Polite & Friendly's


My thoughts on the beta after playing on it!

Cmedic89Mon Oct 04, 2010 9:36 am

Played the beta and the servers are not being stable at the moment so I figured i'd let y'all know my thoughts on it. I played on kendar base and (I forgot what the mission is actually called) the objective was to capture control points. Character movement, in my opinion, was very smooth. I ran into a few weird things when i died and my body started to spaz out on some of the pieces i was using as cover but that happens it wasn't anything too bad, he just sorta bounced around on his back a bit, or against the walls. The sound is very good and while its fast pace and in close you get more kills when you aim your weapon rather than firing off the hip, a few times you can get away with that if they don't spot you but thats not likely going to happen, so I was happy with that.

The weapons are very well balanced on both sides. The first round you play either opfor or coalition then the next round you play the other side. The pacing was VERY fast, i think on average a round lasted about 6 or 7 minutes. I've used the pistol to great affect but it doesn't seem like I can snipe with it like you can in WAW. Not that I tried to snipe with it in this game. The grenades, I'm sorta let down by. It would appear that you have to get that grenade RIGHT on the guy to kill him instead of it having a 5meter kill radius like in real life. Then again I am willing to let that slide for balancing issues so its not that big a deal. Its not that hard to get the grenade on them and it prevents the grenade launcher becoming a problem that a lot of people have in COD WAW.

It didn't take a full magazine to kill anyone either, depending on how accurate you are, I think it only took me 10 rounds to kill someone and the weapons fire at such a high rate that 10 rounds seemed like nothing. As for sound effects, Ak's sound like Ak's the m16 and m4's sound like they should and the pistols actually sound pretty realistic as well. Overall it's really a game you can hop right in, play, and have a good time with.

So far my only problem with, and this doesn't really affect game play its just a pet peeve. The assault class uses an m16A4 with an m203, pretty cool. Only difference between that and the m16A2 i was issued at basic is the A4 has a detachable rail sight so you can put on a whole bunch of cool hardware on it. In game though, its fully automatic. My drill Sgt's took us out to the range to play with ACOG sights mounted on to the m16A4's. I was first to go and looked at the selector switch while I was sliding the magazine in. It has safe, semi, and burst. When I played this beta I looked back in my soldier handbook and it confirmed that it dosn't have full automatic as well.

Really though,  thats just me being overly critical though its not a big deal and I'm pretty sure they did that to balance out with the AK47's full auto. I'm honestly having a blast with it. It's definitely different than WAW but not in a bad way. The action is constant there are a few good places where you can snipe if thats your thing, despite it being close in, but its not too hard to get around to them and take them out with a well placed 203. Deffinately not a game where its easy for someone to rack up 40 kills in a match.

Unlocking stuff really isn't that hard either, only took me 45 minutes to unlock new weapons for the assault class. Thats my opinion on the game so far, its looking good! Both game play and graphics wise!
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Am3ricaMon Oct 04, 2010 11:51 am

thanks for the info man!
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Cmedic89Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:33 pm

Not a problem man, wish I could give you info on the other type of mission where you have a bit more breathing room but i havn't been able to play a full round due to the servers being unstable. From what I did play the coalition attacks and try to capture points while the opfor defend them. If the Coalition captures a point then opfor gets pushed back further. This one is set in the snowy mountains, you can see the snow that collected onto the weapon and I find that, just as in real life, firing in 5-7 round bursts gives you more accurate shots on this map. I actually camped in a few spots and got about 6 kills before they took me out.

I messed with the m203 and tried my best to get a multi kill and just can't seem to do it, i know i wounded them because the hit indicater popped up in my crosshairs but i have to just about hit them directly for it to actually kill. So as I said earlier, the grenade launchers are not going to be a problem. When the enemy has a UAV pop up, you can actually shoot it down, you can see it hovering in the area where the player thats using it is. The incoming mortar fire is pretty cool, I kinda wish the incoming fire from the mortars was a bit more spread out as it would appear they have pin point accuracy. Granted now a days mortars are more accurate but in the end your essentially lobbing explosives out of a tube towards a target you can't see lol!

From what I played i kinda enjoyed this mission more than the other, don't get me wrong, both of them are great fun but this one is just more my style, its a bit less chaotic while the other one is just plain chaos! Also, I think winemaker would actually be able to set up with a sniper on this type of mission since its not as fast paced as the other if he where to play, next time I see him i'll definitely bring it up to him.

As you all probably know, there is no leaning or prone, you still have crouch and there are a lot of terrain pieces you can use for cover when your crouched, and in this game prone would be just about useless anyways. Q allows you to quickly change from your main weapon to your pistol. I can't remember what E did or if it did anything to be honest. Reloading weapons especially the squad automatic weapons (machine guns) do not take forever at all, I think the squad automatic ones take slightly longer but your not sitting there for about 5 minutes wishing you had sleight of hand either. You can sprint for a whole lot longer too. In WAW when you sprint its in a short bursts but in MOH you can sprint for much longer, I think you can until you take your finger off the shift key to be honest but i havn't tried that, was more concerned about staying alive LOL.

Haven't really played with the weapon customization much as i havn't unlocked too much, I unlocked a reflex sight that i have set up on the m249 Saw and extra magazines on all weapons. Looking at it though it seems that you would at one point be able to change out the stock barrel for something else. I am not sure if t just means you can put a suppressor on the end of it or if you can actually unlock a whole new barrel so take that with a grain of salt.

The servers are still unstable, i almost played a full round and then i get kicked off, you can tell its not just that server that i was on. First got on this morning and all the servers where about filled up, when the server that i was on crashed all the other ones did too as they where emptied out. Most of the time, I get as far as getting killed once or killing one and then i get kicked out, a few other times i get as far as getting out of spawn and i get kicked out. I'm afraid this is going to continue all day but i hope not.

I don't know if it has been discussed weather or not we are going to go by crouching rules on this game or not when it is released and Luke gets a BK server going on it. My thoughts on the 2 maps I did play. It's feasible to do crouch only on Kendar base as there is a bunch of cover as well as other places to hide out in. The mountain map, I highly doubt it,  a sniper can sit up on a ridge and take you out if you don't sprint for the nearest rock and then sprint again to move in closer to take him out. I'm sure this will be discussed when it comes out as we have to get a feel for the other maps to make a final decision based on what we are going to do, weather it be playing just a single type of mission or doing them all. I'm just giving y'all my 2 cents on the matter as the mountains are pretty open, not impossible to find cover but they are spread apart in a way that if you want to move in without getting killed, you better sprint.

If sniping and camping is your thing then this is definitely going to be your type of mission. For either side really.  Unfortunately, as we all know, 24 players is the max but with the size of these maps, any more would be just too much. So trying to get us all to play together on a server would be bothersome unless Luke wants to set aside a pass word locked server thats strictly for BK members and have another server or two open for anybody that wants to play. Once again my 2 cents as I do have my favorite people that I like to play with as I'm sure others do too. It's really not that big of a deal though as I'm sure Luke will get this all sorted out when we all get a hold of the game when it comes out.

This game really is worth a try though even if you are unsure of getting it. This game does have a lot of promise in my opinion. Anyways, id thought i would let y'all know as im sure most of you are at work, i have until the 7th off lol!
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