Polite & Friendly's


Is Hero On Demand dead or just ... dead ?

[HoD]Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:19 am

I just want to say...
My health and my nerves are giving out.
I'm 24 years old and I'm already walking down the road -_-
I don't want to complain... Bcos' I've been runnin that way.
I'm sorry bout what I'm bout to say, I know it should not be typed down here but...
I need to stfu and endure, deal with my own "failure".


I been away for so long without giving any signs...
I had my reasons, I had my reasons... which still hurts.
For a guy named Hands of Death, I been doing my job but when it's your turn, it's something else.
Altho I was aware since my first breath, I was not expecting it to come so early.

Guess Karma and the balance has something to do with it...
Bet I've been bad enough to be one of those first departed. (not even sure if that makes sense but just to make sure that you get it... "The bests always dies the firsts.")

Don't want you to be sad nor do I want you to pity me.
I made it be this way... (You die the way you live)
"If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword."

Don't mourn me. (I know you won't and that please me... mourning days sucks.)
On that very day... what I'm asking you is... to make sure you tell all the ones you love that you love them..
That you stop smoking if you are and that you live your life with Karma in mind.
Life will get back @ you no matter what you do, make sure your papers are in order just in case shit happens.
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OldYellrFri Oct 22, 2010 4:27 pm

Wow! Are you saying what thing you are saying?

Bro I wish you well and I know we will meet again someday on the other side.

God speed my friend.
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HeraclasFri Oct 22, 2010 5:07 pm


i wish you the best...
i hope......ah i have no words.

i hope i c you ahain.
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LukeFri Oct 22, 2010 7:06 pm

You are in our thoughts and prayers if you need someone to talk to just hop on TS.

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Am3ricaFri Oct 22, 2010 8:06 pm

Ill be praying for ya man.
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