Polite & Friendly's


bin laden

skelletThu May 12, 2011 4:06 am

for those that dont know ... bin laden is dead... and for those that do know, lets drop it... im tired of hearing about how haapy everyone is for another mans death.   if u want to speak your thoughts on this... pls dont do it in the welcome channel.... stop kicking the dead horse
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BolerroThu May 12, 2011 4:58 am

It's not about being happy about another persons death. It's about being able to, as a country, celebrate the end of a very tragic attack by knowing the one who caused it has been dealt with. Those who lost loved ones during this attack can now find some type of closure.

I personally did not know someone directly related to the attack, however I am happy for those that can take the positive out of this knowing that the person responsible has paid the price for his crime against humanity.

As for conversations in TS about this topic. I personally have no issue with people speaking there mind about this. My opinion is that if your an American and you want to suppress the topic, then I would question why someone would want to. Maybe there is a legitimate reason why they would, but at this time I believe all true blooded Americans should take solace in the fact that a chapter in American history has closed and we can move on.

Of course with that being said, I understand we have many members across the world. However we aren't speaking any thing negative towards any other country, we are just happy for our country and what this means to us.
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skelletThu May 12, 2011 5:46 am

not really sure how murder of another is closure... but ok... but lets pls not talk about this in the welcome channel... and as a nation we dont need to celebrate another USA murder...i mean political triumph over evil.   if u feel what i say is offensive then others must think what is being said as a whole is offensive... so lets just let the man be dead and go on with our lives
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DiggerBazThu May 12, 2011 11:55 am

I'm not American obviously but I'm with Bolero on this. I think the death of one of the worlds most evil people should be cause to say " 3 cheers" and then some. Also I don't see how you can say he was murdered as he was a combatant and a legit target. Good ridance shame it took so long.
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RifleDanThu May 12, 2011 12:35 pm

I say...
Just stop talking about him.
It only keep the *&%@#** man in our mind and that is exactly what they want.
That's the way they make martyr of them.

But, i agree with the fact that your country should celebrate (and mine to) and that may shorten the time our boys will be there.
Hope our soldiers (yours and ours) will be treaten as they deserve tho.

So lets raise our glasses one last time and close the case.
Turn the page and start a new chapter.

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DFMhellboyThu May 12, 2011 7:16 pm

Bin Laden is dead...?
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SilexxThu May 12, 2011 8:16 pm

I have come to terms that the Welcome Channel is just the open chat channel - and used for the occasional "We need a kick...!"

Rules state - Polite and Friendly, which have nothing to do with topics of conversation (unless they are not polite). The problem  with such a wide variety of players (age, politics, religion, location) the subjects can border from the absurd to the politically charged. However, the admins will keep it toned down.

The Welcome channel is certainly not geared towards playing - I have tried a few times to get players on a particular server to a particular TS channel to focus on "in game" conversation and leave the idle chit-chat and shinanigans to the Welcome Channel - but to no avail at this point.

So - you can either:

A. Not log into welcome (which I do sometimes if I don't want to be caught up in idle chit-chat)
B. Turn down the volume (when topics are of little interest)
C. Ignore the player who is talking and you don't like the conversation.
D. Complain - which seldom works in a vast member organization that has random times of participation.

As per Bin Laden,  I just have to say - whatever. Talk about it or don't it doesn't really make a difference, since I have option A, B, or C.

I am for freedom of speech - so feel free, I have the option not to listen.

However, it would be nice to have designated channels for game play and general chat. Until that happens we will be stuck with the blabber channel.
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bishopFri May 13, 2011 3:34 am

It wasn't murder. Bin Laden was a combatant, would have remained such, and had no qualms when it came to killing non-combatants. That much is evident in the history of his evil and entirely pathetic life. So to call his killing murder is to sell out to a corrupt ideology.

I don't think that what we've seen is so much celebration as physically expressed relief that we do not have to wonder when the next attack on Americans on American soil will come. That is not to say that some mindless automaton to a corrupt ideology (that is what militant Islam is) will not in the future try it, but at least we gained some small reprieve from it. We also gained some invaluable intel.

In America, a man that would have been found guilty in a court of law, of the heinous crime he planned and set into motion, might have been sentenced to death. That is what he got. The intent was to take him captive. Circumstance changed that, when as might always happen, fate intervenes and creates a circumstance that changes plan A to plan B. No room for him, kill him. Carry out a sentence that any just court would have handed down for any mass murderer. The Nazi's behind the orders were given such a sentence at Nuremburg.

Osama was no different. In fact, had he not been executed, there may well be more mass graves of persons not directly involved in any actions against him and his ilk. Osama was not any candidate for "Person of the Year", or any other humanitarian award, and to call him a victim of murder is to do a disservice to moral minded persons, Osama's victims and their familial survivors, and those who would oppose him and his kind.

It's disturbing that anyone would see him as a victimn of murder. I wonder what the Navy SEAL would say to that. It actually makes me sad that anyone would see it as murder. It is justice carried out when no one else had the guts to do so. Hats off to the Special forces of the United States of America!
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