Polite & Friendly's


Medal Of Honor Beta is live let us know what you think.

StrandWed Oct 06, 2010 5:26 pm

I let this screen shot give my opinion :)

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WannaBWed Oct 06, 2010 5:35 pm

Hmm camptacular Wink nice k/d though!
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StrandWed Oct 06, 2010 5:37 pm

All those support actions really pad the score though, I might of actually shot 30 people Razz, I was also using the Ak47, extra mag, and red dot sights
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UchiMataWed Oct 06, 2010 7:14 pm

Well guys I just came off a server where I saw a guy go 92/5 and then 74/2 before losing contact with the EA servers.
Very obviously the teleport hack was alive and kicking. I wondered how squads of marines were spawning around me as I was spawning as an OpFor.
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Cmedic89Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:43 pm

I have not ran into a teleport hack yet, although there are times I swore that there was a wall hack going on. Then again, that could be me being a lousy player LOL!  I usually play on the chicago servers. I havn't ran into much trouble from them.

Also, just because i have an OCD issue with technicalities, they are Army Rangers  Wink.  (not even a big deal, just gotta stick up for my fellow soldiers  Very Happy )

Anyways, I'm hoping that when the game actually comes out, the amount of hackers will decrease.
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UchiMataWed Oct 06, 2010 8:05 pm

Whoops - yes, apologies for the poor generalisation - it's only a game. I appreciate that real men and women are on the front line for real and deserve recognition and respect.
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AuToWed Oct 06, 2010 8:23 pm

good game, BUT it needs

#1 a BK server,properly administrated.

-more realistic  blast radius and timing on hand nades.
-same for rifle nades. they are useless as is.

cooperation in securing objectives is pretty much built into this game. random free for alls just don't really work for it.

and of course, ping times!

lets get a server started, ppl!

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Cmedic89Wed Oct 06, 2010 9:10 pm

UchiMata wrote:

Whoops - yes, apologies for the poor generalisation - it's only a game. I appreciate that real men and women are on the front line for real and deserve recognition and respect.

LOL like i said, its not that big a deal, i've always had ocd for minor details like that. Also, devildog and I have been at each other, him being a former marine and me being a soldier. Can't let him have any more ammo to fuel the fire  Wink

The timing on the grenades are realistic, a lot of them go off in 3 seconds in real life even though they are supposed to go off in 5. As i stated in another thread, yea I agree the kill radius is WAY off and feels more like a fire cracker. I'm sure that they did it to prevent them from being spammed, even though there are other ways to do it...

Otherwise i'm real happy with it, not sure if its going to be better than Black Ops will be, but i'll probably end up getting them both.
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DFMhellboyWed Oct 06, 2010 9:16 pm

Just played 3 hrs.  I finally lost connection.  In one game I ranked up in assault and spec-ops class very quickly. Like all games, play for a while and you get your groove on. I would rather everything not be shades of light blue and grey but BF2 has that same issue. I love the weapon sounds, they keep me stimulated enough to keep on playin.  I don't think it is as polished as BC2 but it is nice to play a new game. I look forward to playing the single player. Should be nice to look at.
All in all it is good enough to keep me entertained till BC2 Vietnam is released. I am not overly excited for Black-Ops due to the fact it looks and plays like MW2 but I will be giving it a whirl as well.
Now, Halloween is coming so be sure to get you some pumpkin pie folks.
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PiperchickWed Oct 06, 2010 9:45 pm

I've played it a bit, and overall I think it's a change of pace from W@W.  It's a LOT faster pace, though from reading the comments here, apparently not as fast-paced as BC2.  (I've not played BC2, so I can't speak to that from personal experience)  I can see myself playing it from time to time, but I don't know how long the fast action is going to hold me.  For me, the people make the game.  When I get in our server, playing with our folks, I think that will up my enjoyment level quite a bit.  The one thing I will miss from W@W, though, is just being able to type funny remarks in chat, and the back & forth that a more leisurely game pace allows me.  This game is just too fast for that.

I am never going to be a top-notch FPS gamer.  I'm not horribad, but I'm never going to be one of these folks getting 50 kills a game with minimal deaths.  One reason I've enjoyed W@W is that it allows me to feel that I at least have a chance when I play.  I don't have to be the best, but it's no fun just getting killed over and over without feeling like you can compete either.  (And please spare me the "L2P kthxbai" remarks, please Smile )  I just don't have time to spend hours a day honing my skills.  I play to socialize and have a bit of fun and blow off some steam.

I see MoH being the kind of game I play when I just want to blow stuff up and blast away.  Sort of my "bad mood" game.  W@W will still be a draw for me, though, because...well...I like to talk and chat and take it easy, too. Smile
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tetThu Oct 07, 2010 3:31 am

The spawnkilling is the worst I have ever seen.  The shotgun is broken.  No way they should get a one shot kill 50 feet away.
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WannaBThu Oct 07, 2010 3:35 am

tet wrote:

The spawnkilling is the worst I have ever seen.  The shotgun is broken.  No way they should get a one shot kill 50 feet away.

Just think, once people get the scope on the sniper rifles is going to be an all out camp fest Very Happy
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13LegionThu Oct 07, 2010 4:02 am

Had some fun 2nite playing with the boys (and girls sry Pip!!) I think I'm gonna give it a go. I still think spawn camps are horrible though. I wonder if we'll be able to give a 3 sec spawn armor to protect players from this...Possible or no go?
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WannaBThu Oct 07, 2010 6:01 am

no! worst idea ever Very Happy

Spawn protection is the dumbest thing alive lol Its sooooooooo annoying in BC2.

They just need to implement whats in BC2. ( kills you if you go into there spawn area ) The only problem is that with the maps being so small and spawn flips happening so often its impossible.
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BraxisThu Oct 07, 2010 5:01 pm

Ok, so I just jumped on and played for about an hour, here are my thoughts.

1 - they have made the bandwidth requirements very low, I'm currently stuck on a ~70Kbps wifi connection and I only had minimal lag, and was still able to post respectable scores. this is a big plus in my book.

2 - The weapons are decently balanced, tho the skins/names of the guns are completely meaningless, they are simply assault/SMG/Sniper/shotgun.  AK47 vs M16 means nothing, just a different skin on the same stat weapon. as to if this is good or not... I can see why they had to do it for balance, but the gun nut in me still cries a little.

3 - the killstreak awards are oversized on the maps that are provided in the beta, but we'll probably remove them alltogether on our server, so i guess thats a non-point.

Final remarks, this is a decently solid shooter, and i'll be getting it, if only to mess with the single player.  

I will also say what I said about BC2 when the beta was out. THIS IS A BETA!!  The purpose is to give feedback to the Developers so they they can make improvements and fix bugs.  It is not going to be perfect.  Another thing, remember that there are only 2 maps available at the moment, so expect to get destroyed by the few tireless obsessives who have been playing straight since the beta started.  Please remember that we will largely be playing in our own server, with our own rules.  

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