Polite & Friendly's


MOH news! ( Even if it is bad news! )

WannaBThu Oct 28, 2010 4:07 pm

As everyone knows the DLC Clean Sweep will be coming out on Nov. 2.

What im guessing you didnt know is there is also another DLC coming out called Hot Zone. I know i know your probably going " yay new stuff! " Well not to bust your bubble but i also have some bad news.

But first let me tell  you what Hot Zone is.

Hot Zone is a new type of gameplay where teams fight for control of a location on the map. It is sort of a king of the hill game, if you will. The team that controls the position the longest wins. The Hot Zone gameplay mode will be playable on two new maps, which are called Hindukush Pass and Korengal Outpost, as well as on Shahikot Valley and Helmand Valley.

Clean Sweep = Free
Hot Zone = 10.00

Are you kidding me? WHY are PC players getting charged money for DLC? All it is is just another gameplay mode..... this isn't even an expansion...

First off the game was 60 bucks for PC; Already 10 bucks more than it should have been. Then they want to charge you to get another game mode... Whats next? $10 for 100 bullets? I mean Vietnam for BC2 is a whole new expansion and its only $15.

Sorry if i seemed outraged but this to me is a hit below the belt for PC gamers. What do you guys think?
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ArticAntThu Oct 28, 2010 4:30 pm

I think... like airlines charging for checked bags, banks charging account fees and a host of other business model changes that PC gamers need to get use to the idea of paying for new content.

As for the initial price, it is purely a question of price elasticity. At what price level can a game be sold to optimize the profit contribution of the game at launch, and then what level will it go to after the initial wave of adopters. Like everything from iPhones, iPads and CDs everything goes down in price after the initial launch. You can either wait, or pay the list price because you have to have it now.

A  benefit  of PC gaming is that with many games you can write your own modded content, and offer that to the community at no charge. However we shouldn't expect gaming companies with stockholders and employees they need to pay for their time to not act in the interest of their stakeholders.

I don't understand why the PC gaming community complains about pricing. Why would a company spend 10s of millions of dollars on game development to give it away.

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ImmolationThu Oct 28, 2010 4:52 pm

This is the way pc gaming is headed. I'm not outraged about it. We all knew it would come some day. Prices will keep going up, and you'll have to start paying more and more for extra content.

Now that doesn't mean I'm going to start spending more money on games... Smile
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WannaBThu Oct 28, 2010 5:27 pm

Its silly, new content to me isn't adding new game modes. New content is either adding to the story line or adding more than just maps.

PC gamers shouldn't be charged to get content; we never have and shouldn't be. This is just a stepping stone to see how many people are willing to pay even more. For as much as we have to pay to get our rigs up and running we shouldn't have to pay to get things like this.

This is almost as bad as Activision charging to play the multiplayer portion of a game. Its going to happen, just when ...

Its funny, gaming companies lose a lot more money when people buy used games compared to people who pirated the game. Yet they are focusing on trying to stop pirates from doing so... then they do things like this... its just sad if you ask me. :)

oh well BC2 shall be my friend for a bit while longer Razz
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HeraclasThu Oct 28, 2010 7:24 pm

welcome to consol games ,kids pay 4 everything^^hehehe.

but you're right WannaB.
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Warwick7thThu Oct 28, 2010 8:20 pm

I dunno.  I'm kinda with Arctic on this.  It's about business.  We are customers.  If we want what the business offers, THEY dictate what it will cost us and we simply have to make a decision.  If enough folks don't pay, then the price will go away.  But I don't think enough people will pass up the new content.
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DFMhellboyThu Oct 28, 2010 8:20 pm

Cool, I can't wait to try them out.  As to EA charging us for additional content, as Immolation touched on this will soon be the norm. It's already started.  Anyone think this is not going to happen with COD BO as well? People are wiling to pay to play. Any game developer that does not take advantage of that is a fool. They respect the PC gamers concerns...all the way to the bank. This is the era of big business in video game development and we will pay accordingly.
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Silent_WolfThu Oct 28, 2010 9:12 pm

MY 2 CENTS.....

I would first like to say that I have no intentions of starting an argument or any kind, I just wanna run my views of the situation with my fellow BK members.

-Companies are in business to make money, so if they can find a way to make money and get away with it they will do it. I would be willing to bet if apple, driod or Black Berry said, "There is a new OS for your phone that will make it do something new, but in order for you to get the new OS you need to spend $10.00 to get it" that 95% of the those user would pay for it just to see what it does even though they would complain that they have to spend more money.  I'm not saying I agree with this practice, its just the way business is.

