Polite & Friendly's


Medal Of Honor Beta is live let us know what you think.

tetThu Oct 07, 2010 4:50 pm

My gripes aside, I am having fun with it.  So don't get me wrong.
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WannaBThu Oct 07, 2010 6:21 pm

Actually Braxis this isn't really a beta ^_^ Baja has already said this "beta" was basically meant to be a network stress test. They dont have anything in place to capture bugs or crashes like BC2 did. ( when ever your game crashed it logged and sent it to the devs ;P )

So it should have been named a demo rather than a beta :)

Also 3 day is no where near enough time to beta a product ;P
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ImmolationThu Oct 07, 2010 6:37 pm

They had the beta test going on for a few months before this... you just had to preorder the game to play it.
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WannaBThu Oct 07, 2010 9:21 pm

i realize but from playing the first beta as well as the second i only noticed a little difference.

This is a new build of the game which means its going to be whats on the disc when you buy the game. With such a short amount of time, its not a beta but a demo.
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BraxisThu Oct 07, 2010 10:24 pm

yea, but "Beta" makes ppl feel special... lol
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WannaBThu Oct 07, 2010 10:38 pm

meh i hate the use of the word.

90% of the time it just means " were gonna release this just to make you feel special that you get to see the product before anyone else does! Very Happy "
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HeraclasThu Oct 07, 2010 10:53 pm

it is long long ago ,that i've played such a bad game.
don't like the whole optics / movement / game-style / atmosphere

for me , it's just a 0815 game...id never pay more than 10 bucks for it.

have fun to play with turbanheads and sandals.
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WannaBThu Oct 07, 2010 10:58 pm

Heraclas wrote:

it is long long ago ,that i've played such a bad game.
don't like the whole optics / movement / game-style / atmosphere

for me , it's just a 0815 game...id never pay more than 10 bucks for it.

have fun to play with turbanheads and sandals.

xD lol sorry i found that funny Very Happy
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HeraclasFri Oct 08, 2010 9:49 am

lol np Smile
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PastorDanFri Oct 08, 2010 1:46 pm

It has a better graphics look and feel like CoD W@W and the speed of BFBC2.

It is what BFBC2 should have been.  I like it, but only have the $ for one new game, and it will probably be Call of Duty Black OPS.  If and when I can get a good deal on MOH later in 2011, then I'll probably pick it up.
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ArticAntFri Oct 08, 2010 3:36 pm

Its a good game, fun and different. We always compare games to other ones we're playing, rather than take them for what they are... The weapon customization is cool; the streak awards are fun; and movement is fine once you get the right mouse sensitivity setting. The combat mission mode is a challenge and requires good team work.

I've tried many different games, some only for an hour and then deleted them with buyers remorse. Its nice to have an alternative when your bored, want a change of pace or just frustrated. For me MOH is a good alternative FPS.

I pre-ordered after the first beta because even with its faults (every game has them)  it was entertaining. Playing with Karow, BigDuke, PastorDan, Smile, UFans and others back in the original beta was great fun and a welcome change of pace. This time add in Warwick, Cmedic, 13Legions, SniperChick (i mean PiperChick),  and others in the same server and it gets only better.

Let's stop hating this game or that game, and just take them for what they are - entertainment and a little welcome stress relief.

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WannaBFri Oct 08, 2010 3:56 pm


open quote It is what BFBC2 should have been.

BC2 was not meant to be a TDM style of play. It is meant for teams to actually use strategy to get objectives. While in MOH, even though your on a team your basically a rogue player. To me to say " it is what BFBC2 should have been " is a complete insult to BC2. Its quiet frankly an insult to the people who play and like the game.


open quote Let's stop hating this game or that game, and just take them for what they are - entertainment and a little welcome stress relief.

Exactly, if someone bashes BC2 im going to stand up for the game. MOH is just a dumbed down version of the frostbite 1.5 engine. So to say one game is better than the other is just silly. They run the exact same engine ( minus destruction 2.0 ) and the only thing that has really changed is the texture and weapon damage. For the most part its the same exact game. Dont believe me? Say something that is actually different about the game. ( other than things like story line, characters, etc )
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BraxisFri Oct 08, 2010 3:59 pm

^hear hear!  Totally agree with you AA, once you get a number of BK in a server, its awesome. I think the most fun I've had with this game so far was when I was all alone against Sunnygunns, Karow, Luke and UFANS.  Sooo challenging, but so much fun.

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Cmedic89Fri Oct 08, 2010 4:35 pm

I honestly had a blast playing with BK members on the game such as Karow, ArcticAnt, Spider, DevilDog (especially the military branch rivalry we had going on  Very Happy ) and others. Weather I was on the same team or not, playing with them just increased my enjoyment of it. The very first time I played a map on the beta (the real small one) I have to admit, at first i was kinda turned off on it because I was comparing it to COD WAW. Once I set my mind on the fact that its a different game and actually got the hang of it I had a blast. The opfor camping out on the objective based game on the snowy mountains didn't frustrate me as that was what they where supposed to do, it was the coalition team camping that frustrated me, especially when I was on the coalition side.

Not to say its not a good idea for there to be 1 or 2 snipers on the coalition side providing overwatch and anti-sniper support but when 90% of your team is snipers and your the only one trying to go for the objective thats the only time i was genuinely frustrated. Not the games fault though just the players doing their own thing. I really had a blast with it, just got tired of playing the same two maps over and over again lol!

The point-chain-rewards where a blast (no pun intended) I especially liked that you didn't have to call in mortar support if you didn't want to and could get a UAV, more powerful ammo, and body armor. The difficulty in the chain is just right, not overly hard, but not incredibly easy either. Sometimes I think that the weapons are too balanced in to being almost a carbon copy of each other but i can see why they did it and its not a big deal.

All games have flaws and the ones in this game isn't anything I haven't seen in all the other FPS's I've played. I'm looking forward to the game coming out and especially excited to play the single player (probably beat that in a day LOL) which from what I read from people who got sneak peaks, is going to be insane!
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DFMhellboyFri Oct 08, 2010 5:46 pm

@ Wannab: It's official... This game is better than BC2.
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