Polite & Friendly's


Medal Of Honor Beta is live let us know what you think.

LukeMon Oct 04, 2010 2:55 pm

Let us know what you think of the MOH beta. I would love to hear from members and non members. If you do not have the beta you can get it from steam quickly.

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CapZacMon Oct 04, 2010 3:00 pm

Please keep comments factual,honest, and unbiased since this may influence the buying decisions of others.

Preferrable leave comments after a minimum few hours gameplay and map/game mode variety for comprehensive review.

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Cmedic89Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:45 pm

Oops...I didn't realize you made a thread concerning thoughts on the beta. I made one real early this morning when the servers just came on with my thoughts on it.  Confused
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LukeMon Oct 04, 2010 3:45 pm

My early feelings on the game is that the Objective mode is where BK will be playing. 1 server with all weapons and perks in HC mode. This game has larger maps not as big as BFBC2 but not as small as W@W. I do not think we will be enforcing crouch only. (We do plan to run our servers like that in COD BO.) Of course we willn updating the rules over the first few months to better fit the game.

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Chief-USNMon Oct 04, 2010 6:07 pm

The graphics are decent.  Some potential spawn kill areas exist, of the 2 maps that are on the Beta, both take place in mountainous areas.  The Beta has a BF feel to it with the 2 maps both being capture the flag/defend/attack type gameplay.  They were having some issues earlier today with the servers.  The only thing I wished they had was a prone position as I saw a pretty fair amount of running and gunning.  The add on weapons, (RPG7, ATM were awesome..)

Aim for the muzzle flashes as a way to get hilltop snipers (as always, but they are smaaaaall)

Looks to be a good game.

my 2 cents.
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wesleyMon Oct 04, 2010 6:36 pm

I like it so far and if I compare it to BC2 I prefer MOH better, but so far I can't think that this beta compares to CoD:Waw. It's too early to say and I'll try to give it a fair chance. It's just a beta so far so I imagine many improvements are on the way.
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Warwick7thMon Oct 04, 2010 6:43 pm

I played the beta for about 10 or 15 minutes today at lunch and I have to say, even with the crazy EA Catalog server issues, the game is playable which is a DRAMATIC improvement over my experience with BFBC2.  In 15 minutes I didn't have time to get used to the controls and such but at least I had an idea as to what was going on and if I shot someone they actually got hit.
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LukeMon Oct 04, 2010 7:13 pm

They have fixed the server issues and the game seams to be running smoothly now. This is not a COD game it has very different game modes. I recommend taking it at face value for what it is.

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Warwick7thMon Oct 04, 2010 7:23 pm

hehe...I'll have to wait and see what the game modes are all about.  In the short amount of time that I had, I was more interested in seeing whether or not the thing would run on my rig.  I'm satisfied that it will run...now the trick is figuring it out and that clock is ticking so I best get to it.

anyone willing to call my wife and explain why I can't cook dinner tonight?  Or how about how I can't clean the kitchen?  Or why I can't walk the dog?
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ImmolationMon Oct 04, 2010 8:15 pm

I'm definitely liking the game so far. Seems almost like a mix between the battlefield series and the cod series.
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WannaBMon Oct 04, 2010 9:03 pm

I love the whole bashing of BC2 ^_^

Basically from playing for 2 hours

The game feels heavier than BC2, you character doesn't seem to run as fast in this game.

Gun characteristic are ok but need a little tweaking. For ex. the AK is no where near as stable as the M16, in the game they are very similar ( i guess its to keep the game balanced ) Idk maybe im wrong but guns do have recoil right?! The game has little to none.

Being that its a DICE game i have noticed some very familiar issues. Hit reg has already started to rear its ugly head.

Textures don't seem to match up, meaning that you tend to hit rocks and other objects instead of the enemy. ( perhaps this is the case with the whole hit reg? ) ( For example; pulling up your scope, shooting at an enemy, retracting your scope and noticing a bullet hole on the wall beside you from your gun )

Atm the game doesn't support the changing of FOV, unlike the last beta which allowed you to.... ( if you do it now it gives you a graphical glitch, sure the fov changes but yea... ill have to get a ss lol )

40mm and RPGs are crazy nerfed, you literally have to use them like bow and arrows; ( I suppose they did this to counteract the whole BC2 epidemic )

Over all the game feels very similar to BC2 graphics wise, but mechanics wise it feels totally different. To me your character has more of a stiff feel them and aren't as mobile. With the maps being so small spawn camping is just going to happen. ( I know i did it ^_^ )

The game is of course still plagued with many things that other frostbite games suffer from. ( getting stuck on rocks, limited smoke, no destruction 2.0 Wink )

Over all id give it a 6/10;
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BlackEagle5Mon Oct 04, 2010 11:21 pm

good game except on the fort level i can sometimes see through the ground so i can see the opfor team's legs so i gotten like a 10 killstreak with my m24 lol

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WannaBMon Oct 04, 2010 11:28 pm

BlackEagle5 wrote:

good game except on the fort level i can sometimes see through the ground so i can see the opfor team's legs so i gotten like a 10 killstreak with my m24 lol

Ah im not the only one having texture issues ;P Its annoying, if you do a quick shot at someone odds are your shot wont him them even if there in the open Sad
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The_Mad_CappRTue Oct 05, 2010 2:16 am

Not my cup of tea...

LOS (line of sight) problems like cod 5...rocks and textures shooting me. Rocks seem to emit bullets with no people behind the muzzle flash. Guess that explains the lack of lean. Everyone wants to camp a site with sniper rifles and shoot from textures without moving forward. Sad that those spots are so favored and sought out so fast. Other than that, It's well, simplistically speaking, boringly arcade-ish in control and playability. Weapons are ineffective for rolling battles, prolly explains the shooting from textures and 90% snipers. Played 19 min on the mountain map without ever getting 300 yds into the battlefield. 2 kills vs 32 deaths, trying to lead my US team down to the crash site, which were not following.

Conclusion, as a PC gamer, I wouldn't buy this game because I played 2142 already. This game was defiantly aimed and geared towards the console gamers.

Do you see a pattern developing?

...anyone know if console gamers will be sharing these servers, playing with the PC'rs?

I wonder why PC hardware manufacturing companies are not spending some $, to develop PC games that keep people buying all the PC goods: $300 Motherboards, $400 video cards, audio cards, joysticks, Extreme CPU's, 4, 6, 8+ gigs of memory, 10,000 RPM Hd's, high performance cooling solutions, cases, headsets, high performance monitors, gaming keyboards and mice, and not to mention all the other PC accessories not listed.

I am glad I was part of the PC gaming era. I am glad to have had such a grand time with all the PC'rs over the last 18 years.The era of PC gaming is at the end of it's life span I think. With parents of the last few years making a financial decision to purchase $300 gaming consoles over $1200 gaming rigs. A no brain er there for parents, as they propel Microsoft's world domination plan a few more steps forward.

Crosses fingers, hoping I am just being pessimistic.
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WannaBTue Oct 05, 2010 3:16 am

PC gamers and Console players will never be able to play together. Microsoft recently spent the time and money to develop a system which allowed this;

The project was instantly abandoned when PC gamers were going 20:1 ratios against console players. They put pro players console players vs new PC gamers.... yea it didnt go so well for the console players ^_^

As for this game, it screams console port. At least they spent some time on the MP and tried to make things fun. TBH i think they spent more time on BC2 than they did MOH. Thats just my opinion though ( edit i looked it up they did spend more time on it )

Idk with the xbox360 being around for another 4-5 years PC gaming is REALLY going to suffer.... ( Microsoft announced this a couple months back )
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