3 then W@W MP again. Game crashes, so I disabled the DirectX overlay plug-in. W@W works fine, I spec'd the remainder of the game.
8. Bad news, badkon currently is not working as it can't grab my IP address, so unable to warn any runners.

So, I think I'm cured ... just from switching to Solo/Co-Op mode.

BTW: I test software, applications, systems etc, as part of my day-job.
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WolfFangFri May 27, 2011 5:17 pm

Had an issue myself a while back when I joined. Did the same thing joined but couldnt stay in game. Didnt change much just a reboot. Came back the next day and it worked fine. Think it is likely something with windows as I had several updates since the last time I had played WAW.
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UchiMataSun Jun 19, 2011 8:43 pm

And now, my own advice doesn't seem to work. Currently unable to run W@W as I get the 'Server Disconnected' message as soon as I try to Auto-assign. ;-(
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WolfFangMon Jun 20, 2011 2:51 pm

I havent been in since I reinstalled on my "new" HD; after the first couple times I didnt have an issue again. When I get on tonight I will jump on to see how it does. Need to make sure I got everything loaded back correctly anyways. I still think it had to do with updates in windows though. If I remember correctly I went back and reinstalled and it worked fine, but will let you know tonight how it goes.

K logged in last night but no one was on; good news it did not kick me though. I was only in for a minute or so but when it happened before it would kick me as soon as I spawned in. I havent changed anything from the previous kicks so I still think it had to do with updates. Hopefully it works right for you now too.
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