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waw/black ops

KreacherMon Jan 10, 2011 11:49 pm

i dont care for black ops and i see alot of ppl still play waw even though its 2 games back in the cod series....... so i need a caparison from some of you.....just your opinion of the 2 games(multiplayer) so i can decide if its worth the buy
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MrHomeTue Jan 11, 2011 1:19 am

WAW is much better. I do wish it had the modern weapons. BO is not a bad game, if you do not have a high end computer I would save your money. If games were set up like BO it would be great. They are to short and very one sided if anyone ever gets a chopper. Pistols are still very overpowered. Private games are great. 6 out of 10 from me.
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StrandTue Jan 11, 2011 1:54 am

I prefer black ops, it feels better playing it, as weird as it sounds, it's still a faster paced game than WaW, even with the crouch rules we instill, with the kill streaks its really a different game everytime, which increases replayability, unlike WaW, I lost interest after a while because there was no variability to the game. The length of TDM matches in BO is pretty good, its the first team to a combined 100 kills or 10 minutes, what ever comes first.
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13LegionTue Jan 11, 2011 2:04 am

I really enjoy both games. I'm not a top tier gamer on either one but they both are fun for me. WAW seems to me to be a little more laid back. By that I mean your able to enjoy the game and if your on TS your able to hold a conversation and still enjoy the game. A couple of things I like with WAW in no particular order. Slower pace. Teamwork can be utilized better. No crazy K/D ratio propped up by chopper kills. If ya have a good K/D on WAW it's because you've earned it through your play as well as help from teammates. The graphics are still good. You can take a in game "break"(beer smoke bathroom start an argument with Momma..lol) and still return to game without be penalized(kicked due to in activity) Finally our admin do a wonderful job policing this server!! I'm not claiming people on Black Ops aren't good players who have gotten some high scores. I'm saying show me the same types of scores on WAW when you had no choppers,attack dogs..ect..It's a different beast is all. I've only played WAW twice since B.O. came out. I plan on coming back though and balance out my gaming between theses. DH I'd definitely recommend WAW for you as will most members of *BK* I'm sure. Guys just grew tired and were ready for something new...BFBC2...MOH...Black Ops..You know what though...The prodigal sons have returned as you can see on WAW server and some have never left. Enough rambling!!!! Very Happy
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APOSTLETue Jan 11, 2011 2:23 am

I am a HUGE fan of World at War and I hope BK supports it with a server for months to come.  I am just installing BO today, so I will let you know after I have a little experience with it.  How do you know you don't care for it if you haven't bought it?!
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WolfFangThu Jan 13, 2011 2:38 am

I have played several games from both COD series and love BO. It can be one sided at times but it does have a nice variety and the killstreaks and various weapons/attachments give a person a wide range of choices. I do agree some of the maps are a little small but not much different from WAW. I still love WAW and consider it old faithful but at the moment prefer BO.
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Nam-RangerThu Jan 13, 2011 6:41 am

BO is ok.....but WAW has lot better maps are better. Not a fan of modern war games like WWII video games much better.
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BolerroThu Jan 13, 2011 6:55 am

Black Ops has lots of potential. They still need to work out the bugs and work on the spawns. Especially for crouch servers like ours. All too often you get the enemy spawning behind you when your team hasn't even pushed forward yet. The spawns were designed for run-n-gun servers.

As for the comparison, WaW is still a great game and since I suck at BO, I would give WaW an 8 of 10 while I would give BO a 7 of 10 score.

Oh and to recap what MrHome said, it does get one sided very quickly once any airborne weapons enter the game. If we could stay ranked but eliminate the air based weapons it would even the game out and it wouldn't be so lopsided at times.
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KulamonsterThu Jan 13, 2011 4:16 pm

I have reinstalled WaW on my PC so I will be able play that again!  Playing WaW is where my first encounter with BK was, so it brings back good memories. I do not particularly care for the older weapons, but do like the maps, the slower game pace and the overall feel.

As of lately, I have been solely playing BO, especially since I have my own account now and need to get "my" character up to speed!   But as for playability, I have mostly bad games with an occasional great game...so and least that small bone keeps me playing for now.  I do like the weapons, but I am mad they do not have my M95 sniper rifle!

I also have COD4, MW2, BFBC2 and all these games have the same lag issues that I experience in WaW and BO, which makes the games vary immensely on playability from map to map depending on others pings and the team match-ups.  Hence the frustration levels sometimes reach a boiling point.  

I would just like the gaming developers to come out with another game like Battlefield 2 that was as stable as a rock with no lag!!  I played that game for 3 years with no issues!   IMHO everything released from that game forward has been rushed to release, buggy as all heck, patched like crazy to make it somewhat playable, and has had lag issues out the whazzzooo!!!  I have kept buying all the new games hoping they would get it right once again, but each new title has continued to be a let down!

I will play all the mentioned games above, and try not to get too frustrated, but I truly wish they would release another game like BF2......we will see how BF3 is when it is released for PC....one can only hope!
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HappyFri Jan 14, 2011 5:47 pm

I just bought WAW because of BK! I really enjoy BO and have some pretty good rounds, as for WAW I have only played about 3 matches and I really am pitifull at it. I think I am like 1/40 combined in 3 rounds.
It really is a diferent game and I actually have fun just spectating and maybe I can learn some of the maps. That is where I think my big disadvantage is...I am lost on ALL maps and most everyone else knows them really welll. I am going to keep giving WAW an honest try, and maybe once I am able to Creat a class things might change for the better.
Game play wise I would have to agree that WAW is laid-back and much less stressfull than BO. As a noob to WAW I would recomend playing it if you like the COD series.
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