Polite & Friendly's


New XM25 Rifle - being deployed in Afghanistan

SilexxThu Dec 02, 2010 5:43 pm

Read about it here : XM25 rifle

So the question is - will they be adding this in an update of Call of Duty: Black Ops?

Would that be considered a secondary weapon or an assault rifle?
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SilexxThu Dec 02, 2010 5:45 pm


OMG - it is one nasty weapon!
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DamonThu Dec 02, 2010 6:25 pm

CoD:BO is not a modern day setting, so I doubt it will be added.
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ImmolationThu Dec 02, 2010 6:27 pm

Damon wrote:

CoD:BO is not a modern day setting, so I doubt it will be added.

That is correct.
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SilexxThu Dec 02, 2010 7:08 pm

OK - I meant to say Call of Duty: Future Ops (wink wink)
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ImmolationThu Dec 02, 2010 7:47 pm

That will be in the future though and will not have any "modern" weapons in it. Battlefield 2142 had a mini rocket launcher where you could set the detonation distance though.
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Silent_WolfThu Dec 02, 2010 7:49 pm


Damon wrote:

CoD:BO is not a modern day setting, so I doubt it will be added.

Wait, there is something wrong with this statement.  If BO doesnt take place with modern equipment, then when  did I miss the exploding arrow tips or the RC c4 with digital displays?

I think the XM25 should be added to the line up and be in the same class as the L.A.W. or RPG.

But thats just my 2 cents.  Anyone got change?
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CADFatherThu Dec 02, 2010 8:20 pm

There are several weps in BO that did not exist in the time period that the game is set in.  So this one would be an acceptable addition as well.  The XM-25 is a lot of weapon but it does carry a hefty price tag for an issue weapon, I believe it comes in at close to $35,000 a piece.  Sure that price will come down a bit with production, but the country is already broke so what are going to buy it with, Hope and Change?
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SilexxThu Dec 02, 2010 8:52 pm

".... but the country is already broke so what are going to buy it with, Hope and Change?"

We could always borrow more from China, that seems to work. Imagine, China paying for our soldiers military weapons.  Not like we have been there before.
So far it is "hope" that is carrying the dollar right now, because we are sure out of credit.
Keep the faith brother...

"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value --- zero."  Voltaire (1694-1778)

Throughout history every time a fiat currency is introduced, inflation soon follows. It has happened over and over and over again. Yet we never learn as we continue to deficit spend our way to prosperity.

So what really is the Dollar worth? Exactly what someone is willing to exchange it for. A fiat currency can best be described as faithed backed currency. You need to have faith that the government (printing the currency) can maintain credibility, balance budget, and a control of money flow. Once faith and confidence is lost the value spirals down and usually out of control.

No nation in the history of civilization has devalued themselves to prosperity.  -  But I am sure that Treasury Sec. Geithner and  "The Bernack" will die trying!

Maybe I could get some stimulus money to buy an XM25
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DamonFri Dec 03, 2010 1:49 am


Explosive projectiles have been around for ages, C4 since the 1950's (which had earlier variations), and digital displays aren't new either.
I can understand the desire to use something like the XM25, but it has no place in CoD:BO.
However, it would be nice if Treyarch allowed players to switch weapons, like the M16, between semi-auto and 3-round burst fire for different combat situations.
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13LegionFri Dec 03, 2010 3:48 am

MK 19 was my choice back in the day....Rock n roll..Let's not get to political here...Some may take offense to politically based comments posted in our forums..Whether correct or not. Laughing  Bottom line big ball of fire in the sky, could  explode,engulf planet, no need to worry about anything, enjoy gaming!!!! Cool
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SilexxFri Dec 03, 2010 4:11 pm

Truly sorry - as I did not think I was being political - but rather economical. I certainly do not believe that Voltaire would be supportive of either party.

With all sincerity, I hope that I did not offend any of my BK Republican or Democrat brothers - as I was focusing my efforts (or one could say - broadside) at the Fed, which is supposedly a non-political organization.
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