Polite & Friendly's


So what do you think of the new maps?

LukeMon Mar 28, 2011 2:26 pm

We want to know what you think of the new maps. Lets see some reviews.

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OldYellrMon Mar 28, 2011 3:40 pm

I am so used to playing 2D maps that Kowloon is messing with my head and killing my KDR.

I like Stadium as I am really fond of CQC.

Discovery is huge with a lot of good sniping spots of which I like hunting sniper.

I have still been unable to play Berlin yet as it has not come up in the rotation when I am on.

I would have liked to have seen some more destructable environments and new weapons but that may be asking too much. Yah right...

Anyway, would give the map pack a 3 out of 5 stars as the maps are entertaining but not inspiring.
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GuardDMon Mar 28, 2011 3:58 pm

WOW Exclamation  Exclamation  Exclamation I like all the maps,some better then other i would rate them 1 too 5  a 3.5 Rolling Eyes  Laughing  Idea  Idea  Idea  Idea  Idea  Idea  Idea
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BabaYagaMon Mar 28, 2011 5:31 pm

I'm a fan. Kowloon is hard to navigate unless your a camper/sniper. Not sure where to go sometimes. Guess I need more spy planes. Stadium is the best in my opinion. It was worth the investment.
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NightWolfMon Mar 28, 2011 6:35 pm

I really like them all...to me it was worth the investment...here's why:

Kowloon I think is my favorite due to it's dimensions...ie it's like Star Trek's 3 Dimensional chess...you have high, mid and low places all around the map which gives many access/retreat routes...once you learn the map and all it's hidden treasures you'll come to really love it as I have...oh and the zip line is fun, so long as no enemies are nearby...heh

Stadium is a great SMG/AR map...lots of choke points in a fun, almost circular map...great for those that love CQB...

Discovery is a sniper's paradise...also great for AR's...pretty big sized map with multiple places to travel/camp at...with the right camo you're practically invisible...

As for Berlin Wall, don't run up the middle by the guard towers...no really don't...lol

I thought Berlin Wall was by far the most thought out, and probably will be the hardest to master...there's just so many places/routes/etc in this map...the key to the team that wins this map will be communication...

Overall...the map pack is worth it...all the maps have had more thought put into their development then the previous maps we've been playing...that to me makes them a win-win...

Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool  Cool
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ParrotHeadMon Mar 28, 2011 6:53 pm

Stadium is awful IMO.  Spawns are too much out in the open and campers just sit up on the higher levels and pick you off.
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KaiizzaMon Mar 28, 2011 11:41 pm

Kowloon is by far my fav. I really enjoy all the angles to check. It also has a really cool visual in the beginning. That plane taking off is epic. I find The Berlin Wall to be the hardest to master. Stadium is very fun to play. I have only played discovery twice and I enjoyed it but I need some more exposure to really tune in the camo and weapons. I enjoyed the new maps and think the price was far.

Something no one has discussed yet is the zombie map. I is really fun and fast paced. It is very different from the two maps already owned by BO players. I would really like to get on it with a few of the BK members and learn its secrets.


Alpha Team
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Shaggy067Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:15 am

Im a big fan of Stadium  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy
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BritishtazTue Mar 29, 2011 2:21 am

I like them all , kinda nice  to have some different maps in the mix.
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CakeTue Mar 29, 2011 2:23 am

A very welcome addition. Love the new exspanse of the larger maps, while the Kowloon is going to take some getting used-to.with its many sniper-points
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WolfFangTue Mar 29, 2011 3:34 am

Still new enough at playing them that I am not completely comfortable with rating them but I like them. The different levels make it interesting. They are large for the most part which was something I was wanting to see. Believe it will slow people down some because there are more open longer distance shots on two of them. Kowloon is interesting as there are a lot of angles for the different approaches so to be good at them your gonna have to learn them all to move about effectively. Think they did a good job but since we had to pay for it, I expected them to be good.
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KulamonsterTue Mar 29, 2011 3:34 pm

I like them all so far.  Discovery I think is my favorite since it seems to have the most "space" to move about and snipe in without having someone spawn 2ft from you.  (now if they would just fix the sniper hitboxes and add bullet drop so pistols could not cover the entire distance of this map, then this map would rule).  Stadium seems big, but it is still is a confined circular space where submachine guns rule the day, but I do like the lay out.  Kowloon is awesome with its layers and levels, but will take a while to get it down and not get picked off at every turn.  Berlin Wall is a great team work map and will be great to add to the FireTeam Match Maps because effective communications are a must on this map!  (And TRUST us when we tell you new players NOT to go into the RED ZONE!!!  LOL, but I guess everyone has to do it at least once!!!!)
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ThillionWed Mar 30, 2011 4:14 am

Don't have the new maps, as I am still not home to pay and DL them. So I have no idea. Think I am having Black Ops withdrawl................IT HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!
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FishDoggWed Mar 30, 2011 7:50 am

I am hoping to get them soon. Growing tired of being kicked each time they turn up on rotation.
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NQSonicWed Mar 30, 2011 3:14 pm

I've played them all in both our crouch mode and R&G. Overall they're well done maps and I'd rate them a 4 on a 1-5 scale.

1. Stadium is very similar in style to the original maps. Small, open and very obvious camper spots. Once it gets going, spawn killing becomes easy. However, once you learn the camper spots, you can automatically aim at them as you move and often get the drop on the camper.

2. Berlin wall is nicely rectangular so the spawns stay on each end for the most part. Good cover, but not so many snipe spots that you can't move. Reminds me of WaW maps. Note: the Red Zones are serious. By the time you hear the siren, you're already dead.

3. Kowloon is a serious multilevel map. I've played it at least 10 times and I still get lost and can't remember which windows and ledges to watch. This is the first map in BO that you can truely flank on. It's difficult to learn which makes it my favorite so far. (first 2 times playing it I took off running for cover 10 seconds into the round wondering how someone got a B52 air strike that quick. Now I'll probably just die if an air strike comes because I'll think it's the 747)

4. Discovery tactics are simple; bring a scope!! Big map, nicely rectangular keeping the spawns on each end, and all you snipers finally have a map that you can shoot distance on.
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