Polite & Friendly's


The forgotten server - Polite & Friendly1

McNoobinSat Feb 12, 2011 6:30 pm

I have been a regular player on your WaW servers for almost 2 years (in  April or May) and have really enjoyed my time there - lately though it has been very frustrating.

Over the past 2 months it has become quite clear that BK admins spend less and less time on this server. It has become a regular occurrence to play 5 to 6 maps straight without sight of an admin. Running is rampant - swearing is happening far too often and we (the regulars) don't have any way of enforcing the rules. You can't enforce the law without the lawman. What is really frustrating though is for an admin to show up  and go through the "official" warning and kick procedure even though the offenders have already been warned numerous times (dozens of times per map) by trustworthy regulars - even though we point out that fact. I'm not sure what a good solution to the problem looks like. If there is a way players can vote off the offenders - maybe that should be looked into. Maybe extending admin privileges to  non-members you trust would work. IDK. We just need some help over here......
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LukeSat Feb 12, 2011 6:43 pm

Join us on TS we almost always have admins on TS. We now have 7 public servers and will keep doing out best to cover all of them but if you find your self with out a BK member just come on TS and ask for help.

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McNoobinSat Feb 12, 2011 6:44 pm

Thanks - but I won't be using TS anytime soon. Really what we need are admins to be on the server not elsewhere - but thanks.
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LukeSat Feb 12, 2011 7:16 pm

If people won't talk to us its hard for us. Join us on TS even to just let us know you need admins. You don't need to hang out just let uus know if we are a problema nd we will keep doing out best.

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Badge*bk*Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:56 pm

Out of curiosity why wont you get on TS? It is hard to rectify a problem at the time if we are not made aware of it in TS.
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mr-tSat Feb 12, 2011 8:13 pm

also please appreciate that all our admins are volunteers and have lives out side of BK. so are unable to be on all the time
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BolerroSun Feb 13, 2011 1:46 am

Even if you don't have a mic... you can join us on TS and type your request in the channel. The admins have no problem jumping over to WaW if we are needed.
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Daffy688Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:34 am

Ok, i would normally use TS and ask an admin to please assist us on WAW, but ever since moving to TS v3 i can't use it because i either hear the game or TS but not both.

What are the requirements to become an admin? I unfortunately cannot be there always at the same time, but since that's the game i play i am there rather regularly and i am thinking i could help.
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KarowWed Jul 20, 2011 1:25 am

Daffy come on TS and we can fix that problem your having. TS is a requirement for BK members especially ADMINS. get your TS fixed and submit a ticket on the home page to get admin rights
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TheTruthTue Nov 08, 2011 6:06 am

Hmmm I dont play WAW often anymore but i understand where Daffy is coming from as of late. Lately it seems its hard to get anyones attention about anything other then BF3 since it came out. Not that the admins are not doing kicks ect .. but it is seeming to take more time on TS to get anyones attention if it isnt something BF3 related.
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APOSTLETue Nov 08, 2011 2:39 pm

As soon as I am able to fix my home computer, I will be there to monitor the WAW server.
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