Polite & Friendly's


My Apologies to all BK Memebers

ThillionSat Feb 05, 2011 11:55 am

I am so sorry for missing the Shotgun Fight I had scheduled tonite. I was very tired this evening from being up all night with my granddaugher, and I fell asleep in the recliner tonite. When I awoke, I had totally forgotten about the event I scheduled for Friday night.
I must apologize to all of BK. To the members, the officers, and leader of BK, I am very sorry.

I must thank Drew however for taking into his hands and running the event for me. Thank you so much Drew, I appreciate it so much. Thanks alot.

Once Again, I am sorry for not being here and running the event.
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WolfFangSat Feb 05, 2011 1:57 pm

It happens done that few times myself; long day at work, come home, and before I know it wake up in the chair hours later. Dont think anyone will hold that against you.
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13LegionSat Feb 05, 2011 2:17 pm

Thillion you have done an admirable job hosting these events. We all need a little break sometimes....Even if we had the best intentions our bodies know better!! Thanks again for all your hard work!! You are an asset to *BK*.
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LukeSat Feb 05, 2011 3:36 pm

I have done that my self no worries.

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fearSat Feb 05, 2011 11:00 pm

Family before friends Thillion your priorities were in the right place . Drew stepped up and we all had so much fun . THX for all your hard work !
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KortuseSun Feb 06, 2011 12:18 pm

Life first always Smile
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