Polite & Friendly's


Leadfire's File

SilexxWed Sep 01, 2010 4:06 pm

I believe it was Leadfire (or Mega something on TS) that was talking about some kind of file (email) about some tips and tricks on being a better player for COD:WAW

I asked if he could email it to me or post it here. I have not heard - but if anyone did get that file - please do share.

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SinisterWed Sep 01, 2010 5:40 pm

There was this topic once...
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SilexxWed Sep 01, 2010 5:59 pm

Sinister - are you teasing me?
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SinisterWed Sep 01, 2010 6:17 pm

No@ Smile There really was this topic once, but I can't remember what it was... It had some tips in it...
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baumentWed Sep 01, 2010 11:45 pm

Yea, there is one in a thread somewhere, we all chimed in on our favorite techniques if I remember right........
If I get some time I'll see if I can find and bump it.
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MegaSArmFri Sep 03, 2010 1:17 am

Here you go, Enjoy and LEARN!  MegaSideArms

Sorry I haven't had a chance to post till now. I appreciate everyones input. You people have one tight community... and I wanna "git up in dat" community. Therefore I have just finished applying to CBBF. If I get in I will go get a headset and jump on the ts server, stat.

I would like to also thank everyone individually, Hoagie, Y2j, Gun_plumber, Recon_alpha, Megasidearms, Rogue2, Tphai, and Ethynfrost, just in case I don't get in. You guys are kickass! Business is Business though and if I am driving customers away, then that is bad 4 business. I would do the same.

Also, in case I don't get in, here is my current strategy and the history of that strategy for COD4 if anyone wants to know. Thats right, this is how Grabass goes about grabbing so much ass? So get your reading glasses and a helmet (in case you pass out from boredom). (sorry if this next part makes me sound like a douchebag but like my mom always said "the world needs douchebags too, dear") :

My current strategy for Cod4 has been the accumulation of over 10 years of "first person shooter" gaming starting with halflife 1. Needless to say I have been forced to eat my fair share of dirt. And in the worst ways.

I really feel I gained the most skill however, from playing COD2 for almost 4 years. I used to play on an awesome server called A41 gaming. I had the same issues with a lot of the veteran players. I couldn't understand how they always seemed to land a grenade on my head from across the map. And how they always seemed to have the advantage when we met face to face on the battle field.

The more I played though, the more I was able to increase my score. Then I realized why. FPS gaming is all about enemy prediction. We are playing on a finite map. Therefore the possibilities for enemy positions are finite. With that in mind , it begs the question, where would the enemies most likely be on any map?

The first part to this answer is of course the minimap/uav. One eye should always be on the uav. It is the best indicator of enemy position. Nothing is more frustrating than being ambushed by someone who was clearly on the uav but I just forgot to look until it was too late.

Second, Memorize the maps inside and out. Luckily, by simply playing everyday you will memorize them without even trying. But it helps to look for odd corners and hiding spots when its convenient. When I first got COD4 I started my own multiplayer game occasionally to play by myself and explore the maps without having to worry about dying all the time.

Thirdly, more predictability can be acheived depending on the game type (deathmatch, headquarters, the "disarm the bomb" thingy... oh yeah sabotage, etc) I prefer headquarters and sabotage partly because of the high level of possible experience points but mostly because of the higher probability of successful enemy location prediction. And thats what it all comes down to: Using logic to deduce or predict probable enemy locations. Where will the enemy probably spawn and where will the enemy probably go once they have spawned?


I always seem to spawn according to one or both of two rules:
1. spawn near my survivng team members
2. spawn on the opposite side of the map from the headquarters if the enemy is in control of the headquarters.

The same seems to apply to the enemy. So once again I can check my UAV, look for red dots and know that there is a good probability their teammates will be spawning near them.

If the enemy is in control of the headqaurters, they will be respawning near the headquarters.

If my team is in control of the headquarters then they will probably be spawning near the red dots furthest away from the headquarters.

This really comes in handy with air strikes. It feeals great to call in an airstrike that wipes the whole enemy team off the map because you made an educated guess at where the enemy would be spawning. Dont forget to take into account the amount of time it takes for the airstrike to actually hit, though. This leads us to the next topic, where will the enemy go once they have spawned?


Enemy Vector):

If you know where the headquarters is located (which we do because of the minimap/uav) then we know where most of the players are headed on the map. And If you are familiar enough with the map, then you know there are only a few routes a player can take to the headquarters.

So back to the air strike, If the enemy is in control of the headquarters its a no brainer. Lay the airstrike down on or near the headquarters. But if your team is in control then you must guess which path the enemy will use to get to the headquarters. Since there are only a few paths to the headquarters the odds are pretty good you will guess the right one.

Plant it ahead of where the dots are though, not on the dots because by the time the airstrike gets there, the enemy will have moved.


So now that we know where the enemy probably is, what is the best way way to take them out? To me this is the best part of COD4. There are so many combinations to be effective it really makes the game personal.

Here is my favorite setup though and why:

Weapon - Ak47 w/ silencer
the ak only because it is gold ( like My teeth or "grill" as they say in my part of the ghetto) but the silencer is what allows me to get the jump on the enemy. Getting off the uav is a big part of my strategy. It is hard to sneak up on a guy who knows exactly where I am. UAV Jammer is a good alternative to using a silencer.

Increased accuracy:
I cant stand it when my mouse pointer is clearly on the enemy yet my bullets seem to hit the outside of his sillhouette only. Firing from the hip gives me the greatest mobility when firing and I like to dance ( step from side to side) when face to face with an enemy so Increased Accuracy helps me to make contact. I also like to prone in this situation but I have trouble sitting still for that long. I like to keep moving because it is harder to hit a moving target.

Stopping Power:
SInce I use the sneeking strategy I want to kill the enemy in as few shots as possible. Stopping power can really conserve those precious bullets and take 'em out quickly at the same time.

3 frag grenades:
Lobbing nades on a probable enemy location can give great results with points and enemy location information.

The smoke grenade can be a real life saver when the enemy has you pinned down with snipers. Or when you want to get to another side of the map and your path is being well guarded by the enemy. It is way harder to hit what can't be seen.


Rig and internet connection:

the faster your pc is the better you will be. I build my own pcs. this is my current rig until the new quad core and 9800gtx comes out:
intel q6700
corsair xms2 ddr2 800mhz 2gigs
4 disc SATA II raid 0 array
Asus striker extreme mobo
sli - 2 evga 8800gtx
creative extreme gamer sound
xp pro 32 bit
20" widescreeen Samsung LCD

I noticed my ping is around 30 on the cbbf server and some of the other guys on the server are one hundred plus. A low ping is going to give an awesome advantage.


Sometimes I seem to spawn in all the right places (right behind you) and sometimes it is on the nade you just threw. It happens to everyone and there is nothing anyone can do about it. I just keep telling myself,

"It is ok to spawn on a nade. Spawning on a nade builds character and it tastes delicious. It also helps bald men regrow hair. Women who have trouble conceiving should also try spawning on a nade due to the increase in fertility it provides. Nades are high in vitimin C4 which is great for the flu season. Nades can also get rid of unsightly tumors, moles, limbs and heads. If the almighty Osiris didnt want us to spawn on nades then he would not have created them..."

Hope this helps. If anyone reading this has a strategy that works for them, I would love to read it. Hook me up with a post, sugar....(sugar?)  And if anyone wants to talk pc parts for upgrades and what-have-you, let me know.
i mean Grabass
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