Polite & Friendly's


Post Deletion?

VandalTue Nov 23, 2010 7:58 pm

Last night I submitted a post titled something like "Request for banned account reactivation"

As of this morning, the post (which was a detailed account of what took place) was on the CoD:BO forums.  The replies to it indicated I should submit a ticket for this matter to be looked into which I had done.  In the ticket, I referenced the post as I didnt feel it would be pertinent to reiterate the situation in a ticket when the post contained all the details.

As of this afternoon, it appears the post was deleted.  Although my account shows I've posted twice, searches for those posts come up with no response.  Additionally, the post no longer exists on the forums.

Why was my post deleted?  Nothing in the post was inflammatory and other postings requesting ban reactivations continue to exist.  I don't ask for much and have always enjoyed playing with BK on their servers...but this isn't boding well.  At the least, let the OP know why via email that their post was deleted and why if you already have to go through the motions of deleting it.  That process alone probably would take more time than a simple explanation.

Thanks again.
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tetTue Nov 23, 2010 8:00 pm

More than likely it was moved to another section of the forums.  Not deleted.  When a post is moved generally it is to be reviewed by officers.  No worries man.
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LADYHAWKTue Nov 23, 2010 8:06 pm

the post is where the admins and officers can view it while the ban is being delt with.....
thanks Smile
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OldYellrTue Nov 23, 2010 8:13 pm

Please make sure you were banned in the first place as Steam will automatically temp ban you for 5 minutes for TK'ing 4 players in a map.

Kicks also sometimes says banned from server but in reality it was just a kick.

Just sayin' make you are not getting all huffy for not.

We only perma ban for very specific reasons listed in our rules on the website.

Don't worry... be happy mon.
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pfrmanTue Nov 23, 2010 8:15 pm

Vandal dont know if you saw my question. Ever play EQ under that name?
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LukeTue Nov 23, 2010 8:29 pm

As posted on the homepage And on sent to you Please use the contact off button to the requested 2 be inbanned. You even responded saying you would do it later today. So the post was removed after you replied.

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VandalTue Nov 23, 2010 8:30 pm

Thanks everyone for the quick responses.  Good to know the post is in a safer location for review.

re: pfrman

Sorry, I had replied in the OP I submitted thinking along the lines of CoD and the like.  Otherwise, no, I wasnt a EQ player though I had many friends who were.  I fell into the WoW crack and have been there since first beta...currently praying that the KotR-MMO takes over for me.

Thank you Luke.
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VandalTue Nov 30, 2010 12:16 am

Ya know...

I just have to say how disappointed I am with how this all has been treated by BK as a whole.  Considering the levity thats awarded to other players who break the rules which actually affect the gameplay, this situation, while being misrepresented by whomever and now apparently completely dismissed by BK's officiating staff is unfortunate.  It is clear to me why now my OP was deleted by Luke.  It wasnt because I had responded saying that I'd fill out the ticket, but that what was said in the OP, while true, painted some of BKs staff as hasty and lacking in judgment.  

We had some good times on your servers and will continue to do so on those servers which we have access to.  As for the solicitation to join your group or the resolution of the ban which has been dismissed by your ruling members, well, nothing needs to be said as your silence speaks louder than anything that could be said.

Stay low and avoid the cross-hairs.  You have some good people in your group...just disappointed how this was handled is all.

Vandal - AKA Ro0ster & Autumn
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