Polite & Friendly's


no fun

CaliburThu May 12, 2011 5:46 pm

So i took a break from cod for awhile came back and have been called a glitcher or w/e that means. and today firstcalv got on to me for not giving out warnings, even when i told him i was watching my kid so it was kinda hard for me. i play this game to have fun. not to get jumped on by other bk members. And i do give out warnings when i have my attention just to the game. and for some reason my TS keeps crashing on me. so i guess if this is a problem ill be leaving BK even though i have been here for 2 years and had alot of fun.
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LukeThu May 12, 2011 6:13 pm

Calibur its great to see you back I hope all is well. I wouldn't let one bad event get you down just explain your busy should be all it takes. Al BK need to help control the servers but also respect that some members have more time to give warnings then others.

As for being called a hacker I think of it as a bad of  honor. There is nothing we can do to stop that but it is a good moment to remind all BK not to jump to conclusions.

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DiggerBazFri May 13, 2011 3:46 pm

Hey Calibur good to see you back. Sounds like an over-zealous member having a crack at you. They need to pull their head in.
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HeHawKilLerFri May 13, 2011 9:53 pm

I'm gonna say...some of our members have been drinking while playing...and when you're drinking your attitude becomes very different.  I personally do not like when members come on to TS "wasted" and  start causing problems.  If you're going to be a member and play with us...remember to ALWAYS be friendly, and if you have a problem with another member and think he may be doing something wrong, take it to an admin, rather than calling out over TS, it is rude and disrespectful.

Calibur welcome back friend, glad to see you again!
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LADYHAWKFri May 13, 2011 10:46 pm

I agree with everything stated before my post....
Calibur, you have always been a pleasure to play against and on TS a courtious gent and I expect nothing less of all of BK's members so if this carries on then please let the officers know so we can deal with any problems before they start to ruin the great name of BK
lady out...........
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SpiderSat May 14, 2011 1:14 am

Hey Calibur, there are times when discreation is abandoned in the heat of the moment. Anytime there is a precieved discrepency between players it is best to take it to another channel for discussion and for senior members to step in and prevent situations like this from getting out of hand. I agree with Luke and hope you understand his point and that BK appreciates it's tenured members. Talk to your Commander/CL or Luke on TS before you make a final decision.

I also agree with HeeHawKillers concern and would join in pointing out that BK stands for certain virtues that we expect to be adhered to to keep this a "polite & friendly" place to both members and the public. Let's be responsible adults!
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ThillionSat May 14, 2011 9:17 pm

Well for my two cents here, which really don't amount to much, here goes anyway.
Calibur, your a man with a child and real life things are a priority to you. Child rearing is job #1. I can relate as a father of three grown kids and three grandchildren. So do as you have to in order to do what you must. But to resign is silly.
Sure we are all BK and responsible for warning players of violations, but only if we are on that server and see them doing so, and have the time.
As far as being a glitcher, taking advantage of map glitches is part of the game, like being called a hacker is. That only happens if your really good. Wish I had that trouble.
And for FirstCav saying anything about it. Sure if your on the same server, I might myself ask for help in warning folks, specially if it a run fest. It was not in bad taste for him to ask for the help, but to pursue it further, specially if drinking  and wasted, might be a bit too much. I would advise that if your BK, and getting a bit too tipsy, then you may want to mute your mic, it you tend to get angry, like I do. So I don't drink anymore, or at least not alot......glug glug.

In all, as Bk we have a responsibility to police our servers. Warning when needed, kick and ban if your an admin. Its our servers, thus our job so to speak. But only if we do not have real life issues that are interfering with our ability to do the job.

You should not leave Bk for this reason, its silly to do so. Play, have fun, and if you need to, mute someone on TS if they are bothering you that much. And warn folks like we all should do.

Lets all continue in the Polite and Friendly way that BK is known for.

Nuff said.
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HeHawKilLerSat May 14, 2011 10:48 pm

Thillion wrote:

Well for my two cents here, which really don't amount to much, here goes anyway.
Calibur, your a man with a child and real life things are a priority to you. Child rearing is job #1. I can relate as a father of three grown kids and three grandchildren. So do as you have to in order to do what you must. But to resign is silly.
Sure we are all BK and responsible for warning players of violations, but only if we are on that server and see them doing so, and have the time.
As far as being a glitcher, taking advantage of map glitches is part of the game, like being called a hacker is. That only happens if your really good. Wish I had that trouble.
And for FirstCav saying anything about it. Sure if your on the same server, I might myself ask for help in warning folks, specially if it a run fest. It was not in bad taste for him to ask for the help, but to pursue it further, specially if drinking  and wasted, might be a bit too much. I would advise that if your BK, and getting a bit too tipsy, then you may want to mute your mic, it you tend to get angry, like I do. So I don't drink anymore, or at least not alot......glug glug.

In all, as Bk we have a responsibility to police our servers. Warning when needed, kick and ban if your an admin. Its our servers, thus our job so to speak. But only if we do not have real life issues that are interfering with our ability to do the job.

You should not leave Bk for this reason, its silly to do so. Play, have fun, and if you need to, mute someone on TS if they are bothering you that much. And warn folks like we all should do.

Lets all continue in the Polite and Friendly way that BK is known for.

Nuff said.

Man..you'er OLD thillion...lol!
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BagsSun May 15, 2011 5:23 am


good to see you back , it's always good to see a team mate drop back in when they can and play a few maps.(real world always 1st) sorry to see some people for get its JUST a game, it is what it is Just a game it's not perfect out of the 11 - 12 years of playing these type of games and i have yet to see a map that has no flaws and im sure most of old timers knows this fact. - but we adapt and play with the flaws and have fun doiing it aswell.

glitchs are what they are and part of the game But you will find most of the good players dont use them and its an honer thing not to use them, if it's the H word then record the player - bk member or not and then use the chain of command- keep the h talk to your self use the chain of command, it works. other wise its just hot air and causes friction that's not needed. we all do what we can to help with the severs when we play, some more than others dont matter  it all add's up to a Team effert anyway and that is what counts.

cal and cav your both good players and i enjoy shooting both of you when i get the chance Smile  its my hopes that i can still shoot you both in the years to come as bk members- just make sure you put extra powder in your shells ive grown a thick hide after 11-12 years of playing- lol

ok group hug now

oh cal hows the kids doing- mine drive me nuts - but i get them back hehehehe

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