Polite & Friendly's


Japan 03/2011 earthquake registered an 8.9

Silent_WolfFri Mar 11, 2011 3:06 pm

I dont know if there are any of our members that are in the region on the world or will be effected but the tusnami but I want to send my prayers to all that are effected.

The following link is really scary video footage, but is shows that mother nature can not be stopped.

-->Japan hit by a 30 foot high Tsunami wave<--
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LukeFri Mar 11, 2011 3:14 pm

My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone over there.

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KulamonsterFri Mar 11, 2011 3:27 pm

I will also keep all those effected by this natural disaster in my thoughts and prayers, and wish a speedy recovery for the people of Japan.
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BraxisFri Mar 11, 2011 3:41 pm

I feel for all those affected, BUT I would like to bring a bit of sanity to things before everyone believes the News wholesale.

I did some looking into this. The area affected is mostly rural areas, and because of japans very strict building codes, very few structures were damaged or destroyed by the quake itself.  Most people were then able to get to high ground before the tsunami hit.  So far, only 60 people are reported dead, and another 56 reported missing.  I would say that while this is a disaster, Japan has handled it far better than I have seen any other country EVER.  Yes, there is property damage, but that is easily repaired. The real triumph is the very very small loss of life for such a big powerful quake.  

Oh and that bit about the nuke reactor that doesn't want to behave itself? basically, they are trying to get it to shut down so it doesn't melt the internals, forcing them to replace it.  Its not dangerous at all. (thank you, sensible reactor designers)

sorry for sounding a bit angry...
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bil4shortFri Mar 11, 2011 5:35 pm

I know several people who have relatives in Japan and I have not heard about them yet.  I agree with Braxis that the Japanese people deserve a great deal of credit for earthquake preparedness.  I also think that this is still a major event for the Japanese because the aftershocks could be big enough to be a major concern.  Let's remember that the recent quake in Christchurch New Zealand was 6.1.  The aftershocks of an 8.9! quake could easily be that big.

My thoughts go out to the people of Japan.

Thanks for the link Silent_Wolf!
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Cajun-ManFri Mar 11, 2011 8:17 pm

I am at a absolute loss for words, I just try to imagine if I had to deal with the thoughts of something like that happening where I live . . . Very sobering thought. I will keep the entire Japanese Culture in my thoughts and prayers, the ones effected, and the ones that could be hit at any time nature see's fit. I pray they all find there own source of Serenity !

Thanks wolf, for sharing, I am not a big fan of news, they seem to focus on the negativity, so I miss alot of things .. .. ..
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DFMhellboyFri Mar 11, 2011 9:34 pm

Whats going on in Japan is truly terrible indeed.  Meanwhile, in Libya...

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BraxisFri Mar 11, 2011 9:57 pm

ahahaha, Hellboy thats amazing!  Laughing
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ImmolationFri Mar 11, 2011 10:11 pm

the news is saying thousands are feared dead... I wonder if that's actually true or not.
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RifleDanFri Mar 11, 2011 10:38 pm

I think its too early to figure the gravity of the situation...(number of dead and wounded)
They will need to make a bit of clean-up first and then they will be able to evaluate the scale of the tragedy.
its like falling face first in a dog poop.... all you can smell for the first 10 minutes is......poop.
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GoodFellaSat Mar 12, 2011 5:03 am

Another thing to keep in mind , we all have our lives in the real world and to bicker over things that might seem huge at the moment , makes them a wee bit tiny compare to the people in japan or in the middle east and dont't forget our Brothers and Sisters overseas . My prayers go out each and every day to all .
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BoneheadSat Mar 12, 2011 11:16 am

I was on the USS Abraham Lincoln in 2004 when the tsunami hit Indonesian. We were in Hong Kong for Christmas and pulled out first thing the next morning and headed straight to Sumatra. Let me just say that seeing it on TV isn't even close to what it is like being there. We arrived off the coast of Sumatra a couple of days after the tsunami, we were the first aid to arrive. We pulled within a couple of miles of the coast and all you could see was devastation. The shore line for miles inland had been stripped bare. For miles off the coast the ocean was a debris field. Anything that could float all went out to sea, houses, trees, and dead bodies as far as the eye could see. I will never forget all the dead bodies just floating buy. We spent about 2 months there flying every helo we could put in the air from sun up to sun down doing Medevac and relief flights. I was running the Survival Equipment Shop for one of the 2 Helo Squadrons on the ship. Every morning we would load up all the Helos with all the rescue equipment, and every night they would bring it back very used and covered in stuff I don't even want to think about again. I don't think any Navy Helo Squadron has ever flown that many hours in that amount of time ever. But out of the 20 years I spent in the Navy, to me that was the most rewarding mission I was ever a part of and would gladly do it again.

I'm hoping this one won't even come close to the number of dead as 2004. Japan is one of, if not the, most prepared counties in the world when it comes to natural disasters and they did get some early warning before the tsunami hit. But it still doesn't make it any less devastating.
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KortuseSat Mar 12, 2011 1:31 pm

Thanks everyone on your thoughts. Always makes me proud to be part of this family that shares and shows heart wherever and to whomever needs it.  May the grace of God be on Japan and her peoples.
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KortuseSat Mar 12, 2011 2:10 pm

Prayers out to the Bronx this morning too as a tour bus has crashed and at least 12 have died
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