-Price point of $60 bucks when almost every other game is $50.  My Opinion: I would be willing to bet they know they are going to get spanked by COD BO and want to get as much money out of MOH before 11.09.2010.

-Console vs PC:  I personally think that having to spend extra for gaming on PC kind of sucks.  I mean if you want to take advantage of the new game that just came out you need to, so much memory, so much HDD space, this graphics card, new monitor, the internet speed(which you have to pay the internet company their money too). At this point the only thing a console needs is the internet.

Just my 2 Cents.......  I feel better now
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ArticAntThu Oct 28, 2010 9:20 pm

Silent_Wolf wrote:

MY 2 CENTS.....
-Price point of $60 bucks when almost every other game is $50.  My Opinion: I would be willing to bet they know they are going to get spanked by COD BO and want to get as much money out of MOH before 11.09.2010.

Exactly... They are optimizing profit in the short-term, because they know sales will fall off dramatically on 9 November.

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ThillionThu Oct 28, 2010 9:41 pm

Well, I am not buying it. If its an update, then give it to us. But I am not going to purchase it, as it only gives them more reason to increase costs for everything. A few buy it ok, but alot will have to purchase it in order for it to become the norm. So I will keep my 10 bucks and spend it on a burger, fries and a unsweetened tea, I may even get the wife something................lol.
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The_Mad_CappRThu Oct 28, 2010 10:36 pm

I don't get any of your attitudes...the COD community offers so much free content but no one takes advantage of it and it would be an outrage to add new maps. Then its an outrage to pay for it...so exactly what do you want? Honestly,  I didn't even buy my copy of COD W@W because it was 59.99 and I refused to pay that, so a friend got it for me as a gift. As a consumer we really do set the price, even if you think we don't. I boycotted COD 6 MW2 and stood behind that decision even when so many caved like a shallow tunnel. And if you think game development companies didn't notice all that, think again. PCr's had better step up to the plate and swing...or its over as we know it. What will you use those $1200 - $2000 dollar paperweights for then, static desk sculpture?. We do have the power to make changes in OUR world.
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MojoFri Oct 29, 2010 7:53 am

Consoles have been profitable from the get go for the companies and PC hasnt.  We all complain that PC games are all dumbed down console games.  Honestly if it takes $10 price increase and paid DLC to get the companies to shift the focus BACK to PC as the premiere platform I wont like it but I'll damn well pay it.  I am tired of console ports and the game companies have at least made an effort to shift focus.  IMHO the smart companies have realized consoles cant really evolve much further w/o becoming PC's in everything but name only.  I mean look at the newest console Wii its not more advanced it's just different cause what would have been the point in releasing a product that was an XBox/PS3 clone.  Blame every console owner out there for bending over and taking the dumbed down  sludge they gobbled up for the last 10 years and paid for at rediculous release prices they could have spent 1-200 $'s more and got a mid level PC. You will notice if you have been around long enough that as soon as consoles took off they nudged the heck out of ppl from PC by no longer accepting unopened returns and the biggest thing  NO MORE USED PC  ( that meand you EBGames/GAMESTOP ) game trade ins.  
                                                     rant off partially still buzzed from happy hour and I dont want to go overboard and ruin the rest of the night.

P.S. unless you havent been paying attention at all ALMOST EVERY major has increased the avge price to $60 it has nothing to do with milking it before another game release cause if you dont think COD will be $60 ...you be crazy mon      Gamestop
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MeatMang-BK-Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:41 pm

Online has taken on many different meanings and business models ... and it will continue to change rapidly as it has done so.
Wait until the internet and all in-house electronics (pc, console, appliances and electronics) come together in the near future.

and the machines shall rise to control their makers ...  
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McPainSat Oct 30, 2010 7:22 am

Personally I have no problem with paying top dollar for a very good game. After all a lot of time and money was spent developing the game. If a company fronts the money and takes the risk, they deserve to make a profit.

Having said that a lot of games coming out now are sub standard at best and I'm not buying anything else until after it's been out and running. If the game is good I'll wait until the price drops, if the game is so-so like BC2 I'll pass totally.

COD 5 is still good in my opinion and it doesn't cost me anything more to play, with the exception of the monthy donation to BK for the servers.
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DiggerBazSat Oct 30, 2010 1:00 pm

Hellboy, I like your sig
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