Polite & Friendly's


How did you get your names?

titanSun Mar 29, 2009 4:47 am

i wanna know how all you guys got your names for the game. Im sure everyone else wants to know also ill go first.

when i first got Call Of Duty World At War.I had the name Bulldogg but it was taken so i thought of my favorite movie which is "Remember The Titans".
and i thought of a tough metal which is steel and added it together.Which the out com was steeltitan. then inturn changed to Titan*BK*.
as of today i will now be a titan for the rest of the time i play games. =]
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OrckSun Mar 29, 2009 5:21 am

I can't even remember any other names I used. How I got this one was I was trying to type pebble, but it came out epbble. I've used that for a while now. I also use orck and sometimes orock, it's sort of the same idea as epbble. I've thought about getting one of you graphics guys to do up my sig but I've decided against it until further notice. Sorry guys  Smile
Now the common pronounciations. I prefer e-pebble, but I also like eple which is Tinman's name for me. I have been called ep, epable (if you say it really fast it works) and just regular pebble. So there you have it.
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WulfSun Mar 29, 2009 5:43 am

Well I'm really into german stuff and since I was a kid I've loved Wolves so...there is my name.
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SkoomaSun Mar 29, 2009 5:45 am

I was formerly Known as Lt.Few however since I was adopted a few months back by my stepdad ( after 20yrs ) I had to abandon that name when I Started playing here at BK I was known as Choober however no one ever pronounced it right so I had to come up with something else and I picked Skooma which had a ring to it.. It just so happens that I got my name from Elderscrolls / Morrowind / Oblivion. There very intoxicating drink form is also called Skooma so I thought that it would fit me.. Hence that is why Im constantly asked if I like Elderscrolls and I have to answer yes because I own Oblivion and play it when there is no internet.

So I shall ever be known as Skooma maybe I will change my name later to Hartline which is my new last name.. Who knows
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WrcknCrwSun Mar 29, 2009 5:46 am

My name goes as far back as 1999 when I started online gaming playing Swat 3.  
I got to know a buddy I played online with from California.  Back then Roger Wilco was "the" voice communication.  He said to me your a regular wrecking crew.  Since then, the name has stuck.  Been using it since then.  When games don't offer the long version, I abbreviate with 1MWC.
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smileSun Mar 29, 2009 6:20 am

My name goes back almost twenty years ago since I was in high school
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tetSun Mar 29, 2009 6:29 am

I also got my name in 1999, the year I started using IRC. My favorite movie at the time was Tetsuo: The Iron Man. So I started off with TetsuoIronMan. Eventually it shortened to Tetsuo, then just Tet. I tend to use tet0r a lot, but the 0r is just filler as most places don't allow three character names. Tet is pronounced just like the Tet Offensive. Tet0r is usually said just as Tetor, or Teetor. I prefer Tet above all else though. Somebody called me 'Or' the other night, thought that was amusing.
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titanSun Mar 29, 2009 6:56 am

wow you guys have had these names for a while now.
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FreySun Mar 29, 2009 7:41 am

I usually go by Frey or Freyx.  When I picked up W@W I coulndn't log in with that name due to it showing as being used.  Well, my back-up has been Tewaz which I have used off and on since around 2000 or so.  Freyx is from a LONG time back.  From Air Warrior 1 & 2 in '96.  Tewaz is the name for a Norse Rune.  It's the rune for the Norse god Tyr, their god of Justice and War.  Freyr is also a Norse god.  I picked those names due to my ancestry.  I'm Swedish, Finnish, and Norwegian.  At some point I'll probably change my name to Freyx as it's easier to pronouce.  But, for now it's Tewaz..I've been called Waz, Wazzy, Tew (or two) and a bunch of other things that I can't type in here.   Wink
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SeattleSun Mar 29, 2009 8:14 am

