Polite & Friendly's


Second chance revival

ManSkirtBrewTue Mar 01, 2011 7:08 pm

During last night's game, someone got on the mic and complained about me not reviving a teammate in Second Chance.

I didn't want to start an argument in the middle of the game, but at the time I was under direct fire from the person who just shot the downed teammate and would have been insta-killed if I stepped out of cover to revive.

Are there BK guidelines for this sort of thing?  Should I be obligated to run out into fire to save a teammate in Second Chance?


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UchiMataTue Mar 01, 2011 7:27 pm

My response is to just say 'Sorry, but was under fire'. If you can save him, then fine, but if he's been left as bait, then you would be killed unncessarily. I try, but 9/10 I get killed before I can reach them.
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LADYHAWKTue Mar 01, 2011 7:35 pm

I say if the guy who downed the teammate is still about and theres firing going on then you cant help as you dont want to die.....its just a game and I wouldnt expect someone to revive me if there was an enemy about....
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KarowTue Mar 01, 2011 7:52 pm

I believe I was the one who said something to u. I did not realize you were under fire I walked right over there and revieved the team mate. As sugguested you could have said under fire, Sorry I did not mean for it to come across the way it did. I am not a fan of last stand but I do make every effort to revieve a downed team mate.

Sorry again if I offended you. There are no rules requiring revieving teammates

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ManSkirtBrewTue Mar 01, 2011 8:02 pm

Thanks for the post, Karow.  It's not so much that I was offended, more that I'm new here and wanted to make sure I'm playing as the team expects me to.

I too make every effort to revive teammates, when there aren't bullets whizzing by my head :)


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bil4shortTue Mar 01, 2011 8:53 pm

I too go to lengths to revive down teammates...but I do try to behave in a "realistic" sense in that I don't want to go over to revive someone just to have BOTH of us killed.  (Many is the time I have seen a player 'camp' the wounded in an effort to kill the would-be rescuers) I try to secure the area first, then revive.  If I don't make it, sorry about that.
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13LegionWed Mar 02, 2011 1:47 am

Don't fret!!! I will rush in under heavy enemy fire, with complete disregard for my personal safety, Press f, inject you with a syringe filled with precious serum and bring you back to"life". I was a former Marine.....this is what I'll do for you.......I won't look the other way and pretend I don't see that revive post across my screen(like so many do) and witness you  crawling er groveling trying to get a second chance kill. I won't let you down!!! I will sacrifice my pretend life for the safety of yours.Rest easy. Cool
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BoneheadWed Mar 02, 2011 2:21 am

Being the rabid Second Chance user that I am I will try for a revive 99% of the time. However I do not expect others to run to my rescue at the cost of their own life. I fully understand that there are many who loathe the very existence of Second Chance and will not revive because of it, and that's fine, they don't have too. I just look at it as every revive is points the other team doesn't get.

And while we are on the subject of Second Chance.... Sure it's a cheap "unrealistic" perk. It makes it harder to kill the person who uses it, and is quite frankly a little on the over powered side as perks go. But It's part of the game and I'm going to exploit the heck out of it until it is taken away! It seems to me that all perks are designed to give you an advantage of some sort. I know some people won't use, but I'm going to use every tool the game gives me to get an advantage.
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FishDoggWed Mar 02, 2011 2:48 am

Then there are those who do not give a rat's batootie about you and just walk by you even though you may have or may not have previously revived them.

There are countless times (I too use 2nd chance with some of my classes) I maybe in my last stand and people will re-spawn or walk right by me and pay no attention to me. I have had some teammates even shoot me instead of reviving me. I had some complain about my use of 2nd chance/ pro.

So, I started using it less and less. I mean, whats the point if no one cares to give you aid. I got to the point I only help BK members, or if I do help you and you say thanks I will continue to help you.  A little appreciation goes a long ways, especially since I remember names pretty well.

Lance "FishDogg"
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LukeWed Mar 02, 2011 4:19 am

There are no rules about it. You do not have to go med anyone but it dose help your team so I say try.

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KortuseWed Mar 02, 2011 6:57 am

As for me to I like to use it on some of my kits. it is fun to get some people back that don't think you have it (insert evil moohahah)
I also like to revive and get to my team as best I can, usually like to save a smoke nade for those magic moments.

Dear second chance users: if you are down and your team is trying to get to you use your crawl/grovel key to sweep the dirt and head there way after all 7/10 second chancers are lousy shots Razz
So meet us half way instead of the middle of the road.... no I mean it don't stay in the middle of the road
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