Yea mine is weird too..I'm originally from Boston so all my online stuff was "Boston Rob" or "Redsoxrob" or something along those lines..when a buddy of mine started a clan he asked me to help get it started and he had one condition (He's a Yanks fan)..PLEASE no "Boston" anything for your name!!...SO I went with my football team (I've always liked the Seahawks since I was a slow white wide-receiver growing up and I modeled my game after Steve Largent)..SO I went with "Seattle Slayer" (Which I still use in some games)..It got shortened to Seattle when I started graphics then I kinda became known around the web a bit as that and it has stuck..heck theres people in real life who call me "Seattle'...lol!
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LADYHAWKSun Mar 29, 2009 10:04 am

my online names always referred to my cars.
i have been known as scimmygal (after my reliant scimitar gte) then hondalady, then mitsygal (after my honda and mitsubishi).
Then when we got cod waw, i wanted a name to redflect me as i keep changing cars and i was wanting to settle on a good name for keeps.
I love the film ladyhawke and liked the idea of people knowing i was a lady and the hawk being a formidable hunter gave the impression im not a walkover.....
so there you have it, from christmas 2008 onwards, im now the ladyhawke!!!!
great to hear some of your name meanings and glad to be sharing the gaming world with you!
I love the look of cod4 modern warfare2, the ad is absolutely stunning, cant wait......
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StrandSun Mar 29, 2009 12:23 pm

I have have had several names each for a specific clan, once I leave a clan I usually change my gamer tag referring to a fresh start. Ill tell you some of my previous names and their significance.

ammo - refers to taken the first letter of my first name, adam, and the first and second letter of my last name, morrisey, used this in my first clan

flash - in cod2 i was known for having a quick trigger with a bolt action rifle, used this in my second cod2 clan.

shadow.ghost - being a silent and deadly killer, used this in bf2142

skinny - I was in a clan that was dedicated to the 101st airborne, and we had to choose a name from an actual person who fought in the 101st airborne during world war 2, I chose wayne "skinny" sisk. This was mainly a cod2 Tactical clan, lost a few members, tried cod4, then disbanded.

swagger - based this off the character from the movie shooter, bobby lee swagger, used this name for most of my pubbing time in cod4 and the beginning months of cod5 till another clan i joined disbanded.

strand - there is actually no real signifcance as to why i chose this name, I was just wearing a shirt the day i felt the urge to change my name, and on it said "strand.mfg", I thought and concluded that it sounded cool, it was unique and I have never seen any other play wear the same name.

And there you have it, the history of my gamer names.
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baumentSun Mar 29, 2009 1:55 pm

I've used the monikor 'baument' since 1985 when I started my business. My company name being Baumgarten Enterprises, I picked up the baum and ent from those two words and banged them together. When my lighting fast, 9600 baud dial up days started on the 'text only' web, I used baument as a user name and have used it just about everywhere since. My work in the 3D world is all done under the name baument.

Baument.com in it's present iteration has been runninng since around 2000, having been called different names before that.

Using the pronounciation of my last name, it's pronounced 'BOMB-ENT' by the way    ; )
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SmudgeSun Mar 29, 2009 2:12 pm

Well I have a few excuses for my name, I'll let you decide which one best describes it lol

1: In the military there are a LOT of Smiths (my surname) and at training you all get called by your surname, so if there is more than one smith on a flight one gets knows as Smudge, (that’s the boring one)

2. I’ve been flying Flightsims online for years and years when I first started out I liked to show off a bit and usually ended up in a smoking heap or a SMUDGE in the side of a hill lol

3. Smudge is something you usually call a cat..... And people often think I’m a bit of a pussy-cat.
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tetSun Mar 29, 2009 4:36 pm

Seattle wrote:

Yea mine is weird too..I'm originally from Boston so all my online stuff was "Boston Rob" or "Redsoxrob" or something along those lines..when a buddy of mine started a clan he asked me to help get it started and he had one condition (He's a Yanks fan)..PLEASE no "Boston" anything for you name!!...SO I went with my football team (I've always liked the Seahawks since I was a slow white wide-receiver growing up and I modeled my game after Steve Largent)..SO I went with "Seattle Slayer" (Which I still use in some games)..It got shortened to Seattle when I started graphics then I kinda became known around the web a bit as that and it has stuck..heck theres people in real life who call me "Seattle'...lol!

Good to see another Seahawk fan not living in the Pacific Northwest.  Though I grew up in northern California so I wasn't too far off.  To be honest, last season I knew they were done after a couple weeks.  I found myself rooting for the Dolphins since what they were on their way to doing was nothing short of amazing.  I like Matt Hasslebeck and all, but I would love to see the 'Hawks beef up their O line and give Seneca Wallace a real chance.  He's like a Vick-mini but with a better arm.

Also, boo Yankees AND Red Sox.  Go Giants.
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